The online racing simulator
Quote from jonny__27 :i never said mature questions get some bad answers, but since when the immature ones must be strongly attacked?

for instance, i think this one never happened (thank God to that), but imagine there is someone who finds out about lfs, registers on the forum and opens a thread asking if it is that realistic. what would you do if you get answers like "why don't you search noob?"

I do agree here, the level of hostility to these people is too high for the community to be, well, a community that is sustainable.

It's one thing saying, 'please use the search function before posting, this helps keep the forum efficient and reduces the number of duplicate threads"

It's quite a different story to someone who says '**** off use the search function, or die' or something to that effect. These derogatory statements must be quelled on the forum for it to be an effective community tool. Nobody wants to read nasty comments like that, and they defiantly won't want to be posting, in fear of having their head bitten off. different people think in different ways, diversity is great for that. Thinking differently brings in ideas that people would not normally think of =)

These people that are being attacked are not part of the 'mainstream' of LFS. We know this, but they contribute to the game (simulation) just as much as anyone else, just in their own way. When people post these harsh comments it's the internet equivalent to a KKK lynch mob...

No I am not going to dig up specifics, I don't need to. I frequent the forums enough to have seen these types of threads many times over, to be blunt I might have even been in a few of them, but they need to stop.
Quote from jonny__27 :i never said mature questions get some bad answers, but since when the immature ones must be strongly attacked?

for instance, i think this one never happened (thank God to that), but imagine there is someone who finds out about lfs, registers on the forum and opens a thread asking if it is that realistic. what would you do if you get answers like "why don't you search noob?"

No, it has happened. About once every two months, although less frequently with the auto-search.

The replies are usually the same - informed of search function. Links to old threads given, then thread closed.

It's rare for such a thread to continue for long, unless it is comparing a new simulator, or coming from a different point of view.

Usually it turns out the new member is wrong, and that LFS is more realistic than Toca Touring Cars 1 (or whatever crap car game they think is more realistic because it says so on the box).
The more serious you take LFS, the more fun and realistic it is

Like others have said real racing costs alot of money. I'm looking to do my first real track day this summer and cheap tires and wheels for my car are around $2000. Not to mention the tires will only last a few months just doing this track day and a few autox's. Then the track itself is another $250-$450 for 1-2 hours of seat time. Or I can continue doing autocross which is pretty cheap but I waste a whole day, run after cones, pay $30 and only get about 4-6 minutes of seat time. Right now I'm going to one of those indoor karting places to satisfy my need for speed and even that's pretty damn expensive (~$60 a day for about 18-24 laps).

For about $300 for LFS and a G25, it's a bargain considering I've driven about 13,000 miles in this game

Great name
Quote from Christopher Raemisch :I do agree here, the level of hostility to these people is too high for the community to be, well, a community that is sustainable.

not necessarily
in the particular case of this forum the core communities chances of not driving away more outer shell members than newbies comming in (through posting shite in response to the newbies shite) depends largely on the amount and quality of the shite the devs can put out
at the moment its a rather nice equlibrium and the core community and this forum are still far away from ending up as a shite dwarf

all part of the standard forum model currently in development
#31 - col
As long as we don't all end up getting sucked into a shite hole... imagine the mess at that particular event horizon !
Quote from Christopher Raemisch :American, British, ehh whats the difference =) I haven't seen much why don't they just call us all Ameritish and get it over with

Ameritish!? FU! Britian ftw!

Quote from Bean0 :Infidel is the accepted term I believe.

Only if you're a Durkadurkastani.
Quote from col :As long as we don't all end up getting sucked into a shite hole... imagine the mess at that particular event horizon !

Yes, the quantum singularity turd at the centre of it is only the size of a Mars bar but has the density of ITV's James Allen! Oh the gravity!
Basically, i was always told that if you ask a stupid question you'll get a stupid answer!!

I'm new to LFS but haven't needed to ask any noobish questions cos i've simply taken the time to read other threads.

referring to the thread title, If people wanna take it serious then it's up to them, who doesn't get annoyed when something they've put a lot of time into gets spoilt by someone who doesn't give a toss, like i always find when i'm actually doing well in a race for a change only for a backmarker to ram me off on a corner!!

