The online racing simulator
We need proper racing tracks..
(56 posts, started )
We need proper racing tracks..
This isn't another "we need more tracks" or "we need real tracks FTW" threads..
The point of this thread is that we need more tracks like Kyoto, a proper racing tracks, with corners that are logical and corners that you can find in RL..
What i'm trying to say is, that 70% of LFS tracks are somehow "unreal", i mean, look at Fern Bay, or Blackwood. I can't imagine someone designing that kind of tracks IRL.. especially Fern Bay, those chicanes with high and unrealistic looking curbs, famous Aston chicane, etc.. it's just doesn't feel natural going through those corners..
I already mentioned that it feels wierd driving faster cars on Blackwood, someone said that's because i played a lot of XFG/BL1, but i don't think that's the reason why it feels wierd.
The corners are just strange, for example, last corner on BL with a fast car, or the new "S" curve on the BL, you gotta use some strange driving techniques to go through them, it just doesn't feel right, while on the other hand, driving the Kyoto, it just feels logical and realistic, the corners just flow perfectly one into another, you take the apex and it just trows you realistically onto the exit, onto the widest line.. anyone understands what i mean?
Driving the BL (not rev) with a fast car or driving any of the FE tracks, i just don't feel that racey, it doesn't feel right, it feels like i'm fighting with the sim and i'm not enjoying at all.. Am i alone here?

And when i say proper tracks, anyone watches "A car is Born" series on Discovery chanel? When they test those old timers on that track.. those kind of tracks i'm talking about, those kind of corners, they just flow well, those elevation changes are what they should be.. i want that kind of tracks in LFS, more corners like some of the Kyoto corners, the tracks where you just feel natural. When i see people driving through those Fern Bay corners, it makes me wanna puke..
#2 - Woz
Quote from Boris Lozac :This isn't another "we need more tracks" or "we need real tracks FTW" threads..
The point of this thread is that we need more tracks like Kyoto, a proper racing tracks, with corners that are logical and corners that you can find in RL..
What i'm trying to say is, that 70% of LFS tracks are somehow "unreal", i mean, look at Fern Bay, or Blackwood. I can't imagine someone designing that kind of tracks IRL.. especially Fern Bay, those chicanes with high and unrealistic looking curbs, famous Aston chicane, etc.. it's just doesn't feel natural going through those corners..
I already mentioned that it feels wierd driving faster cars on Blackwood, someone said that's because i played a lot of XFG/BL1, but i don't think that's the reason why it feels wierd.
The corners are just strange, for example, last corner on BL with a fast car, or the new "S" curve on the BL, you gotta use some strange driving techniques to go through them, it just doesn't feel right, while on the other hand, driving the Kyoto, it just feels logical and realistic, the corners just flow perfectly one into another, you take the apex and it just trows you realistically onto the exit, onto the widest line.. anyone understands what i mean?
Driving the BL (not rev) with a fast car or driving any of the FE tracks, i just don't feel that racey, it doesn't feel right, it feels like i'm fighting with the sim and i'm not enjoying at all.. Am i alone here?

And when i say proper tracks, anyone watches "A car is Born" series on Discovery chanel? When they test those old timers on that track.. those kind of tracks i'm talking about, those kind of corners, they just flow well, those elevation changes are what they should be.. i want that kind of tracks in LFS, more corners like some of the Kyoto corners, the tracks where you just feel natural. When i see people driving through those Fern Bay corners, it makes me wanna puke..

Fern Bay is a strange one though and I would say more a club track, so aimed at a different crowd than a track used on an F1 circuit. Not the sort of track you would expect to see GTR and F? cars raced on ever IRL. I like FB but its needs a facelift and some tweaks.

I like the lines on BL and the current version of it we have does feel more big track like and does flow very well imho.

What I would like to see is a track that picked the most famous corners from various tracks around the world and combined them to create a track that was fast flowing or technical depending on the config selected.
#3 - Bean0
I do see what you mean, but as Woz has said...some of the tracks could be considered more of a clubman level track than full on FIA level.

The track used in 'A Car is Born' is Knockhill btw, just north of Edinburgh
Good, Im glad you dont like them because you cant get a "natural feel". All that means to me, who does get a good feel from the tracks you dislike, is that Im going to be able to beat you.

When I see tracks like Kyoto, I see what in r/l would be a track designed on a computer, where as Fern Bay and Blackwood are tracks with character.

