The online racing simulator
Quote from thisnameistaken :Oh great, so we've got a punch-up organised now have we?

Grow up ffs.

no not atall, im just looking forward to meeting someone who can give it mouth on the internet suggesting i should kill myself, then will be ridiculously shy when it comes to meeting in real life.
#77 - axus
*Eats breakfast sausages*
Ive read this thread and

It makes me say when im verry honnest i drive like middle clas and fast sometimes

But if u would put me in like a FBM ore a realife lfs racecar counterpart i would just drive like the most in inexperienced bloke possible.
I mean nearly 17 year old kids cant realy drive top of the line racecars atleast i cant

I just dont have the talent it takes to be a real pro racing driver
Im at best when fully conectrated ore just concetrating and having fun at same time