The online racing simulator
Official Teamspeak for MoE
Our team is supporting the MoE with a teamspeak-server, that can be used by all MoE-teams for free and where all their friends can join too.
All teamcaptains get free CA rights to administer their own channel.
Inside this teamspeak we also announce all informations and interviews around the MoE during the broadcastings of Game-TV.

Name: Masters of Endurance
PW: moe

We hope, all of you are glad to have this one for a better communication during MoE and the administration will bring up more flexibility.

At the first qualification in Westhill at 18.11.2007 we will record first interviews and give the channel admin status to all teams.

Teamspeak is now ready to use. Every team has its own team-room. For administration, every teamcaptian can send me a private message, so i can give rights. Remember, you have to register first in teamspeak over "Self/Register with Server". __________________
Mika, one small thing each team channel needs to have a pw that way only server admins have acces to all channels. It wouldnt be nice if members from other teams easedropped on the competition.
Each team's channel should be created by the actual team. So the Teamspeak server should allow people to create their own channel, so they can control it themselves. If they can also be able to have channel admin, and give it to teammates, that might help.

I don't think all teams will make use of this official server (their choice really), but it would be nice if everyone did. Thanks Mika.

Also, some channels have 5.1 codec, and others have 25.9 codec (preferred). You also should have an away channel/lounge, that is always needed.

BTW, What are all the International channels for???
The channel are free to use for the channel admins. So they can give a password for their rooms or not. Also they can change the standard codec to a higher rate. It is only possible, if they´re registered and have channel-admin, that they get normally on first qualification run on sunday, 18th of november.
I will be one hour earlier inside the teamspeak and give the rights to all requesters.