The online racing simulator
need some help here please.
(12 posts, started )
#1 - zotez
need some help here please.
Guys, ive got a problem, some people i know who also have s2 are coming into the servers i'm in (i think they're searching for my username, but i dont have a clue really) and are "bullying" me as such, IE saying nasty things, or crashing me out when im winning, basically making my lfs experience bad. Ive talked to some of the server admins and they say they wont ban these users, and as i play in different servers and occasionally stray into a new server, theres no way to get them to leave me alone.
My question is, is there any way i can contact a lfs admin or something and get my username changed? Just so the people cannot search for me any more, and wont know its me when they login.

Ive tried changing my name in options, that works but they can still tell its me by my username.

If anyone can help, i'd appreciate it greatly.
No, your LFSW-name can't be changed.

Just ignore them and they will get bored and give up.
Quote from zeugnimod :No, your LFSW-name can't be changed.

Just ignore them and they will get bored and give up.

how can you ignore someone who is crashing you>?
If they wreck you they will be banned pretty fast on every serious server.
I guess you could try racing on some of the bigger servers such as Redline Racing (FOX), Conedodgers (GTR) or CTRA. If they continue to crash you there make sure you save a replay and contact the server admin. They will definitely get banned. On the CTRA server you can file a report yourself while in game and the crashers will be dealt with.

Also, I find it odd that the server admin you contacted said he wouldn't ban those guys. If they are really deliberately wrecking you for no reason, what admin wouldn't ban such people, I wonder
Perhaps Victor could add the option not to show which server you are online at. Just like you can hide your online statistics at LFS World. That would make sense in my opinion.
Quote from felplacerad :Perhaps Victor could add the option not to show which server you are online at. Just like you can hide your online statistics at LFS World. That would make sense in my opinion.

Not a bad idea but if people really wanted to find you they could still do so, just by checking your racing history on LFSW. If they see you just completed a race on a particular server 2 minutes ago they will still know where you are.
Quote from felplacerad :Perhaps Victor could add the option not to show which server you are online at. Just like you can hide your online statistics at LFS World. That would make sense in my opinion.

This would make sense if someone wants to prevent being "stalked".
Quote from obsolum :Not a bad idea but if people really wanted to find you they could still do so, just by checking your racing history on LFSW. If they see you just completed a race on a particular server 2 minutes ago they will still know where you are.

How are the races held on "hidden servers" dealt with? Is the server name censored or it's races not shown at all? Either way I guess the races of an "invisible" user could be treated the same way.
Quote from obsolum :Not a bad idea but if people really wanted to find you they could still do so, just by checking your racing history on LFSW. If they see you just completed a race on a particular server 2 minutes ago they will still know where you are.

If you hide your LFSworld stats then nobody can see your races history either.

I think you're always findable within LFS, though, with the "Find Username Online" thing.
Quote from sinbad :I think you're always findable within LFS, though, with the "Find Username Online" thing.

Not if you're online at a hidden server. Then it'll say "the user is online at a hidden server". Im suggesting that this, or something similar, always would be the case for invisible users.
These people sound a bit lame. Regardless of what they have against you wrecking is bad, m'kay?

That's a link to a thread about the Wrecker Barricade. If people wreck you on purpose then upload some replays there. To save a replay, just in case you don't know, hit 2 when on a server that'll bring up the save replay dialog.

Other than that you'll prob just have to ignore it as much as you can.

EDIT: +1 to the choose to be invisible idea

need some help here please.
(12 posts, started )