I'm really enjoying the challenge of racing the experienced and seeing if i may one day be as good!!
Tbh, its the drivers license, his £24 spent how he/she wants.... leave them to do what they want, they purchase summit, its theirs to do what they want with.
Quote from tristancliffe :I nearly used aluminium as an example, but the original spelling was in fact aluminum. It was later changed to ...ium to stick with the other elements/metals that also end in ium.

So, technically speaking, aluminum is the original and correct way of spelling it, and aluminium is one of the few examples where England has bastardised (...ized?) an American word


An "American word" !!! Αλουμίνιο (Greek) = Alouminio (Greeklish) = Aluminium

λ = l
μ = m
v = n

If you want to find the History of the words study Greek
Quote from ZzeCoOl :ehmmm,

An "American word" !!! Αλουμίνιο (Greek) = Alouminio (Greeklish) = Aluminium

If you want to find the History of the words study Greek

Σόρρυ amigo Greeko but that's ad hoc rationalization. Greeks had nothing to do with aluminium, aluminum, or alumium or it's naming. Closest to aluminium Greeks ever came to was σχιστός which is some form of sulfate I think and I also think that "alum" is actually latin in origin as a word and refers to the same or similar sulfate.
Quote from xaotik :Σόρρυ amigo Greeko but that's ad hoc rationalization. Greeks had nothing to do with aluminium, aluminum, or alumium or it's naming. Closest to aluminium Greeks ever came to was σχιστός which is some form of sulfate I think and I also think that "alum" is actually latin in origin as a word and refers to the same or similar sulfate.

Actually you was right my bad

Take a look here :P Greeks came closer than σχιστός
The skit about brit vs american movies from the same act is class - I can't stop quoting his "Raging Bull" reference IRL.
? too seriously. maybe its pecause this game is simulator/tryes to be as similar to real life that a game can be. so if you wanna drive goodly you gotta take it serious, and i think lfs is more fun when you take it seriously
ive been playing LFS for 3 years now , ive seen somethings but havent seen it all yet , im mostly " drifting " on s2 and some people in the drift part of the lfs world seem to take that seriously and competitvly. They think being the fastest is what its all about , even in racing . Racing is the sport of engaging in contests of speed , but some take it to a point where if you crash them you are a noob but if they crash you they think they did nothing wrong . Why do people act so ignorant ? Isnt LFS where people from different nationalitys come to together to play a game ? But oh well people who have nothing else to do but sit at there computers and bitch at people for small things will always remain the same

Do people think that this "attitude" is relavent to the LFS forum only?

Go to and ask "What plane should I buy as a beginner?"

Go to and ask "What dSLR should I get as a beginner?" Or ask "which is better, Nikon or Canon?"

Go to any forum and ask a stupid question that would have been asked a million times and see if you get the response "search noob" or not. This isn't about the LFS forum, it's about idiots on the net who think that they are the first to ever think up the ideas that they have thought up.
Quote from mrodgers :Do people think that this "attitude" is relavent to the LFS forum only?

Go to and ask "What plane should I buy as a beginner?"

Go to and ask "What dSLR should I get as a beginner?" Or ask "which is better, Nikon or Canon?"

Go to any forum and ask a stupid question that would have been asked a million times and see if you get the response "search noob" or not. This isn't about the LFS forum, it's about idiots on the net who think that they are the first to ever think up the ideas that they have thought up.

LFS forum is specially bad at this. Don`t even try to hide that fact. I have been on many forums and I can`t remember seeing this hars attitute towards new people asking question as I find on LFS forums these days.

It`s maybe just me that is wrong here, but lately the search-whore-companie has grown rediciolus big, and it`s anoying to see people asking a question and getting flamed the living hell out of because a simple question.
Yes, maybe it has been asked 100 times before, but why do we need 99 threads with the same people telling the same message? (dead banana, search (with big letters) ).
Quote from The Very End :Don`t can`t It`s it`s

Hey, why do you use the ` key instead of the ' key ?

Don't can't It's it's <- this looks better to me, less space wasted between letters.

Is this a regional thing? Is your keyboard different from mine? The ` key is up in the upper left beside the 1 key, and the ' key is just to the left of my Enter key.
Well, uhm I don´t know. You mean writing with ´ ones? Because I only seems to be able getting `and´
Quote from The Very End :Well, uhm I don´t know. You mean writing with ´ ones? Because I only seems to be able getting `and´

The key to the left of "Enter"?
Quote from The Very End :Well, uhm I don´t know. You mean writing with ´ ones? Because I only seems to be able getting `and´