The online racing simulator
Predefined Graphical setting bar
Hello all,
now, due to X patch, and 32 pilots in the track, depend of the type of computer, some of us must to change the graphical configuration to get better perfomance, more frames per second.

It could be a good idea to having a crossbar to set all the graphics settings from the maximum perfomance to the best graphical quality, similar to some graphicals drivers... in just one mouse click.

Scawen, have you thought including some characteristic of this type?


(sorry about my english and I hope you understand what I want to say)
But alot of the performance has to do with Anti-aliasing. Some people like to play with no AA and a higher resolution, others play with lots of AA at a lower resolution... etc...
often times there is low, medium, high, and ultra...max...etc

and then custom...I agree, I would like the presets, and then the ability to tweak it like it is now. Its much easier to just set low and up the resolution, or high and lower aa one click than having to set everything.

#4 - kompa
Quoted from LFS Manual

Dynamic LOD reduction:

Sets the value for the dynamic change of "Level of Detail". Zero means no, and one is full dynamic LOD reduction. This makes the Level of Detail change dynamically depending on how many cars are visible and on your current framerate. Use higher values if you experience slowdowns when multiple cars are visible.

Performance: 1.00 | Quality: 0.00