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#1 - Timz
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Eey guys, I'm Timz, most probably you never heard of me before, but that isn't strange, 'cause it has been a while ago since I typed here my last message (the sixth of July...2006!!!!). However, I followed the forum the last 1,5 years and downloaded some skins, layouts, etc.

A lot has happen since the sixth of July 2006. In the first place, I have been very busy with school (damn it, bloody homework...) and other stuff (watching almost every single motorsportrace on the TV, reading a lot of car magazines, visiting also the A1 GP on Zandvoort in 2006 and the Champ Car GP in Assen in 2007, and of course spending time with my friends). So, not much time was left for racing in LFS.

But when it was finally vacation (the big summer vacation of 2007), I decided to buy a wheel (Logitech MOMO Racing Force Pro) and started really enjoying the full 100% experience of LFS with a wheel. I can only say: WOW, this game is ánd will always stay the best simulation game there is!!!

Then it was time to go to Austria for the rest of our vacation. After 4 days of fun there, something strange happened. My vision was double, I had this strange pressure in my head (and headaches), and had to vomit almost every morning. Since my parents and I thought this was very, very, very strange ('cause I was never so sick before), we decided to leave Austria 1 day earlier and go back to the Netherlands as fast as we could. Go see the docter...

...and also the GP thought this were very strange symptoms, so we had to go to the hospital. There they made a CT-scan of me, and the result was horrible. I had a malignant tumor (more exactly: a germ cell tumor, see in my head. It was about 3 cm big, and it was blocking the transportchannel of Cerebrospinal Fluid ( in my head, so that clarifies the pressure in my head.

On the same evening I got a operation, where they placed a extern drain (don't know if that is the English name for it) in/on my head, to lower the pressure in my head. And again, 1 week later, I got my second operation, but now for a intern drain (so they removed the extern drain) and a Port-a-Cath (

1 problem solved, the pressure was from my head. So now they could start with the treatment of the tumor. I would get 4 chemotherapies (each of them took a week) and after that Radiotherapy. Well, it's now more than 2 months later, and I'm finished with the chemotherapy. And it was a succes, 'cause the tumor is almost completely gone! I also had a third operation, but now to remove the intern drain, ‘cause I had a bit of the intern drain sticking out of my head, so there was a risk of infections. But hey, I didn’t need the drain any more, ‘cause my head could now transport the fluids on it’s own. There are a few pieces of tumor left, so I still need Radiotherapy. That will start in a couple of weeks. And after the 34 irradiations, I will be (hopefully) finished.

Yes, I know this is a though story, but I'm fine now. I go to school just as a lot of other people here on the forum, I still watch motorsport, read car magazines, have fun with my friends, ánd play LFS, so it seems that nothing has changed! I just continued life, but still have to go a lot to the hospital for blood tests, medical controls, etc. But hey, I'm still standing strong, and will continue with that for the rest of my life!

Well, I think it's now time for some fun, after this though story. Since I got my steering wheel, I am racing a lot online, especially on the Live To Cruise server. My favourite car is the UF GTR (see picture), until I can drive the FXR on LTC. But I still need 42500 pounds...well, it's worth the waiting!

I'm also doing a lil bit of skinning, and (I think) improved a lot on it since my first 3 skins. Later this day I will post some of them. I've got also some ideas for LFS-YouTube movies, so when I got time for that, I will posted them when they are finished.

Well guys, enough for now, just 1 thing: I know I had this tumor-thing, but now that I have said it here on the forum, I think I will let it rest and never begin over it again (here on the forum). This is a place about Cars and Racing, not about Medical things! Apart from the tumor-thing, I'm just like every other 1 on this forum, so I think it's now time to talk about Cars and Racing.

Thanks for your listening ('cause this is a very,very,very long story!) and I hope to see you guys online soon (probably on LTC? I'm the little, white UF GTR with Dutch flags on it, probably laying on it’s roof in the middle of the road LOL).

Attached images
LFS UFR Timz.jpg
LFS UFR Race-action.jpg
Wow..Glad your alright..My mom has a tumor in her head makes me appreciate things alot more..

EDIT: Lol 83 FPS in LFS..I want your computer! :P
Glad to hear your well and enjoying life mate.
Holy fck! Glad your ok, mate.
Jesus.. Glad you lived to tell about it You do know how lucky you are to live?
#6 - Timz
Yes, of course I know...LOL
I'm kicking and ALIVE...(oops, that sounds like an American B-actor...:tilt
I had sympathy for you until you said you like cruise servers.

JOKING! Glad to hear you're getting better. I have a friend going through chemo at the moment and it's horrible.
You have been throught a lot, and still you managed to keep your head above the wather and standing tall.
Your a big person, not talking about hight and such, you know what I mean

Glad to hear that everything is fine with you now, and I do hope I see you on the track someday, allways nice to see a new, or old face on the track

Best regards from me, aka Tor Ole
wooo, i love storys. Glad your ok mate!

GruntOfAction, i get over 30 FPS when im in the back of a full grid with 16x AA and 16xAF
90 fps when im alone :
#10 - Timz
@Smurfen: I also got alone 70-90 FPS, and with a full grid of AI's 30 FPS. On the LTC server it is always between 40-60 FPS, with 32 racers online.

That aren't bad FPS Rates, huh?
Quote from Timz :@Smurfen: I also got alone 70-90 FPS, and with a full grid of AI's 30 FPS. On the LTC server it is always between 40-60 FPS, with 32 racers online.

That aren't bad FPS Rates, huh?

LFS is a good enough looking game and such fps friendly
Allemachtig, dat is nogal slecht nieuws wat je dan te horen krijgt, wat er dan allemaal wel niet door je heen gaat...

Maar het doet me onwijs goed om te horen dat je hersteld bent van de tumor!
#13 - Timz
@ SaM:

Nou ja, mijn eerste gevoel was: GVD!
Maar daarna gelijk: is het dodelijk en kunnen we het genezen?
En als het te genezen is, kunnen we daar dan NU gelijk mee beginnen? LOL

Ja, ik ben idd ook heel blij dat ik er "gewoon" nog ben!

Quote from thisnameistaken :I had sympathy for you until you said you like cruise servers.

JOKING! Glad to hear you're getting better. I have a friend going through chemo at the moment and it's horrible.

#15 - Timz
Quote from thisnameistaken :I had sympathy for you until you said you like cruise servers.

JOKING! Glad to hear you're getting better. I have a friend going through chemo at the moment and it's horrible.

LOL LOL LOL, Yes, also +1, no, +10 LOL
Quote from Smurfen :wooo, i love storys. Glad your ok mate!

GruntOfAction, i get over 30 FPS when im in the back of a full grid with 16x AA and 16xAF
90 fps when im alone :

Lol I keep my computer with Vsync because it looks better..30 fps steady because anything higher isn't worth it to me..20 FPS in full grid..but thats with a PC with 2 other accounts taking up 40 GB of space on my PC.

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