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Nitrogen in GTR tires?
(40 posts, started )
Nitrogen in GTR tires?
I came to find out yesterday that nitrogen is often used instead of air in GTR tires, I never knew this, and I'm curious if LFS supports this.

I mean, do the slick tires react differently than the non slicks?

Of course that would be hard to test, but as I read, they use nitrogen because it is a far more stable gas as far as temperatures go in comparison to air.

Anyone know or know of any way of proving if this is an aspect of LFS?
#2 - wark
Quote from XCNuse :nitrogen is often used instead of tires

I use nitrogen in my cars' tires. Never thought about that before... LFS should model this—at least for the BF1. Should, but I have my doubts

+1 if this were an improvement suggestion
why would someone do that? does it make the car go faster?
#5 - JTbo
Quote from JTbo ::ices_rofl I classify that to same series as thinking green thoughts will save the planet

why? put 32 psi in your cars tyre,go out and make some donuts.u will have lets say 36 psi,nitrogen wont do that,i guess thats the explonation for that?(also it should be lighter that air isnt it?)
Air is 80% nitrogen anyway.
#8 - JTbo
Quote from e2mustang :why? put 32 psi in your cars tyre,go out and make some donuts.u will have lets say 36 psi,nitrogen wont do that,i guess thats the explonation for that?(also it should be lighter that air isnt it?)

On that page they said that it will save fuel and make less emission etc etc, well if I fart once that pollutes more than I can save fuel by changing air to nitrogen

I keep good air pressure in my tires, 2.6 bar at summer tires, less at winter tires, also when tires warm up pressure raises = fuel is saved, if there is no such effect with nitrogen, these so called green people are once again sawing branch they are sitting on.

Saving planet don't start from cars, those are minor problem in reality, however some 'green people' seem to think those are worst threat, while at same time they use airplanes while they go to holiday, they buy latest mp3 phones and consume like no tomorrow, and all of those causes more problems than cars.

When racing tires might then stay cooler, that is benefit of course, but there is nothing green there
they use nitrogen in airplanes because it's not affected by pressure changes during the flight.
So it's a safety feature, because this way the tyres on an airplane would not suffer or even take damage from beeing inflated when the pressure outside the airplane drops and vice versa when the plane gets back to earth-sea-level.
well the page says that costco supports it, so I'm in!
I've been selling nitrogen to people for a few years.

That article is retarded.

It does work, but polluting less, I doubt.

The molecules are bigger, so it does find its way out of the tire slower. Thats not the main benefit.

Its the lack of moisture. If filtered properly, there should be no water to condense and it doesnt expand. It helps with fuel economy a little bit, 1-3% most of the time. Mostly what it is doing in passenger car tires is keeping away dry rot, which is from moisture, and the more consistant pressure (if set at what the manufacturer calls for on stock sizes) helps the tires wear more evenly. That is also assuming you aren't dumb enough to never check your tire pressure, and never rotate your tires.
Quote from MattxMosh :
It does work, but polluting less, I doubt.

Nitrogen keeps a tire inflated correctly for longer than air. Underinflated tires create much more friction and reduce gas mileage, which pollutes more.
Quote from MattxMosh :I've been selling nitrogen to people for a few years.

That article is retarded.

It does work, but polluting less, I doubt.

The molecules are bigger, so it does find its way out of the tire slower. Thats not the main benefit.

Its the lack of moisture. If filtered properly, there should be no water to condense and it doesnt expand. It helps with fuel economy a little bit, 1-3% most of the time. Mostly what it is doing in passenger car tires is keeping away dry rot, which is from moisture, and the more consistant pressure (if set at what the manufacturer calls for on stock sizes) helps the tires wear more evenly. That is also assuming you aren't dumb enough to never check your tire pressure, and never rotate your tires.

i see now. btw i didnt post that for saving the planet,i just googled and put the link here,didnt ever read half of it..
Oh and u know the new law for car manufacturers? all new cars have to have RDC(tyre pressure monitor) coz of stupid ppl never check pressure and they cause lot of accidents.
If you read that article, he basically admits at the bottom that what was written is crap, his sources are dodgy and it's all probably just a marketing tool. As everyone seems to be using global warming to sell products nowadays it seems very likely to me it's just a gimmick.

