The online racing simulator
Round 2 and cutting
With the next rounds being at Fern Bay Club, there is often alot of cutting at these tracks, at the first chicane after T1 and the second chicane prior to the main straight. How are you going to prevent this? Bigger barriers etc?

It would be useful to know if there will be any barricade reinforcements asap as they can affect the way in why you practice. What might be ok now, with one wheel on the grass and one on the road, may not be possible in the race and may affect setups and lines etc.
If theres nothing saying you must have 2 wheels on the track at all times, then i say leave things as they are.
If the ruling is must have 2+ wheels on tarmac then i think there should be barriers put in place to remove any doubt and accusations of it happening.

We've just raced round somewhere with barriers all the way around, so i dont see why it should cause a problem putting 1 diaganal barrier there to mark the limits. I say 1 barrier (concrete) so that incase the sh*t hits the fan then theres room for someone to grass it round the ourside and come back on.

Personally i think its pretty silly to try and stop it if people are using it, however an official decision needs to be made ASAP because making a decision at the last minute isnt acceptable, and any layouts need sharing to allow an even playing field.

There is no rule saying 2 wheels on track at all times, and if there are future tracks where this is going to be a problem can it be looked into immediately and solutions be found so as few questions are being asked for this sort of situation.
We did not want to put any barriers onto the track first.
Since the server has changed the track and racers are free to train on it we've experienced that people cut the down/uphill chicane almost every time, so we came to the conclusion to put some barriers on the track.
Unfortunately I can't contact Dan from UKCT at the moment to giv him the layouts, but this will be done ASAP. I hope that by sunday morning we'll have the layouts loaded.

For the guys of you who want to train as realistic as possible:

on the "flat" chicane there are two hay bales behind the tyres (seen from normal direction, not reverse), and on the downhill chicane there are two rows of bales, then 2 red barriers, then two rows of bales again to prevent cutting from both sides. They should allow you to have 2 wheels slightly on the grass, shouldn't catapult your cars into the air and allow some kind of "usual cutting".


der butz
would have asked on msn but you be hiding
Any chance of attaching the latest revision of this layout on here for SP/MP practicing
#5 - mr_x
please not 2 red barriers. the STCC uses these and it just causes mayhem which can be easily avoided (by taking the barriers out). I suggest while the collision detection is as bad as it is, NO red/white barriers.

I think the track should be left as it is, it's the same for everyone, so why should it cause a problem?
Quote from mr_x :please not 2 red barriers. the STCC uses these and it just causes mayhem which can be easily avoided (by taking the barriers out). I suggest while the collision detection is as bad as it is, NO red/white barriers.

The red barriers "hide" behind 2 layers of hay bales, therefore you almost can't hit them. But seen in the stcc if we only have the bales they'll be wiped away after round 1 (causing trouble/damage for the leaders) and all the other racers will cut again. In my layout the only way NOT to crash is not to cut. Period :-)

Quote from mr_x : I think the track should be left as it is, it's the same for everyone, so why should it cause a problem?

I partly agree with you. If the racers would all behave and act normally, it would be no problem leaving the track as it is. But I think tarmac is tarmac, if the designers of a track would have wanted us to drive straight, they'd have made it a straight. Since there IS a chicane and it is NOT a rallyX league we've decided to prevent people from cutting by putting some obstacles in the way.

I'll host both Layouts in a few minutes and I hope to meet Dan today, so he can upload and install them on both training servers.

Should you encounter problems with cars clipping the barriers or/and flying around please let me know via pm! Maybe I'm going to put 100 hay bales onto the grass that all cars will get stuck in lap 1 then XD

naah, everything will be fine.


der butz
Quote from mr_x :please not 2 red barriers. the STCC uses these and it just causes mayhem which can be easily avoided (by taking the barriers out). I suggest while the collision detection is as bad as it is, NO red/white barriers.

The red barriers "hide" behind 2 layers of hay bales, therefore you almost can't hit them. But seen in the stcc if we only have the bales they'll be wiped away after round 1 (causing trouble/damage for the leaders) and all the other racers will cut again. In my layout the only way NOT to crash is not to cut. Period :-)

Quote from mr_x : I think the track should be left as it is, it's the same for everyone, so why should it cause a problem?

