The online racing simulator
Make a south park version of you
(32 posts, started )
^ Your avatar reminds me of a magic drunk Irish leprechaun.
#27 - Gunn
Quote from MAGGOT :Why is the emo kid holding a gun? He should have a knife.

Or a spoon.
Quote from (SaM) :^ Your avatar reminds me of a magic drunk Irish leprechaun.

and your point is ...........
Quote :Make a south park version of you

I did but it looked crap, crap enough that I couldn't be bothered pressing PrtScn to show all you guys.
<---- would look like me if I could have found the 'Cartman' button to add on a few pounds.
I would like like the picture

Soory for 1st one i forgot to save it as a JPEG
Attached images
Southpark me.JPG
ok me

and i saw a emo other day:


Make a south park version of you
(32 posts, started )