The online racing simulator
Fixed Frame Rates
(3 posts, started )
Fixed Frame Rates
I have recently aquired a Xpertvision Radion 2600 HD Sonic and am very happy with the card for the price.

however in lfs, the card will only display at 30, 60 and 120fps, regardless of the reslution and detail levels.
If a part of the track is being rendered at 60fps @ 1280x1024 it will only be rendered at 60fps @ 640x480.

Also when moving from a low detail area to a high detail area (bridge at fern bay) it drops in set incriments, for example, i will be getting 120fps coming down the hill towards the bridge on FE black, but as soon as a small portion of the bridge comes into view, it drops almost instantainously back to 30fps, which is damn irritating, its not a gradual reduction.

never experienced this with my old 9200

This happens at all reslutions and detail levels, AA/AF on or off.
no frame limit or v sync has been activated, nor forced framerate/refresh in CCC.

any ideas on how to deal with this or experiences would be much appreciated.

running a
AMD X2 4800+
2 Gig DDR 2 600
Asus M2N-MX SE
Xpertvision 2600 HD Sonic

1280x 1024 @ 60hz
First of all, there is no need to get 120 FPS with a screen refresh rate of 60 hz. Your LCD is able to show 60 pictures per second, so the ideal framerate is 60 FPS.

Thus turn vsync on, set framerate limit to 62-66, and spare the gained processing power for AA, AF and resolution.

The frame skipping sounds like vsync turned on, are you sure you haven´t forced it via driver?

Please test this setup and report back.
its a crt ,
but anyways i turned Vsync on in LFS, and the frame rate is less jumpy. it varies in fps between 60-40fps instead of jumping between 60 or 30fps, much more playable.

forced Vsync was and still is off.

cheers mate

Fixed Frame Rates
(3 posts, started )