The online racing simulator
Ramming cars at end of race.
May I suggest the banning of ramming other cars after a race has ended. It causes my wheel to slam around and it's really annoying.

I've even seen a rammed car skid back over the line and hit an in coming racer yet to finish his race. Wouldn't that tick you off if you were looking at a lap record.

Anyway, I don't mean to be a party pooper but the ramming of cars after a race ends can cause problems for those still racing, and can't be good for force feedback wheels if you're not holding on to them.
Quote :I've even seen a rammed car skid back over the line and hit an in coming racer yet to finish his race. Wouldn't that tick you off if you were looking at a lap record.

Driving back over the line is illegal and is considered wrecking, as you are interfering with drivers who are racing. When you see this please report it, these drivers have a life time ban waiting for them. We dont want them.

You can mess around at T1 after the line (park out of the way if you dont want to get involved in the post race T1 bedlam), but do not drive back over the finish line under any circumstances.

I hope that clears this question up.
it is sort of acceptable to drive not as clean after the race has finished. but driving backward or wreking is NOT ok.
i must admint, i´m one of these "after race wreckers", as a
part of the after-show-party

and its no big deal to avoid this, just go to the pits after you
cross the finish line or just drive a bit around the track and
slowly back to the pits. thats what i do sometimes just to give
the audience what they want
Well i due think we all sometimes have a little carnage after a race. But it seems to becoming more populair nowadays to get smashed after a race and knock you into spectate mode.

Now if your on Race 1/ Race 2 or single seater it doesnt matter that much besides being annoyed. And you need a doctor too take a look at your end because your steering wheel goes mental .
But on B&J it cost you points to get back. With white or yellow roof it isnt that much entry costs but with the higher license it does starting the hurt loosing points without you doing anything wrong.
This doesnt mean point system isnt good, its great but the racer who does it is wrong.

When a race ended on B&J i drove on until half way off track just to get out off the way and not get knocked out.
Nothing wrong with a little carnage once a while but it is taking the upperhand now. And like I said certainly with B&J.
Quote from LordBlaster : thats what i do sometimes just to give
the audience what they want

nice one that made me chuckle I dont mind the odd after race mess about at T1 whilst the UF1s finish the rest of their race ect, but I do tend to pit in and alter somthing about the set

Quote from RatzMilk : It causes my wheel to slam around and it's really annoying.

If you press Esc FF switches off, no more wheel slamming could be that you have the FF a little high?

I really hate those 'after-race-party-crashers'! After a race I'm going to put my hands away from the wheel to roll a cigarette. And everytime any of those party-racers crash into my car, the wheel is spinning around like hell. This can badly DAMAGE the wheel!!!

So may I allowed to ask: Is it really so funny to :tombstone your racer friends hardware? :worried:

+1 ban them!
Quote from -xdream- :I really hate those 'after-race-party-crashers'! After a race I'm going to put my hands away from the wheel to roll a cigarette. And everytime any of those party-racers crash into my car, the wheel is spinning around like hell. This can badly DAMAGE the wheel!!!

Whilst i agree with you, there's an easy solution. Quit to the pits when you've finished.
I haven't noticed this:
Quote from SparkyDave :If you press Esc FF switches off, no more wheel slamming

Seems to be a good solution! Thanks I'll try it.
But that now helps only the people who read this thread, or have this great idea by themself ...
In the old days of S2 release, it was more adults with the licensing and the younger folk on demo. In demo, the post race crashing was abundant. You never saw crashing on licensed servers. You could easily pit, make a setting change, go out and get a quick test in before the next race start. Now it seems the demo behavior is creaping into the licensed servers and you can't get any practice or testing in between races.

Please do not have a crash test at the end of the race. It is very aggrevating when you head back out on the track, only to be crashed out in T1 every single time. Take the childish crashing back to demo please, and leave the licensed servers clean, racing or not.

It was reported some time ago that people were trashing other's wheels because of the hard crashing if they stepped away from their desk for a moment. It's just a childish activity and I don't care for it even if the race is over.

And yes, even post race, if I'm winding it down after the finish line and accidentally wack into someone, I still say sorry.
#11 - FL!P
I couldn't agree more!
#12 - Dru
Quote from The Moose :Whilst i agree with you, there's an easy solution. Quit to the pits when you've finished.

