The online racing simulator

Poll : Should TrackIR users have the same views available to them as button view users.

Yes. TrackIR users should have the same views available to them as everyone else has.
No. TrackIR users should be restriected and not have the same views as everyone else.
Should TrackIR users have the same views availble as button views.
Prior to patch Y, TrackIR users could look 180 degrees to the rear, just as people that use buttons to look around can.

With Patch Y, this view has been removed for TrackIR users totally.

Button view users can still look 180 Degrees behind them on most cars. Some cars, they can't, instead getting an extra rear view mirror.

All I'm asking is that TrackIR users have the same views available to them that button view users have, i.e, the ability to look 180 degrees to the rear, even if it's just in the cars that still allow this.
#3 - Gunn
It's quite worthless for me to give an opinion on TrackIR user's preferences when I have never even used it and therefore can draw no comparison.
Quote from Snake2 : l

I created that poll before I found out that it's only TrackIR users that have had the 180 degree view removed for ALL cars.

I thought it had been removed for everyone, but I was mistaken. Should have done more research.

So, this poll is to ask the LFS community if we TrackIR users should be able to look 180 degrees in the cars where that is still possible. Or, if we should have this handicap just for us, and I be very interested in why only TrackIR users should have this handicap.

What if it were removed for G25 users, but Momo users could still do it? What would the reaction be then?
OK, Mr Poll-Happy, I voted that you should have the same views available as everybody else.

You should have a choice of between 30-90 degrees to each side, a rear view, and no other freedom at all.
#6 - CSU1
.....turn head left/turn eye-balls right lmao

no, everyone drives by the same rules EVEN if you think you are special.

I used IR once and it was the most un-natural peripheral i've ever used....turn head left/turn eyeballs right to look left
#7 - ajp71
Quote from RatzMilk :
Button view users can still look 180 Degrees behind them on most cars. Some cars, they can't, instead getting an extra rear view mirror.

I don't want track IR users to look round 180 degrees, equally I don't want normal users to be able to in the road cars.
Quote from CSU1 :.....turn head left/turn eye-balls right lmao

no, everyone drives by the same rules EVEN if you think you are special.

I used IR once and it was the most un-natural peripheral i've ever used....turn head left/turn eyeballs right to look left

Agreed, it's not for everyone. A friend of mine was given one by the company that makes them in return for helping them with the light reflectors. He couldn't get used to it either and ended up giving it away.

However, for those of us that do use them, they become second nature. You don't have to think about what your looking at or how to focus on the subject, it just happens.

For instance, as I approach a turn, I can keep my eye on the apex, thus, the apex of the corner will be centered in the monitor. If I get tapped from behind, as the car moves around, the apex of the corner will remain centered in the monitors view. But instead of now looking out the windscreen, I may be looking through the side window. It's just like padlock view, though not automaticly done by the computer, you still have to provide the input.

And you don't have to move your head from side to side either. I have mine set pretty sensitive so I only have to make a tiny movement of my head, no more than a centimeter (half an inch for you Yankees) up, down, left or right to move the cursor or view to the edges of the screen or travel.

The views available to TrackIR users until now, were the same views available to button users. We didn't have any extra views or abilities. Everyone was the same.

Since patch Y, TrackIR no longer has the same views available. And, I suspect this is so because of the 'Magic Mirror' that now appears in the race cars. It was probably to hard to implement for TrackIR users, so, we just do with out.

I don't mind not having the Magic Mirror, after all, it's kinda dumb suddenly having two rear view mirrors right beside each other showing the same rear view.

But because this Magic Mirror couldn't be done for us, we get to miss out the look behind view in the cars where that's still possible.

All I ask is that TrackIR users get to look behind in the same cars that button users can look behind in. Forget about the Magic Mirror in the race cars. Suddenly having a second rear view mirror right beside the one that's already there is pretty pointless.

