The online racing simulator
"Server no longer online" BUG
(14 posts, started )
"Server no longer online" BUG
Hey there.

During the past days, it happened to me alot: I pick a server at lfsworld -or- the ingame server browser, but once I try to connect, I get a message like "server no longer online" (dont recall exactly what it says).

I tried to refresh the lfsworld browser as well as the ingame one, but still not working. What happened? I got 3-4 servers that show up with players online, even the player names change from time to time, so it seems to be working for others.

Does this happen to anyone else?
That only happened to me once, about two weeks ago. Dunno why... dunno how.
Are you getting this constantly? Or is it just sometimes? Have you tried redownloading LFS (@ Victor (if he reads this): perhaps we could do with a MD5 hash to verify that the LFS download is correct)?
Quote from the_angry_angel :Are you getting this constantly? Or is it just sometimes?

Yes, constantly. Take for example the Server 'Motodrom': If I try to join via lfsworld, I get the same message. In german, it reads: "Der Server ist nicht mehr online" - or in english, "Server is no longer online". But in fact, the server IS online! I can join via the ingame browser.

Some other servers refuse to work for me at lfsworld AND ingame browser. And some work just as intended, regardless which option I pick to join.

I allways refresh the server list, ingame browser's one as lfsworld server list, the lists seem fine, just the join function not. This happens to me for 3-5 days, where before I never encountered it. In other words: for the time I installed Patch Q.

Quote :Have you tried redownloading LFS (@ Victor (if he reads this): perhaps we could do with a MD5 hash to verify that the LFS download is correct)?

I didn't. Actually, I still want to solve the problem, not to work around it. Hopefully my installation helps the Devs to figure out. Oh well, I could redownload and install to a different directory, yeh maybe later today.
Ahh. What version of LFSJoin, or LFS2Join are you using? The latest? It could be an issue with the new codepages its not passing the names properly...
/me cackles *muhahahahaha*
well, it reall would be interesing what kind of joining tool huxorator is using...
as i told in the join2lfs thread, here @ work it seems to be ok (the name
hashing), but now, i'm going to test it with an umts connection with my
mobile phone to get connected to the master server!
At this very minute I don't have the time to look thru my Firefox Plugin thingie, so I will give you the name / version I am using later tonight. Any hint where I can look it up?
to use the Join links you have to install an application, not a plug in or so!
tell me what happens, when you click on Join in lfs world!
That's easy to tell: I hit join, LFS starts up (with a black screen) and the join procedure starts - normally it would load the track details and stuff, but sometimes it just hits the "server no longer online" thingie.

I tried to figure out which version I got installed, but - can't track it down. Can't find a Firefox Plugin, can't find a seperate installation in my programs dir, nor on my game partition. Can't find any *lfs* file names outside above sources, so - don't ask me WHAT exactly I have installed for joining, but anyways, it seems to be outdated.

/edit: "SPECIAL NOTE: You may need to download and reinstall Join2LFS application again since patch Q, because or some changes to the hostnames and browser incompatibilities, which needed to be addressed. As such a new version of Join2LFS is available now via the earlier link."

- Maybe I should just follow the bold printed advices.. =)

"Server no longer online" BUG
(14 posts, started )