The online racing simulator
infraction ribbons
(36 posts, started )
infraction ribbons
Did ribbons remove from CTRA raceauthority site when somebody drive 1year without causing any accident
Nope, your infractions are like imperemable markers. They can not ever be removed.
I did a search about this topic and found this thread. Sorry to bring it back on surface again but ... I had got three infractions in the past, which they were made at my first days of racing. I was pretty immature back then and didn't know the consequences of things like this. I have definitely improved my skills now and grown up and it's been about 6 months I haven't done anything wrong.. It's just unbearable to see these infraction ribbons over "You currently hold 20 lap records" (Just an example). Any chance they could somehow be removed?.. Also take this example as a general one.

P.S. sorry to ask same thing twice.
No, sorry. History is history and it cannot be deleted. However, if you did have a report against you something we look at is the timeline everything happens, when we are looking at with the reports we also look at the the points the person has, as well as yellows, finish percentage, ect.

So in other words let these other stats show that you can indeed drive and your history will mean less and less the farther we get from them.

:edit: Had a quick chat with Sam, we are possibly going to make it so some infractions will not be shown on public record after a given amount of time. However these will always show up to the admins and any league organizers pulling license information for recruitment.
ok, understood and fair reasons. Thank you for the clearing up.
#6 - SamH
Well, the available CTRA admins had a discussion on this topic today, and we've agreed that with immediate effect the public infraction ribbons will only show cautions issued for 6 months before being retired from public view. Short and mid-term bans will show for 1 year each. Permanent bans will always show.

The infractions will still be visible in drivers' own MyCTRA pages, and of course the information regarding the infractions will be retained in the driver's notes (and will always be used when assessing reports by CTRA admins), but public stats pages will not display them once they become older than 6 months (short/mid bans 1 year) from the date the reports were filed.

We agreed that most drivers do improve, they learn from their mistakes and they make efforts to fix problems. It's entirely in-keeping with the spirit of CTRA to acknowledge this and for the public stats to reflect that same view. Additionally for drivers, knowing that a bad history will not always be a millstone around a driver's neck is inspiration to keep working on making their stats look better in the CTRA. Nothing bad can come from that!
Quote from SamH :Well, the available CTRA admins had a discussion on this topic today, and we've agreed that with immediate effect the public infraction ribbons will only show cautions issued for 6 months before being retired from public view. Short and mid-term bans will show for 1 year each. Permanent bans will always show.

The infractions will still be visible in drivers' own MyCTRA pages, and of course the information regarding the infractions will be retained in the driver's notes (and will always be used when assessing reports by CTRA admins), but public stats pages will not display them once they become older than 6 months (short/mid bans 1 year) from the date the reports were filed.

We agreed that most drivers do improve, they learn from their mistakes and they make efforts to fix problems. It's entirely in-keeping with the spirit of CTRA to acknowledge this and for the public stats to reflect that same view. Additionally for drivers, knowing that a bad history will not always be a millstone around a driver's neck is inspiration to keep working on making their stats look better in the CTRA. Nothing bad can come from that!

Thank you very much SamH and the rest of the CTRA admins. This plan sounds fair to me .

Glad it will help =)
Is there a chart that tells people what each colour ribbon means?
#10 - SamH
Quote from Toddshooter :Is there a chart that tells people what each colour ribbon means?

Yep, click on Report Key when viewing a report on the report lookup page.
#12 - SamH
Just to round off, hovering over the image on the ribbon tells you what the block means as well as its corresponding report number and the date of the offence.

Sounds like you've got this pretty well thought out, Sam and the team, I like the ideas

Quote from Dark Elite :Just to round off, hovering over the image on the ribbon tells you what the block means as well as its corresponding report number and the date of the offence.

Sounds like you've got this pretty well thought out, Sam and the team, I like the ideas


Sam does a wicked job with the web interface, he's genius! I think he may be freaked out though if I ever mentioned the fact that I could kiss him because of it...oops

DONT RUN SAM! I DIDNT MEAN IT No you don't have to worry, I don't think any other Chris' want to kiss you either. Dustin maybe though, still not sure about that one
I'll take girls kthx.
"Take" is about right...

#17 - T!m0
If you receive a short term ban do you get a points deduction as well? Or are short term bans not meant to be the harder penalty but just a penalty for "different" situations?
#18 - SamH
Depending on how the admin wishes to deal with an infraction, sometimes bans also come with points penalties. All bans are regarded as more severe than standard cautions. Cautions involve points penalties.
Is it possible to remove public bans after driving 1year or more.If somebody dont report you
Quote from DU-racer :Is it possible to remove public bans after driving 1year or more.If somebody dont report you

Mid term bans will be removed, but not permanent.
Really Chris?! I could have never imagined that...
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Really Chris?! I could have never imagined that...

I think I will call you Captain Sarcasm from now on instead of Mr. Underpants...
As long as it's not those other names, call me anything but late for dinner.
But why bans and cautions dont remove after 1year if nobody report you
Quote from DU-racer :...when somebody drive 1year without causing any accident

Quote from DU-racer :...after driving 1year or more.If somebody dont report you

Quote from DU-racer :...after 1year if nobody report you

Have you read ANY of this thread? Or do you just feel the need to ask the same question over and over again?