Well thats easily solved.... let me finish ahead of you Moose and that way i can not ram you in frustration AFTER the line
if it damaging your wheel, turn down the force feedback! I only have mine set on 50%!
-xdream , I am not really sure that it can damage your wheel, but what I am sure is: when you smoke you are damaging your lung seriously !!! :-)

Quote from mrodgers :...You could easily pit, make a setting change, go out and get a quick test in before the next race start. Now it seems the demo behavior is creaping into the licensed servers and you can't get any practice or testing in between races.

ok, i must admit, thats what i do sometimes and sure, its annoying beeing crashed while you want to test a new setting.

and thats why i do not crash any racers who drive, even when
the race is over.

so in my eyes its all about behaviour, not bans. the most people
i drive with on the race 2 servers are good, quick and clean racers.
Quote from Zachary Zoomy :if it damaging your wheel, turn down the force feedback! I only have mine set on 50%!

Not an option, just to have a clean finish without the ridiculous demo behavior. The behavior shouldn't be there to begin with. I also use low force, even lower than I assume you mean by 50% (mine is lower in windows as well as LFS). But, not every one uses low force and shouldn't have to turn it off because of people crashing. Like I said, there are folks who want to continue lapping for practice or a setting change test before the next race (though, that doesn't have much to do about wheels going nuts from crashes since you would be holding on to it).

Quote from LordBlaster : so in my eyes its all about behaviour, not bans. the most people i drive with on the race 2 servers are good, quick and clean racers.

Yes, that's what I said. It's the behavior and that behavior is the demo behavior filtering into the licensed servers. People who do this kind of stuff, usually don't progress very fast in the CTRA system. Though, my thoughts are not limited to CTRA, but expand to all servers.

It's a tough one because I do understand that the race is over and folks just like to have a bit of fun after the finish. I can't deny that those who are doing the crashing are enjoying it.
There's one of the South City tracks where T1 is just past the finish line. That's the track that prompted me to write this post.

The number of near misses, Ive had near the finish line there. It's also where I've seen another driver taken out by a car that rebounded off the wall and came flying back down the track doing that spinning like a top trick.

The rest of the tracks in the rotation have T1 far enough away from the finish line that it's not a problem. Except that track at Fern where you've added the extra stuff at the first chicane. You get people coming back down the track, sometimes past the start/finish line, so they can turn around and get a good run up and crash into the barricades at the end of the race.

How about declaring the area between the finish line and T1 on all tracks a safe zone, or even a no go zone. Racers must park anywhere after T1 and you can even have your fun wrecking without interfering with drives still finishing their race. By keeping the area between the finish line and T1 clear, finishing drivers don't have distractions out in front of them while their trying to concentrate on their race. Or worse, aren't dogging cars coming back towards them even if accidentally.
I like nothing more than to pull alongside moosey and have a staring contest in to his visor

though pulling rear end wheelies over Blaster in the mayhem after race party is great!
#19 - Jakg
Hows Yemen treating you, Andy?
its hot!

how's the helmet?
Quote from -xdream- :I really hate those 'after-race-party-crashers'! After a race I'm going to put my hands away from the wheel to roll a cigarette. And everytime any of those party-racers crash into my car, the wheel is spinning around like hell. This can badly DAMAGE the wheel!!!

not its not, theyre desugned to take that sort of punishment. Its beter for them than if you were holding onto the wheel, resisting the movement, such as during the odd unavoidable collision and even hard conering/correcting.
Quote from Stone in Focus :not its not, theyre desugned to take that sort of punishment. Its beter for them than if you were holding onto the wheel, resisting the movement, such as during the odd unavoidable collision and even hard conering/correcting.

I'm sorry about having problems understanding you. English is not my native language. But if you're telling me that wheels are getting no damage from those crashes, I can tell you: They do! My first wheel (Thrustmaster RGT Clutch Edt.) were killed by a after-race-crasher.

@SparkyDave: ESC is working great - thanks for the tip!
Having a bit of fun at the end of the race isn't really a problem. I can never resist a quick victory burnout and sometimes a cheeky stunt. ramming parked vehicles ain't really my thing. Although I'll sometimes indulge in a little payback paintswapping (only little nudges though)
A couple of days ago I saw someone finish the race and carry one driving, slamming into people already finished. Then he started hitting and spinning out people who were still racing. Should I have reported this?
Quote from ChiliFan :A couple of days ago I saw someone finish the race and carry one driving, slamming into people already finished. Then he started hitting and spinning out people who were still racing. Should I have reported this?

Of course not, are you mad?! Crashing and spinning people who are racing is what CTRA is all about!

</end sarcasm>