The online racing simulator
(4 posts, started )
Howdy, I was hotlappin' today, out of boredom (demo servers empty, pah), and I found I was unable to get 'good' times. Any chance somone could look at this replay, and tell me if there's anything specificly wrong with my technique, or if it might be setup-related?

Lap 6 is the best (As you will see). Any advice or tips appreciated.
Attached files
BlackSpider_BL1_XFG_13570.spr - 154.1 KB - 284 views
Welcome to LFS :)
Hi there, well i had a look at your replay and here are a few comments which are free so are probably worth about the same

1) Its good to see you are able to drive consistently speed will come with practise and observation
2) You had half a tank of fuel you only need as much fuel as the laps you intend to do (excess wieght otherwise) for GTi on BLGP that means about 2.3% per lap so for 5 laps I normally use 13%
3) You have the help "throttle cut on upshift" enabled which is not quite as fast as manualy doing a throttle cut see options-player section...
4) You dont use enough of the track :P dont be afraid of the curbs - go in wider hit the apex and go out wider will enable faster corner speed...

My PB is 13277 for the car track config - not in alien class but probably better than average. Doing a quick test drive of you car was able to do a 13355 without warming up so would guess would get 1332x - 1335x when warmed up for a days racing so your sets ok just lower the fuel load... I posted a replay of the test drive have a look at lines and how much of the track i use
To get a better idea i suggest downloading WR replays and studying them also.. you can view them in slow motion to really see whats happening (F2 to slow replay down, F3 to speed it up) hope this helps you out a little and look forward to seeing you on track someday
Attached files
B2B@300_BL1_XFG_13355.spr - 358.9 KB - 265 views
Thank you..

Yes, I thought the fuel load might make some difference. I'll try lowering that. As for the throtte-cut, I don't know if I can do that manually with auto-clutch. I only have four buttons on my wheel, which are set to gear-up, gear-down, look left, look right (I consider clean driving more important than anything else, so I have the look buttons easily accessible)

As for the use of the track.. Yeah, a few people have told me that. Guess I should be a bit crazier on the track.
Riding the curbs will only feel dangerous at first until you get used to it and as far as the "cut throttle" thingy goes, that doesnt need an extra button mapped to it - it just has to do with you letting off the throttle for a second while you change gears so as not to overev the engine. Some people even flat shift (hold throttle flat) without noticable engine damage... give it a try

Ps I use "auto clutch" and "blip on downshift" but no other helps..

(4 posts, started )