But to back you up, Blackwood and Fern Bayt are harder tracks to get a feel for. You have to come to the track, it aint gonna come to you.
But i AM asking for more club tracks I don't consider Fern Bay one of them as those kind of corners you would never see IRL.
Can someone give me a picture of a real curb that looks like those in FE? Not the red flat ones, but those concrete, half-a-metter curbs? I don't think you'll find one, as going over them would mean end of the race..
Fern bay would be an awesome track, if it just had normal curbs, if they were all like those red ones.. The layouts are generally great, but the driving experience ain't. I don't like using techniques i know would never work IRL. I hate riding those high curbs and i hate the look and color of them.. They're like the color of sand, it's like a cartoon movie..
And yea, i forgot that that's Knockhill in the show
Just watch some onboard on the Knochill and compare it to the FE onboard, you'll know what i'm trying to say here..
#6 - Woz
I used to live down the road from Knockhill

Quote from Boris Lozac :But i AM asking for more club tracks I don't consider Fern Bay one of them as those kind of corners you would never see IRL.

Yep, the kerbs are some of the tweaks I would like. I think a facelift of the likes that BL had compared to the S1 version would be great and make it one of the most popular tracks.
I've too always felt like Fern Bay and BL GP would be more home at some SEGA arcade cabinet.

Weirdly but BL GP makes more sense in reversed, many seems to agree with this.

While there are design faults in the tracks, I think big part why some of the tracks feels so "not real" comes from the way the physics are (tyres and lack of damage). The way you have to "abuse" them to be fast most of the corners becomes either "fast" or "super fast".

LFS needs something like Road Atlanta, a small club kind of track but still big enough to handle big classes too.
Dunno what's wrong with me but Blackwood and Fern Bay are the only tracks i really love and adore, i fall asleep in Aston and Kyoto. I can't get enough of FO8 and the GTR's at Blackwood.

Take it as a game where it's made more challenging because you lack the real feel of the car. And the real feel is substituted with curbs and crazy chicanes to get rid of the faults of a computer sim, which are, as mentioned the lack of real feel of the car and the very basic damage system. Who cares about real inputs at the moment when the damage system is still very basic, when we do get a better damage system maybe then Fern bay needs to lower it's curbs, but for now it's just perfect...for me at least.
(Taavi(EST)) DELETED by Taavi(EST) : doublepost
#9 - samjh
Quote from Boris Lozac :Can someone give me a picture of a real curb that looks like those in FE? Not the red flat ones, but those concrete, half-a-metter curbs? I don't think you'll find one, as going over them would mean end of the race..

They exist, but are only found on old tracks. The Nurburgring Nordschleife has terribly tall and steep kerbs:

What annoys me about the FE kerbs are not the height, but rather the colouration is so vague that it can sometimes be difficult to judge the edge between the kerb and track surface when going at high speed.

Zandvoort is another old track with scarily steep kerbs:

The only tracks that feel truly real are South City (can't really go wrong with temporary street circuits) and West Hill (feels like Road America). Kyoto Ring has an infeasible layout. Blackwood is just illogical: it has the width of a GP circuit, but not the length, and the T1 and T2 sections are a safety nightmare. FE feels like a club circuit that is too narrow for racing cars and too long and bumpy for karts. I haven't driven Ashton enough, but it seems like a bad imitation of a Nurburging GP-esque circuit with terrible infield layouts.
I like AS and BL because they remind me of early gt and f1 races I've seen.

Fern Bay could be some old but clean f1 track from the 60s with some bumps and something I'd like to call a "soul". If you like it, it likes you. Just stay away from the kerbs and you'll be okay.
Colourwise it seems the builders just took some sand from the near beach, put some cement in and there you go :-). And really: the colours of the kerbs should be the least thing to discuss about... get a dds-to-jpg-program and change what you don't like.

Blackwood is something different for me, IF people HAD enough money, they'd surely build this kind of track just to race small formula cars on them, or take their Lambos out for a spin. Unfortunately it's all about money nowadays, a short but wide track like BL wouldn't make ANY money.

Imo kyoto is like plastic t*t surgery, it's so perfect but very very sterile and much too smooth, you can find 1000s of these (tracks, not...aaw well) on the world.

Just try an lx4/6 on any FE combo, if you get used to it it just feels like the track was made for these cars.


der butz
I love all tracks in LFS, the track I do not like is Aston. Why I don`t know, I just don`t like it. I don`t care if the tracks feels unreal, because I enjoy racing FE tracks and BL, but I somehow agree some that it feels strange to drive the fastest car on thos tracks.