Just give us the same rear view, in the cars that have it, just like everyone else and stop treating us like lepers.
Give it up. You've got the same view as everyone else. In fact it's better than non TIR users. They have from 30 to 90degrees each side take it or leave it. You, and I, have variations in between. I agreed with you in your first poll that it's a shame we don't have the more or less 360 degrees any more. But I'm a 'level playing field' man and you're asking for, but won't get, more than the rest.
I don't want to see the loss of analogue speedos but I'll live with it knowing everyone else has the same.
Stop torturing yourself and drive.
I also would like to have the 180° restriction removed for the TrackIR, at least in the cars where the normal "buttonviewers" have the freedom to do so. Or remove it completely for all users. But for now its an unfair situation for us TrackIR (and I love this thingie...hihi)

Just my two cents...

What? Can't TrackIR users also press the "rear view" button? I didn't intend to remove that, TrackIR users are supposed to have the same as everyone else, i.e. 90 degrees head turn left and right (what you can see if you are strapped in a racing harness - shoulders cannot move an inch) plus the rear view button which is basically the equivalent of a mirror view, only it's not mirrored.

By the way, in testing I first had the rear view button mapped to a full screen mirror view (equivalent to having a good look in the mirrors). Unfortunately that was very difficult to get your head around, so it was changed to look back from mirror position in road cars, and show virtual mirror in race cars.

But it was supposed to be the same for TrackIR users as anyone else.
I don't own a Track IR myself, but I vote for maximum realism. In road car you get to look like you get in a real road car. In a race car you get to look like you get in a real race car, etc... If track IR users have it a bit better than others, so be it. They paid a lot of money for that gadget so they should get their moneys worth. As long as its realistic, I wont mind. It's not like they are driving 1 second a lap faster because of it. The edge, if any, will be not worth bickering about.
Hi Scawen...

hihi... well... first of all, i bought this trackIR thingie to get rid of that button push stuff... but well... seems like I have get used to the new (old) situation in the future... BTW absolutly love the new patch...
Quote from Scawen :What? Can't TrackIR users also press the "rear view" button? I didn't intend to remove that, TrackIR users are supposed to have the same as everyone else, i.e. 90 degrees head turn left and right (what you can see if you are strapped in a racing harness - shoulders cannot move an inch) plus the rear view button which is basically the equivalent of a mirror view, only it's not mirrored.

Yes, you can assign buttons for the views, but if you use a button to change your view, it throws off the TrackIR. You have to basically use buttons, or TrackIR, mixing the two just doesn't work.

I've managed to map a center TrackIR function to one of the other buttons so if I click the rear view button, then after it's released, I can re center TrackIR and then click the center TrackIR button to bring the view back to the front. However, if your head isn't pointing directly at to the front when you hit the center button, your TrackIR is still off center. This still makes for a pretty complicated series of things to do simply for a rear view.

It would be like clicking the button to look behind, but instead of returning to the view to the front, you get returned to a random view each time.

The problem comes about because even the slightest head movement while the rear view button is pressed means the TrackIR view point is no longer the same as it was when the rear view button is pressed. So having a different position for the TrackIR causes the view to jump around and/or be off center.

Why not just jump the view to 180 degrees when the TrackIR passes the 90 degree point? It would then be the same as pushing the look behind view button. It' doesn't have to scroll from the 90 to 180 degree position. The views available would then be exactly the same as button users. And of course, restrict this function to just the cars that have the 180 degree view available.
Quote from Doorman :Give it up. You've got the same view as everyone else. In fact it's better than non TIR users. They have from 30 to 90degrees each side take it or leave it.

Incorrect, they still have 180 degrees of view for some cars. TrackIR users do not have this 180 degree view at all.
same here.. the lfs implementation of trackir was imo the best of all games before patch Y .. please give us the 360 look around back. it was absolutely natural with head turning and looking everywhere. sure its a little advantage over the button users but yeah cost me alot bucks and now its worth only half the money..
just think about the paying customers you'll get because of this..
it's the same like first time with forcefeedback. once u have it u ask yourself how u could ever drive without it.. well just my fan opinion
Quote from RatzMilk :Incorrect, they still have 180 degrees of view for some cars. TrackIR users do not have this 180 degree view at all.

