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Digital SLR Cameras
(155 posts, started )
Quote from XCNuse :@STROBE about the D40 and flash etc. All cameras do that when they're fully automatic lol, that's what you get for going into Auto

Hell, I didn't know it was in auto, it had taken me long enough just to find the idiotic placement of the on-off switch!!

Minolta ergonomics ftw.
Quote :"P" (Program) mode in which all of the internals and software is done automatic, but the externals are done manually such as flash etc. It also gives you the ability to change ISO and others that auto leaves alone for those that are unknowing.

Thing I like about Lightroom is the editing is non-destructive. But then, I don't have the capabilities of shooting in RAW. My camera shoots JPEGs, thus I can edit to my hearts content in Lightroom and not need to redo original edits to the original file and save it to another file when I want to change an edit. Example, I process a photo and save the edit. Later, I want to desaturate to black and white, or sepia, or some other different edit, I don't have to use the already compressed twice now file or do my original edits first to the original before making the 2nd edit.
Bridge does that too, it's really nice because after you make say a whitebalance edit to one, you can copy the edits you made to one picture, and set it to all of the pictures.
I don't care about all this shizzle. I just want to see Harjun's pictures
Quote from XCNuse :Bridge does that too, it's really nice because after you make say a whitebalance edit to one, you can copy the edits you made to one picture, and set it to all of the pictures.

Yup this is the same in Lightroom.

Digital SLR Cameras
(155 posts, started )