The online racing simulator
ultra lowres skins
(14 posts, started )
ultra lowres skins
My problem is that all the skins since patch X are displayed in ultra low quality. One day after installing the patch the skins are displayed in normal resolution, but now they are at lowres again (i changed nothing!). O.k., its not realy a problem while racing, but LFS viewer also shows those ultra lowres skins. Im not able to finish our teamskins. I tried to change the qualityoptions in LFS but it doesnt work. Hope anyone can help me

[EDIT] new (working) link addet [/EDIT]
#2 - garph
Why would it affect your team skins? If you're making them you make them at 1024 (or higher resolution) and then give everyone, everyone else’s skins to put in their skins folder.

Auto downloaded skins are at 512x512, which looks like what you have in that screen shot. But again, this shouldn't affect the skins you make and put in your skins folder. You have to pay for the higher 1024x1024 skins, but they are .dds so you wouldn't be able to use the viewer to see them.

I don't think there is a setting that would affect the viewer as well.
I cant see my own (local, NOT downloaded) 1024*1024 skins at a normal quality. The skins are showed right in my teammates LFS, and even if he downloads my skin (512*512), it looks better than what i see on my PC.
I copied it (JPG) into the \DATA\Skins\ folder. I can select it ingame, but the resolution ingame ist much lower than in the JPG file. 512*512 skins HAVE a better quality than this. All i want to know is why does LFS dont show my skins in the resolution that they HAVE on my harddisk? Is it possible that LFS decreases the quality for slower systems if the framerate goes below 25 or something like that? (ive got a ATI X1300pro, AMD Athlon 2600+, 512MB ram, framerates are low on full servers, but since the skins are showed with low quality it runs better. but i cant make a skin if i cant see them how they look in full quality)
Why does LFS (patch X) worked perfectly for one day and the next day it looks like this? Reinstalling doesnt change anything. I just want to see my own skin in original quality in LFS viewer so i can edit it correctly, but the quality is about 1/4 of the original JPG file if i use it ingame or in the viewer.

hope my english isnt too bad and everyone understands what i want to say
#4 - dadge
is you lfs viewer installed in the same folder as lfs? does it share the same skins folder as lfs?
No, i installed the viewer in a extra folder. If a skin is finished i copy it manualy to the LFS skin folder.
#6 - garph
If your own 1024x1024 skins are not showing right in the viewer then I have no idea, the viewer wont resize anything just show it.

I also tried changing the resolution and stuff on my viewer but the quality was still I dunno, sorry.

#7 - dadge
i can view 2048x2048 skins on my viewer so you've lost me too.
I checket my ATI Catalyst settings. everything there is like it should be and i use the most current drivers.

Anyway thanks for the help.
#9 - dadge
i don't think it's a hardware problem. i think you might of messed with a config or something.
maybe the dpi setting in your skinning program (psp)
I dont think so because the problem is the same when i use the original LFS skins (takai, 4players...) ingame. I installed LFS in a new folder.. Same problem, so it cant be a problem with the config
Or does LFS save a config outside its folder?
Have you set your mipmap bias really low in the graphics card settings? It kinda looks like the bias is so low it will only display the lowres texture versions no matter how close you are.
Mipmap settings are o.k. I tried it with full quality but it doesnt changed anything
How about:

Options > Graphics > Full size textures = Yes ... ?

EDIT: or, Options > Misc > Dynamic LOD reduction = 1.00 ...?
Quote from dungbeetle :How about:

Options > Graphics > Full size textures = Yes ... ?

EDIT: or, Options > Misc > Dynamic LOD reduction = 1.00 ...?

That's all in game, not in the CMX viewer. The only options in the CMX viewer are for screen resolution.

ultra lowres skins
(14 posts, started )