As for using it in race car tyres... I had no idea either but I guess it would adjust the temperatures of the GTR tyres and how fast/slowly they heat/cool. This would be adjustable by changing a few settings within lfs and could possibly already be taken into account could it not?
#15 - Osco
Quote from micha1980de :they use nitrogen in airplanes because it's not affected by pressure changes during the flight.
So it's a safety feature, because this way the tyres on an airplane would not suffer or even take damage from beeing inflated when the pressure outside the airplane drops and vice versa when the plane gets back to earth-sea-level.

mostly because pure nitrogen is not flammable, opposed to normal air, in case of a tire blowout, it wouldn't catch fire
Quote from Osco :mostly because pure nitrogen is not flammable, opposed to normal air, in case of a tire blowout, it wouldn't catch fire fast.

Once you're tyre is blown the pure nitrogen will mix with the air and contain oxygen too. Then it can burn (on the inside, it can always burn on the outside).
#17 - Osco
that's what i meant
The advantage of nitrogen in tires is the expansion due to heat is more predictable, nothing but top level single seaters and prototypes need to run on nitrogen for this reason. A lot of tires are filled with nitrogen for the sake of it, typical rot issues don't affect racing tires due to their short lifespans and there's a general misconception that the pressure won't increase with temperature if you fill your tires with nitrogen.

The truth of the matter as well though is that a lot of racing tires are filled with nitrogen because teams have already got bottles of the stuff for air jacks and it's faster and simpler to use a gas bottle than a pump.

Quote from Osco :mostly because pure nitrogen is not flammable, opposed to normal air, in case of a tire blowout, it wouldn't catch fire

Erm... air isn't flammable, otherwise the entire world would be one big fire ball everytime someone lit a match.
#19 - Osco
Quote from ajp71 :The advantage of nitrogen in tires is the expansion due to heat is more predictable, nothing but top level single seaters and prototypes need to run on nitrogen for this reason. A lot of tires are filled with nitrogen for the sake of it, typical rot issues don't affect racing tires due to their short lifespans and there's a general misconception that the pressure won't increase with temperature if you fill your tires with nitrogen.

The truth of the matter as well though is that a lot of racing tires are filled with nitrogen because teams have already got bottles of the stuff for air jacks and it's faster and simpler to use a gas bottle than a pump.

Erm... air isn't flammable, otherwise the entire world would be one big fire ball everytime someone lit a match.

as said above, the lack of oxygen makes the mixture less prone to burning.
please read before you go smartass on me
Quote from Osco :as said above, the lack of oxygen makes the mixture less prone to burning.
please read before you go smartass on me

Still what's that got to do with a tire blow out, when my tire blew out it didn't just randomly catch fire, and I can't think of anytime when a tire has caught fire do you fill your tires with hydrogen or something?
#21 - Osco
Quote from ajp71 :Still what's that got to do with a tire blow out, when my tire blew out it didn't just randomly catch fire, and I can't think of anytime when a tire has caught fire do you fill your tires with hydrogen or something?

I'd say the risk of a airplane tire blow out is a bit more likely than a vauxhall nova kicking the bucket, especially if you look at the loads put on said tire at landings.
there's a reason airplane tires are filled with nitrogen, and not just for the fun of it
There is one driver I know of in Monoposto that use nitrogen in his tyres - Mr Jeremy Timms. I doubt there is a real life advantage in our cars, other than a psychological one.
#23 - Osco
and a financial one tire fitters fill new tires with nitrogen and charge (of course) extra for this. I don't think it helps bollox on the street...
Quote from Osco :I'd say the risk of a airplane tire blow out is a bit more likely than a vauxhall nova kicking the bucket, especially if you look at the loads put on said tire at landings.
there's a reason airplane tires are filled with nitrogen, and not just for the fun of it

Probably mainly to prevent rot as has already been posted in this thread. Worrying about the risk of a tire catching fire when it blows out underneath several hundred tons of plane and jet fuel is about as important as painting non-slip paint in front of a firing squad wall.
Quote from tristancliffe :There is one driver I know of in Monoposto that use nitrogen in his tyres - Mr Jeremy Timms. I doubt there is a real life advantage in our cars, other than a psychological one.

A relation to Chris Timms?

Quote from Osco :and a financial one tire fitters fill new tires with nitrogen and charge (of course) extra for this. I don't think it helps bollox on the street...

There's already been a valid suggestion as to why nitrogen could be far more useful in road cars than most racing cars, preventing rot. Having said that I've only seen a few tires that have been replaced because of rot, and they'd all been racing sicks for a few decades anyway so I think in most cases they'll wear first.

Nitrogen in GTR tires?
(40 posts, started )