You do have 180 degree look you just don't want to use it. As Scawen's just explained the original intention wasn't to have the arcadey 180 degree look in any cars. If you choose not to use it (like I and probably most racers will do) then you can't complain you're not allowed it.
Quote from ajp71 :You do have 180 degree look you just don't want to use it. As Scawen's just explained the original intention wasn't to have the arcadey 180 degree look in any cars. If you choose not to use it (like I and probably most racers will do) then you can't complain you're not allowed it.

So, your saying if I and all the other users of TrackIR want to have the same views as everyone else, we should give up our TrackIR's and just use the buttons like everyone else?

I was introduced to this game from a newsletter I received from the TrackIR company. I bought this game because it support TrackIR. If Scawen agrees with you, I'll gladly except a full refund and leave.

However, seeing as 85 percent of the people that have voted in this post disagree with you, I'll probably be staying. Oh, and you should therefor stop speaking on behalf of 'most racers' as they obviously don't agree with you.
You DO have the same views as everyone else, you just don't have to press buttons to get them.
Hi RatzMilk...

Just had a quick test, but I have to say, the button solution works fine here... no need for recentering here after pushing the "backwards" button... Tested this with VectorXpansion and the ProClip and both work fine...
feels weird but it works...
Quote from JCT-HYPA :Hi RatzMilk...

Just had a quick test, but I have to say, the button solution works fine here... no need for recentering here after pushing the "backwards" button... Tested this with VectorXpansion and the ProClip and both work fine...
feels weird but it works...

You won't notice looking back just once. It's only slightly off with each return. Over a long race, it does tend to creep off center eventually requiring a recenter.

And of course, the whole point of this poll/post is, I bought TrackIR so I wouldn't have to use buttons to look around. What's the point of having TrackIR if I now have to use buttons?

All I'm asking is for the same view without having to map/press a button for it. And over 80 percent of the people that have voted agree that we should be able to have the same views available.

Or, remove the look behind view for everyone and for every car.

People shouldn't have different handicaps placed on them based on the equipment they use. What if you could only look behind by using a wheel button, thereby preventing mouse/keyboard drivers from looking behind.

What if only G25 users were prevented from looking behind, there would be an uproar because of the amount of G25 users in the game.

Bottom line is, if every driver in this game was using TrackIR, or if it was only effecting G25 users, this would have been fixed within 24 hours of the new patch being released.
I still fail to see what was wrong with the views before. on road cars anyway. GTRs and SSs I can see why it was changed
Quote from RatzMilk :So, your saying if I and all the other users of TrackIR want to have the same views as everyone else, we should give up our TrackIR's and just use the buttons like everyone else?

With TrackIR you still get progressive 90 degree visibility and the ability to look up and down, which presumably if you can get used to it help you. Real racers are able to look progressively up to some point less than 90 degrees depending on their cockpit. What you have still gives you more visibility than IRL and exactly the same visibility as other LFS users.

Quote :
However, seeing as 85 percent of the people that have voted in this post disagree with you, I'll probably be staying. Oh, and you should therefor stop speaking on behalf of 'most racers' as they obviously don't agree with you.

85 percent of people (including myself) voted that Track IR users should have the same views as everyone else, you do. Progressive to 90 degrees, instant 180 or mirror in other cars.

What you want is a progressive 180 degree look, which is both completely unrealistic and not available with button look.

As Scawen explained the rear look on Y was intended to be like a bigger mirror, not a full 180 degree view, why he didn't just make it a look at virtual mirror button like in the race cars I don't know. Hopefully 180 degree snap look will be removed as a priority anyway
Please restore the loss of functionality with the TiR device.
As it's detracting from my LFS experience.

yours faithfully,
Quote from ajp71 :
What you want is a progressive 180 degree look, which is both completely unrealistic and not available with button look.

That is not what I want, and I have never asked for it. Why are you making this crap up? What is your problem? Oh, I see, your just and 18 year old kid that's simply being argumentative for the sake of it. Haven't you got homework to do?

What I want, is to not have to use buttons for any of my views. I bought TrackIR so I wouldn't have to use buttons. At present, I now must use buttons if I want to use all the views available.