The online racing simulator
Announcing Concept Racing
(321 posts, started )
#26 - Dru
Quote from BURN :heya ,

CR huh? ... ok gotta get used to it !! Good Luck guys


fear not - you'll get plenty of practice reading it on our bumpers when you are following us
Quote from Dru :fear not - you'll get plenty of practice reading it on our bumpers when you are following us

or me... racing on Sprint 1 re can read your bumpers via mirror (*cough* May-Hem Cup 07 *Cough*)
Might I as the remaining ZWR member point out that Concept Racing is NOT ZWR with a new name?

Good luck guys, no ill will to ya in the long run.
yeah not like puma to prawler, easiest way i can say it having only just found out is that zwr dispersed and most members were such good freinds they setup a new team together cos they wanted to stay together, its not zwr under a new name but you still get the same freindliness. correct me if im wrong, which i probably am as usual
#30 - Dru
Quote from james12s :yeah not like puma to prawler, easiest way i can say it having only just found out is that zwr dispersed and most members were such good freinds they setup a new team together cos they wanted to stay together, its not zwr under a new name but you still get the same freindliness. correct me if im wrong, which i probably am as usual

Correct. or close enough.

Bottom Line
When the ZWR Management closed ZWR, all of its remaining active drivers wanted to continue to race in LFS together.
We called an immediate meeting of these members within the hour of ZWR closing and we created Concept Racing as a result.
#31 - Dru
Concept Racing Driver Lineup

CR|M.Butz D (Der Butz)

CR|T.Corken GBR (Swiss_Tony)

CR|M.Hoekstra NL (Badeend)

CR|R.Hoiting NL (Hotmail)

CR|J.Parker GBR (Dru)

CR|M.Pesonen FIN (Blackout)

CR|S.Whitehead GBR (The Moose)

We are also in current negotiations with other drivers with respect to joining the Concept Racing Team.
Good luck to CR, from SR
#34 - Dru
Yes, good luck to DR as well

Thanks guys, you are all very kind for offering this new team words of encouragement
#35 - BURN
Quote from Dru :fear not - you'll get plenty of practice reading it on our bumpers when you are following us

funny ... and actually true

Sorry I'm a little late been busy driving for points Hehe

Best of luck guy's from all at [HR] and we look forward to many more battles
Quote from danowat :DAMN!!!!.

I was hoping we might get a sniff at some ZWR drivers

excactly my thoughts

nah, to be honest, i wish you all the best for the future
All the best for the future CR.
Thanks for the good wishes on my behalf too.
#40 - Dru
We have know decided on the colour scheme for the team..... it's darn hard trying to geta colour scheme that is exactly the same as this teams or thats...

However as we have now decided on a colour scheme the team have to crack thier whips on the skinners to go and make 20 cracking skins...

What out for the new CR colours coming soon

(And BTW - if you see us in black, this is not the team skins, these are just our test skins that we can use to show a cohesive team outlook until such time that the correct team colour ones are launched in the new year


WOoowwww what happend here???

Good to see you guys making a new team... Dunno what happend dont wanna know.

I can tell you this, there isnt a better thing then friendship etc, and it shows... Same goes with our team, same situation a year ago.

Lemme tell you this. A team without drivers is like a car without a engine...
ZWR was only a name... Now its Cp... I cant see the difference... Or lets say in 6 months orso???

You guys will get it together im sure...

Good Luck,
#42 - Dru
Quote from Koopa :WOoowwww what happend here???

Good to see you guys making a new team... Dunno what happend dont wanna know.

I can tell you this, there isnt a better thing then friendship etc, and it shows... Same goes with our team, same situation a year ago.

Lemme tell you this. A team without drivers is like a car without a engine...
ZWR was only a name... Now its Cp... I cant see the difference... Or lets say in 6 months orso???

You guys will get it together im sure...

Good Luck,

Thanks for the kind words, but its CR not Cp
Quote from Dru :Thanks for the kind words, but its CR not Cp

#44 - Dru
Quote from LordBlaster :its more like CHAOS RACING, not CATHOLIC & PATRIOTIC

LOL, thanksfully we chose neither of those ones either
good luck with the new team from storm racing
#46 - Dru
Concept Racing is proud to announce its first new driver to its lineup since the team was formed.

Please join us in welcoming CR|R.Salama to our line up.

R.Salama has been involved with the team members of Concept Racing for some time now, having teamed up with M.Pesonen in the UF-BabyR "Fall-Out" Cup as the Pirateufrs.

R.Salama (username sokke) has shown consistant fast clean race pace on a variety of tracks and in a variety of cars. He is more importantly a great guy and is a valuable addition to our small but close knit squad.

Being Finnish, Sokke is not only naturally lightningly quick but also strengthens Concept Racing as a truely international team.

We all welcome Sokke to the team and hope that he has a long and enjoyable stay with us.

The Team Line up is now as follows

CR|M.Butz D (Der Butz) [FONT=Arial]

CR[FONT=Verdana]|[/FONT][FONT=Verdana]T.Corken GBR (Swiss_Tony)[/FONT]

CR[FONT=Verdana]|[/FONT][FONT=Verdana]M.Hoekstra NL (Badeend) [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana]CR[FONT=Verdana]|[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Verdana]R.Hoiting NL (Hotmail) [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana]CR[FONT=Verdana]|[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Verdana]J.Parker GBR (Dru)[/FONT]

CR[FONT=Verdana]|[/FONT][FONT=Verdana]M.Pesonen FIN (Blackout)[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana][FONT=Arial]CR[FONT=Verdana]|[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Verdana]R.Salama [/FONT][FONT=Verdana]FIN (sokke)[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana]CR[FONT=Verdana]|[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Verdana]S.Whitehead GBR (The Moose)[/FONT]

We will be announcing further details and information about the team shortly, including team skins in the very near future.
gratz guys!
thx lord
#49 - Nobo
Well gratz guys! Hope to see and hear more from you!
Good luck mayb in timw we can battle!!

Announcing Concept Racing
(321 posts, started )