The online racing simulator
deciding on a wheel
(17 posts, started )
deciding on a wheel
Hi all,

Maybe bad thing for a first post but i bought an s1 liscense the other day saving up bit more for s2 .

I am currently using a controler the logitech dual action. It does not work that well for me i can use it fine but want something more realistic and fun to use. So went on a search for a wheel but hit a brick wall to many to choose from. I cant afford a g25. I looked at the
Logitech Formula Force Ex but the steering rotation of 90 degrees put me off.

Any help would be appreciated
#2 - Jakg
Link to my wheel guide in my signature.
I would recomend the driving force pro, if the g25 is not an option.
dfp is great. i suggest you also buy a second wheel and use it's pedal as clutch. it can be a crappy one as you don't touch the wheel anyway
Thanks for the replies

But the driving force pro is out of my range to
#6 - HVS5b
What about the Thrustmasters?

I just consigned my old one to the cupbaord after 10 yrs hard use!

I also own the GT4 wheel for the PS2 which is usb connection and works on the PC no probs. It is also pretty good with 900* rotation, but not up to G25 standards.
Quote from grundy :
Logitech Formula Force Ex but the steering rotation of 90 degrees put me off.

Any help would be appreciated

It has 200 degrees...
Quote from [RF]-art555 :
It has 200 degrees...

I must had read a review wrong i think i will go for that wheel.

Thanks for everyones help
Microsoft sidewinder FF Wheel...240 degree rotation...and have force feedback...

EDIT: Just say you've already gone for a wheel
Quote from harjun :Microsoft sidewinder FF Wheel...240 degree rotation...and have force feedback...

EDIT: Just say you've already gone for a wheel

I looked at the sidewinder but could not find one i dont like using ebay so that limited my options.

Thanks again all.
Quote from BenjiMC :210 But it's notchy as ****.

Poor wheel of yours if you bended it that much
Quote from grundy :Oops
I must had read a review wrong i think i will go for that wheel.

Thanks for everyones help

It does have 90 degrees steering rotation; 90 degr to the left and 90 degr to the right. Which makes 180 degrees lock-to-lock (or 200, 210 w/e).

A second handed DFP usually costs as much as a brand new Driving Force EX, see if you can get one.
I would just like to agree with others that you should really wait until you can afford a DFP Wheel. Dont get the Formula Force Ex, its not worth it.
Momo FTW!
i got a momo and it works great
Having a look round for a used momo or dfp no luck so far but will keep searching.

*EDIT i just orderd a dfp from darkplanets. See ya all on the track once i no longer crash alot lol

deciding on a wheel
(17 posts, started )