The online racing simulator
#1 - Joe_R
good setup for the price or is there something better?
hey guys...well i was doing a quick search on the nVidia 9600 and well this sucker came out on the nVidia website and it seems like a good holds the 9600 and well u got options to change whatever u want but i just i wanna know if this setup is the best...unless u guys have something better thats a little cheaper but with good performance...

oh ya i forgot heres a setup for u crazy gamers like me
its carrying out 2 processers if im correct...both Intel Core 2 Extreme Quad-Core very pricy though i hate that
That seems a bit expensive for what you're getting.. (1.8 Ghz... 1 Gb of RAM?!) Hardly a thousand dollar computer. BUILD YOUR OWN!!!
#3 - Joe_R
seemly yes i do build my own which is the fraction of the price...i can special order at this comp store near by but 1 problem i gotta wait at least 1-2 weeks for delivery
So you'd rather spend three times the cash and get the computer a week sooner? I don't understand.
#5 - Joe_R
if i was bill gates ill get fastest thing but naw im just average and my answer is no haha its crazy to spend that much than rather building ur owni rather build my own