I would love to see more tracks that looks somehow close to the way KY3 is. It reminds me of a real track, not that I ask for a real track that is not the point, but it`s a good "flow" when racing on that track, specially in the GTR class, it`s great
#12 - _ak
Quote from Boris Lozac :The corners are just strange, for example, last corner on BL with a fast car, or the new "S" curve on the BL, you gotta use some strange driving techniques to go through them

Examples please. What's wrong with them? Last corner in BL is most spicy one and you have to master it to get good 3rd and 1st sectors.
Quote from der butz :Just stay away from the kerbs and you'll be okay.

Not possible if you want to be somehow competitive.
Quote from deggis :Weirdly but BL GP makes more sense in reversed, many seems to agree with this.

I agree with you it does feel better in reversed config, but anyway if you think about it if we really had proper tracks then we may as well have real life tracks which im against, LFS has that edge of fictional tracks that makes the game more rewarding when you get something right insted getting it wrong.
Ok, good to know that there are people here who feel somewhat the same as i, i thought something's wrong with me
Maybe the last curve in BL is a bad example, the corners are good, but it somehow doesn't feel right in faster cars, can't explain why.. while on the other hand BL reverse is a great racing track, a drivers track, and i feel the same about WE reverse..
Anyway, like i said, FE has some great layouts and corners, BUT, the curbs and lack of damage going over them really kills it for me, i just don't like to race there. If it could only have a makeover, replacing those unrealistic curbs with more real ones, it would be an awesome track to race on..
I agree with you mate i feel the same as you.
One more thing tho, the tracks in LFS are too bumpy. any1 wif me on that?
Quote from NSX_FReeDoM :One more thing tho, the tracks in LFS are too bumpy. any1 wif me on that?

Quote from NSX_FReeDoM :
One more thing tho, the tracks in LFS are too bumpy. any1 wif me on that?

Bumpy? they're like the babbies bottom mate..
Quote from NSX_FReeDoM :One more thing tho, the tracks in LFS are too bumpy. any1 wif me on that?

Only SO is bumpy, and some sections of FE. Others are smooth as silk.
Quote from AstroBoy :I agree with you it does feel better in reversed config

Just addition that I think it mainly feels better and not only feel but it's more logical because the S-curve/chicane is after the long straight, not between a slow corner and the long straight which simply makes no sense to have a chicane in that place...

Also visually main problem which makes BL GP feel too much like fantasy is that the track profile itself is like some F1 track from early 70's but visually, all the facilities are modern and top notch. If looked like a crap and bit ruined old track that has seen its best days long time ago, would be much better. At least in the last patch they removed those near by skycrapers

Quote :but anyway if you think about it if we really had proper tracks then we may as well have real life tracks which im against, LFS has that edge of fictional tracks that makes the game more rewarding when you get something right insted getting it wrong.

I don't get that
Quote from deggis :
I don't get that

How could you not get that. He means instead of trying to replicate a real life track and its no where near the it should be, make fictional tracks that no one has any experience driving on. And I agree.

If you cant be fast on any track then thats your fault, not one bit to do with the track itself. Everyone else seems to be comping, whats your issue?
Quote from Motordirex :
If you cant be fast on any track then thats your fault, not one bit to do with the track itself. Everyone else seems to be comping, whats your issue?

I can be fast, that's not a problem, but i'm not enjoying it
Quote from Boris Lozac : I can be fast, that's not a problem, but i'm not enjoying it

BS! We only complain about tracks we arent fast at...I know cuz Im one of them. But Im in no position to point out faults of a track because Im not quick there - its my driving that needs to improve, not the circuit.
Quote from Motordirex :BS! We only complain about tracks we arent fast at...I know cuz Im one of them. But Im in no position to point out faults of a track because Im not quick there - its my driving that needs to improve, not the circuit.

I highly disagree with you on this as I'm quite fast on all the tracks I hate and almost the oposite on the ones I love.
Not sure about you but not all of us race LFS to win a race.

As ive argued for more realistic tracks for a long time, I won't repeat myself here today.
Quote from gohfeld23 :I highly disagree with you on this as I'm quite fast on all the tracks I hate and almost the oposite on the ones I love.
Not sure about you but not all of us race LFS to win a race.

As ive argued for more realistic tracks for a long time, I won't repeat myself here today.

So if I read you correctly, your fast on the tracks you hate, but slow on the ones you love?

Well, what is a "realistic" track?