The online racing simulator

Poll : Would you like an RSSC2 Teamspeak server

No, I don't like/wouldn't use a teamspeak server
Yes, I would use a teamspeak server for the RSSC2
Would any drivers be interesting in me providing a Teamspeak server for the events?
I guess it could be of use for marshalling purposes but i wouldn't see myself using it. It's all down to what it's used for, general natter/Banter or admin purposes?
Dunno, just used it for my last RACE league race, and found it much better than typing after a race.
I guess in that case it's better but mid race i know i wouldn't use it. If i stayed on i would block everyone apart from the race marshalls since i don't like to be disturbed when i drive, makes me crash and i do that without the aid of TS atm
Aye, fair enough, it's just an idea
#6 - DeKo
I probably wouldnt use it, as i would have no way of getting LFS sound out my speakers and the TS out of my headphones. If you set up a server though i suppose i could fire in my old sound card. I tried it once though, having both the LFS sound and the speech through my headphones and it was an absolute nightmare.
#7 - Bean0
Sorry, but I wouldn't use it.
Have had TS on whilst racing once before and it really did my head in. League race as well, so couldn't do anything about it until after the race
#8 - Jakg
Quote from DeKo :I probably wouldnt use it, as i would have no way of getting LFS sound out my speakers and the TS out of my headphones. If you set up a server though i suppose i could fire in my old sound card. I tried it once though, having both the LFS sound and the speech through my headphones and it was an absolute nightmare.

easy, grab two sound cards, set your main one with speakers as default and let TS output to the second card with headphones plugged in.

What i do.
Quote from DeKo :I probably wouldnt use it, as i would have no way of getting LFS sound out my speakers and the TS out of my headphones. If you set up a server though i suppose i could fire in my old sound card. I tried it once though, having both the LFS sound and the speech through my headphones and it was an absolute nightmare.

Is that an issue then?, I can have sound out of both my speakers and my headphones/mic at the same time
#10 - Jakg
he wants to dedicate the headset JUST for TS, and the speakers JUST for the car so it mimics a real life setup (loud engine, the radio in your ear)
Quote from Jakg :he wants to dedicate the headset JUST for TS, and the speakers JUST for the car so it mimics a real life setup (loud engine, the radio in your ear)

Ahhhh.....I get ya
I probably wouldn't use it tbh. I've got crappy headphones which will hurt my ears anyway.
Dan I'll get us TS if ye want ?
Nah, we'll leave it, there isn't a demand for it, it would seem
I could also probably offer CoRe's ventrilo server if needed.