The online racing simulator
AHH!! no more lfs for me!? [LFS on MacBook / XBox controller]
oh man, my parents got pissed and took lfs off my PC. But I have a macbook... Is it possible to run LFS off of bootcamp AND be able to use my xbox 360 controller?
Yes, install the drivers.
Why not just download LFS onto an MP3 player or a memory stick. Then boot LFS off it and unlock it if you need to.
forget about the rents and move out there probly going to take the mac away to...
If your parents took LFS off your computer because of something you did, then it wouldn't be a good idea to circumvent around it and put it somewhere else on another computer or memory stick or something. There is a reason they did it. Find that reason, correct it, and ask for LFS back if the problem was corrected. Going behind their backs to "sneak" LFS will only cause more problems.

I'm a parent, and I was young once as well. If your parents take something away from you, then there's a good chance it was for a reason.
I'm not a parent, but I agree with mrodgers.
just put a hidden folder somewere in the comp like somewere in someother game folder in crogram files or somewere like that that no one would ever find enless they looked really really damn hard and then unlock it again(you will always have 2 unlocks extra) then just run it from there whenever you can. thats waht i do with some off my really gorey shooting game and stuff that my parents dont want me to play.
#8 - garph
Now thats what you call an up to date punishment, lol!

I'll have to remember that one...for when I have kinds....and they are old enough....

What you should do depends on how long the no LFS punishment is for, if they find out you've installed it again then it will only get worse.
if that happened to me i wouldnt be able to survive! :P

but i agree with the guy up above... going behind their backs will only make things worse
What did you do? Bad marks?
#11 - FL!P
Blocked dad under blue flag?
Lol, they probly took it away cause you played it too much and didn't want to do anything like being outside at fresh air etc.
Quote from iluuv2sk8 :just put a hidden folder somewere in the comp like somewere in someother game folder in crogram files or somewere like that that no one would ever find enless they looked really really damn hard and then unlock it again(you will always have 2 unlocks extra) then just run it from there whenever you can. thats waht i do with some off my really gorey shooting game and stuff that my parents dont want me to play.

tools > folder options > select "display hidden files > file > search > search for "LFS". Takes approximately 4 seconds.

Parents nowadays aren't like parents of yesterday. We were exposed to computers in the late years of high school, then all through college . This would have worked in my younger days when my parents had no clue what you would even need a $7000 hunk of electronic gadgetry for.

Quote from FL!P :Blocked dad under blue flag?

Quote from mrodgers :tools > folder options > select "display hidden files > file > search > search for "LFS". Takes approximately 4 seconds.

Parents nowadays aren't like parents of yesterday. We were exposed to computers in the late years of high school, then all through college . This would have worked in my younger days when my parents had no clue what you would even need a $7000 hunk of electronic gadgetry for.

hmmm... thats a good point. i guess you should probably just wait till you can get it back with ur parents aprovel then that way you dont get in trouble even more then you already are. and plus, then u might loose some pounds