The online racing simulator
Torsdagsrace 06-09/2007 Track: South City Town Car: XFR/UFR

Bana: South City Town
Bil(ar): XFR/UFR
Varv: 35 varv
Kval: 30 minuter

WR XFR 1:19.93
WR UFR 1:19.46

19:00: Uppvärmning
21.00: Kval
21:45: Race


Det nya TR-systemet i korthet:

- Anmäl dig genom att svara på frågan i detta inlägg.
- När uppvärmningen börjar skickas lösenordet via PM, inga fler anmälningar tas emot.
- Det finns nu två servrar, Torsdagsrace A och Torsdagsrace B: är det många tävlande kommer gruppen att delas upp i två divisioner.
- Man kan öva/kvala på vilken server man vill, kvaltiderna flätas alltid ihop.
- Under kvalet kan man trycka shift-i för att se gällande kvalresultat en särskild kvaltabell.
- Eventuellt måste du byta server efter kvalet. Den särskilda kvaltabellen visar vilken server du skall köra på.
- Racet körs precis som vanligt, inga konstigheter.

Läs mer och anmäl dig på TRs hemsida
This is TR!
TR's aim is to gather a bunch of friendly LFSers every thursday. It doesn't matter if you're a newcomer or a pro driver, TR welcomes all clean, friendly racers.

Brief intro to TR
- There are two servers: Torsdagsrace A and Torsdagsrace B. If there are enough racers, they'll be split into two divisions.
- You may practice/qualify on either server and the qualifying results will be merged.
- Press shift-i during the qualifying session to bring up the special results table.
- You might have to switch servers after the qualifying. The special results table tells you where to go.

Schedule (UTC)
17:00: Warmup
19.00: Qualfying
19:45: Race

Would you like to participate?
Despite TR being a league, you are not required to partake every week. Simply join the races that sound fun to you! Every week a new sticky thread will be created at TR's forum. Sign up by answering the question in the first post of that thread. The password will be sent as a PM when the warmup session begins. After that, signup is closed. Amongst those who have signed up, we go by first-come, first-served. (Direct link to TR's forum).
#3 - Gil07
Only swedish people allowed?
It's a Swedish event, yes, but we've been known to allow one or two racers from abroad.
#5 - Gil07
Mm, can't register, it gives some pictures of animals and when I click on them it says Hammering, Ignored.

Edit: Finally found the "English" button. Still says the same though
#6 - Gil07
I probably can't make it after all, RL takes priority