The online racing simulator
No connection to master Server
(31 posts, started )
No connection to master Server
I have no connection, don´t know why.
0.5W / 0.5W39 or a just installed a fresh version all the same...
also in demo or S1 mode

I have played even today, only a braek for a few hours
923 people online now
thanks for ur info...

I´ve delet "" from my hosts and now i have back my Serverlist but why now? ...
All the same,waht ever.. it works
Quote from Tobias Thomas :thanks for ur info...

I´ve delet "" from my hosts and now i have back my Serverlist but why now? ...
All the same,waht ever.. it works

Im having the same problem. Could u perhaps explain better what u did.
#5 - Sage
I'm getting the same thing. I can't connect to the Master Server. Something with the update?
#6 - Sage
Sorry for a double post, but I didn't want to create a new thread. I still can't connect. I've tried messing with my Firewall, switched my wireless network (being on a laptop), tried using the Test patch W40, and the Offical patch W. I get the Cannot Connect to Master Server error screen.
I'm having the same problem, where is the HOSTS file to delete the ip addy? I forget, can someone jump in here to help...please

Same problem
Just telling you the same problem, not possible to connect to masterserver.
Plz some GURU help us out here.
Try this ant (or anyone with this problem), it works for me (with XP).

1) Local Disk Drive (C)
2) Windows
3) System32 Folder
4) Drivers Folder
5) Etc Folder
6) Hosts File (open it with wordpad, then delete the line and save it).
and here. Cant Connect.
Quote from rc10racer :Try what i put above your post, it works for me

I knew we could count on you, dear friend. I'll try and post my result here.
Then I'll promote you to GURU.
Quote from rc10racer :Try this ant (or anyone with this problem), it works for me (with XP).

1) Local Disk Drive (C)
2) Windows
3) System32 Folder
4) Drivers Folder
5) Etc Folder
6) Hosts File (open it with wordpad, then delete the line and save it).

That´s it
the old master IP still worked because I had a TCP-relay running on it, forwarding your traffic to the new master. But I've shut this down now after 2 weeks. DNS servers should have updated by now.
If you cannot connect, then indeed check rc10racer's post - maybe you had the old master IP written in the hosts file :
Remove the line if it is there.
1 minute work and a great step by step manual makes Pickard a GURU.

It works and I'll post it on our forum too
Quote from Victor :the old master IP still worked because I had a TCP-relay running on it, forwarding your traffic to the new master. But I've shut this down now after 2 weeks. DNS servers should have updated by now.
If you cannot connect, then indeed check rc10racer's post - maybe you had the old master IP written in the hosts file :
Remove the line if it is there.

Thanks Victor, that was the case.......big thanks to rc10racer as well, I just couldn't remember where that hosts file was located.....all is well that ends well.

:auto:<------- ME
Yay. This was my problem too

That i didn't think of that myself.
Quote from sahara :"can not connect to master server i cant even ping it.

What does resolve to? (to check goto start > run, type "cmd" click ok. Type "nslookup" into the command prompt and hit enter/return.

You should find that it's (currently).
Ok guy's same problem can't connect to master sever, Been off the game for a while 2+ weeks, I Have tryed CMD.EXE Ping And its pinging fine ive also Tryed Program file's,Window's,Driver's,ETC,Host's and adding I saved it but still Can't connect to LFS. This is not due to my windows firewall i have tryed everthing you can think of to do with windows firewall Allowing LFS though, It's very strange. Im also running window's vista

The strange thing is i got a knew PC cause my other one messed up on me
i got this computer and Downloaded LFS Patch_W+ Then it worked fine i then was told to install patch W_17 had very hard time getting online but didnt seem to be as difficult, as what it is now i have updated to W_47 I Have tryed everything, im now waiting for Patch_X As ive been trying so hard and not got anywhere

Anything to say?

Thank's, for Reading/Helping Frm Springer
Quote from toad_toes :Ok guy's same problem can't connect to master sever, Been off the game for a while 2+ weeks, I Have tryed CMD.EXE Ping And its pinging fine ive also Tryed Program file's,Window's,Driver's,ETC,Host's and adding I saved it but still Can't connect to LFS. This is not due to my windows firewall i have tryed everthing you and think of to do with windows firewall Allowing LFS though

Did it work until you updated to a new patch? Or were you having trouble before hand?
you need to allow new LFS.EXE file in your firewall especially in the bloatware Vista thingy:-).The checksum changed for the firewall so it looks like new program.Common problem.
Ok guy's same problem can't connect to master sever, Been off the game for a while 2+ weeks, I Have tryed CMD.EXE Ping And its pinging fine ive also Tryed Program file's,Window's,Driver's,ETC,Host's and adding I saved it but still Can't connect to LFS. This is not due to my windows firewall i have tryed everthing you and think of to do with windows firewall Allowing LFS though, It's very strange. Im also running window's vista

The strange thing is i got a knew PC cause my other one messed up on me
i got this computer and Downloaded LFS Patch_W+ Then it worked fine i then was told to install patch W_17 had very hard time getting online but didnt seem to be as difficult, as what it is now i have updated to W_47 I Have tryed everything, im now waiting for Patch_X As ive been trying so hard and not got anywhere

Ok thank's for the reply still no help to me.

once again Ive Tryed everything ive allowed the new LFS.EXE though my firewall, And yes it only did it when i updated to Patch_w47

Still having the same problem with Patch_x, I think this is because Window's Vista Has noticed that everytime i Update to a new Patch, The LFS.EXE change's. And thinks its a Virus And Block's It, But unlike Window's XP it doe's not come up with a warning massege Asking If I Trust The program, Wich Suck's but im working on it.
It should not be there at all. Some people have it because the masterserver moved to an other ip some time ago.

If you want to try you should use the current ip insead of the old.

So you could try:
which version of LFS do you run? You can see that at the bottom of the main menu of LFS.

No connection to master Server
(31 posts, started )