The online racing simulator
Reset car to face the track NOT barrier!!
There is an anoying bug when you reset the MRT go cart. If you hit a barrier and reset as you cannot reverse, you reset facing the barrier!!!! very anoying
You talk about racing on autocross tracks, right?

The problem is, that LFS has no chance to know, where the "track path" is on such tracks. On normal tracks it knows how the track is flowing, and can align you to point to the next "waypoint" on this path.

On an autocross track, you just have a big hunk of asphalt with a bunch of objects placed on it. There's no way to guess the path you intended for this track, so there's no way to make you "point away" from the barrier. And trust me, a hardcoded "if object = infront then turn 180°" won't solve anything. It would just create problems in other situations, where you suddenly point in the completely wrong direction.

The only solution to this would be to let the autocross track designer somehow draw a path too, maybe this could even make the AI work on such tracks (GeneRally anyone?).
Actually on some permanent tracks (and South City), the MRT gets reset against the wall. I reckon there are three ways to look at it.

1. Don't crash.
2. If you do crash be thankful that 90% of the time you can be reset
3. In real life, they don't have reverse OR reset, and nor do they race on tracks with barriers.

Also, it's not a go-kart - it's an SAE Car.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#4 - Jakg
Quote from thisnameistaken :There are other situations with other cars where a reset won't save you - some ditches at the side of the road can't be escaped - so it's not a situation unique to the MRT.

ditches? in S2? the only thing i can think of is after the chicane On FEGreen, in a F0X you take it flat and wide, but you can "Fall Off" the tarmac and spin right into the wall
Yes that's true. Sometimes you even end up being teleported into a wall and subsequently shot into the air at 400 km/h
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#6 - avih
The original post is still correct. Sometimes if you reset inside the pits at South-City, you're facing the wall and it's very hard to get back to driving.

Simply put, that's a bug, since it wasn't the intention of the programmer for the reset to behave that way.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
The thing that bugs me the most is trying to reset while you're in a sandtrap. In a number of other sims your car will be reset on the track but off the racing line, yet in LFS more often that not you're stuck in the sandtrap permanently until you shift+s. Fair enough, in real racing that's it, party's over, but if you're just having a friendly sprint or you're hotlapping/testing/tweaking/qualifying it can get a bit annoying.

And just to pre-empt any smartarse remarks : I know the best way to avoid this problem is to stay out of sandtraps altogether, but hey - even Tiger Woods hits the sand now and then. LFS isn't real life and it would be nice to reset back onto the track, otherwise why have the reset function at all?
#8 - ajp71
I don't like the resetting, far too arcade for my likeing, GPL had them and it needed them when you're learning long tracks like the 'ring, that's about the only time they should be used, in training. When you go off enough to reset your rhythm will fall apart and it'll take a lap or two to restore it, LFS has no tracks where it's going to be more than 3 minutes from the pits. As for race situations it should never be allowed as even short races are about finishing, not just being fast.
Only time I ever use reset is when I'm stuck in the sand and I hope reset would bump me enough that I wouldn't be stuck. Other than that, I turn the car around myself. If I see other's coming, I sit tight so I don't surprise them and wait until they're past before I straighten out. If I'm facing oncoming traffic and I have the room, I'll kick it in reverse to back into the grass to get further out of the way. If I'm way behind and have no hope of straightening to catch and battle my way back through the field again, then I'll just shift-S to the pits and call it quits for that race. I may come back out on the track to practice a bit, but then it's time to be sure no one is racing around me to where I'd get in someone's way. Nothing is worse than in lap 1 when you could be the fastest racer but start in the back and come up on someone spun out. You think you're safe going around them, then they spacebar reset right into your car taking you out.
#10 - Jakg
Quote from Hankstar :The thing that bugs me the most is trying to reset while you're in a sandtrap. In a number of other sims your car will be reset on the track but off the racing line, yet in LFS more often that not you're stuck in the sandtrap permanently until you shift+s. Fair enough, in real racing that's it, party's over, but if you're just having a friendly sprint or you're hotlapping/testing/tweaking/qualifying it can get a bit annoying.

And just to pre-empt any smartarse remarks : I know the best way to avoid this problem is to stay out of sandtraps altogether, but hey - even Tiger Woods hits the sand now and then. LFS isn't real life and it would be nice to reset back onto the track, otherwise why have the reset function at all?

hmm, i often find that i can always get out of the traps as long as the car isnt damagd, the onl problems is the tires get quite hot!
Quote from Jakg :hmm, i often find that i can always get out of the traps as long as the car isnt damagd, the onl problems is the tires get quite hot!

Depends on the car you drive. The FXR being AWD will probably get out 80% of the time, where the FZR, which I drive most of the time, will probably be stuck 80% of the time.
Only ever had the single seaters/GTRs properly stuck, reversing often gets them out though.
Yeah, it's the big GTRs/FO cars that get stuck pretty good, especially at Aston. The other cars can usually get out ok.

ajp71, the thing I liked about GPL was that you could select a damage model ranging from novice, intermediate up to pro. Pro level wouldn't allow a reset so if you crashed, that was it. In novice and inter it wouldn't allow a reset if there was traffic coming. Maybe a similar system could work in LFS. Leagues/serious comps could then opt not to allow resets and admins of public servers could do whatever they wanted
Resetting the car gets you dq'ed in most leagues anyways.
#15 - avih
Quote from WGooden :Resetting the car gets you dq'ed in most leagues anyways.

The fact remains though, if reset is supported, which is the case here, then the current implementation has bugs.

Whether it should be enabled or not is a nother question. A good one, but doesn't belong in this thread.