The online racing simulator
version/ download links
(5 posts, started )
version/ download links
hi, im having problems trying to download and run the full game and a server. ive downloaded all version from the lfs site and have now activated the game 2 time today and dont wont to get it wrong agen coz now im not gonna be able to play from home now, tyvm
oh wait one sec iv done somthing really stupid and set my server to demo mode. but i still hade to download the new version and have to unlock the game twice coz i couldnt find a update for my old install!
Sorry, but you're not being very clear with what you're trying to achieve. You appear to want to run an online server, but you're also implying that you can't play online normally. Can you clarify? If you're running a very old version of LFS you will need to update for various reasons.

If you're just trying to run a server have you seen this thread:

I appreciate you want help, but without being less vague it's very hard for us to give you any at all...
i dont know how i can make it any clearer but dont worry its working now.

my second point, i guess i was just stateing how i have to download the full game because there was no patch to install over my old game. basicly iv not played the game in long time.

dont bother replying its all ok ive helped myself.
Quote from the_angry_angel :Sorry, but you're not being very clear with what you're trying to achieve. You appear to want to run an online server, but you're also implying that you can't play online normally. Can you clarify? If you're running a very old version of LFS you will need to update for various reasons.

If you're just trying to run a server have you seen this thread:

I appreciate you want help, but without being less vague it's very hard for us to give you any at all...

I am amazed by the work that all you mods are doing here. Just how much more patience have you got left? Respect.
As for the thread-maker, I have no clue what you're talking about

version/ download links
(5 posts, started )