I partly agree with you. If the racers would all behave and act normally, it would be no problem leaving the track as it is. But I think tarmac is tarmac, if the designers of a track would have wanted us to drive straight, they'd have made it a straight. Since there IS a chicane and it is NOT a rallyX league we've decided to prevent people from cutting by putting some obstacles in the way.

I'll host both Layouts in a few minutes and I hope to meet Dan today, so he can upload and install them on both training servers.

Should you encounter problems with cars clipping the barriers or/and flying around please let me know via pm! Maybe I'm going to put 100 hay bales onto the grass that all cars will get stuck in lap 1 then XD

naah, everything will be fine.


der butz


here they are:

fe1 normal layout

fe1 reverse layout

To install and activate put both files in you /data/layouts folder, start lfs, then start a race/training in single player mode. Press shift-u (you might have to press space to bring up the building menu then). In the lower right corner press "load layout" and select the "FE1-" or "FE1R_nocut" layout. Play.

have fun


der butz
thanks for clearing it up guys

regarding cutting, it is one of those things that racers do which really drops the realism of the racing down a notch, even wheels on the grass should be discouraged i reckon.

How do i go about using these files posted up? Will they permanently change the layouts in the single player version so ill need to back up the originals?
Quote from dynofiend :thanks for clearing it up guys

regarding cutting, it is one of those things that racers do which really drops the realism of the racing down a notch, even wheels on the grass should be discouraged i reckon.

How do i go about using these files posted up? Will they permanently change the layouts in the single player version so ill need to back up the originals?

No, the layouts are only files that add something to the tracks. You can get rid of them the same way you've installed them, so no worries, as Dru would say ;-)

BTW: The layouts have been installed already on the training servers, so you won't have to install them locally, just get online and have fun!


der butz


I just want to thank ukct.Dan and the whole ukct team once more for sponsoring the servers and helping us out with everything!
Quote from der butz :

I just want to thank ukct.Dan and the whole ukct team once more for sponsoring the servers and helping us out with everything!

I will thank them and all the UF1 Owners Club drivers and The management =) Thank you all:laola: :balloons:
Quote from Tomhah :I will thank them and all the UF1 Owners Club drivers and The management =) Thank you all:laola: :balloons:

I second that! great series so far, Thanks to all sponsors and event management
#12 - Dru
We had lots of racing online last night and despite a few complaints (you know who you are guys ) the racing was clean and people gave the barriers a bit of respect.

These barriers will be staying for this league event.

Anyone who has NOT practiced on either of the UF1000 Owners Club servers since the upload at the weekend of the new layouts should get on tonight to enable you to at least know what they are all about.

Oh BTW the same will be occuring for Aston Cadet next week, namely a barrier across the sand trap etc etc. Again these should be uploaded by this weekend so you have plenty of time to moan/complain/practice/moa/complain etc etc


Quote from Dru :Oh BTW the same will be occuring for Aston Cadet next week, namely a barrier across the sand trap etc etc. Again these should be uploaded by this weekend so you have plenty of time to moan/complain/practice/moa/complain etc etc



I plan to moan, complain and practice

I dont like barriers when an existing line is commonplace, however provided the config which will be run is made available to all well in advance (ie 4-7 days before) i dont see as theres any reason to object unless there are geniune concerns about the placement of them rather than just a general moan about having to have them there.
#14 - Dru
Quote from PaulC2K :I plan to moan, complain and practice

I dont like barriers when an existing line is commonplace, however provided the config which will be run is made available to all well in advance (ie 4-7 days before) i dont see as theres any reason to object unless there are geniune concerns about the placement of them rather than just a general moan about having to have them there.

ah ha - excellent, so you don't plan to race then... hehehhehe there will be a 4th place finish up for grabs at Fern Bay afterall then no any non-mercury entrant
#15 - mr_x
I don't like anti-cutting barriers full stop. They can ruin a race by the tinyest of mistakes. when you're in the midfield on the first lap it creates hell if just 1 person hits them. IMO tyres would have been a much better option.
There are few things I hate more than hard barriers.
But tyres fly around and hit "innocent" cars, and with any kind of soft barriers there will be cutting involved. Once the tyres are gone I believe everyone will cut straight, one begins, all the others "cut to stay close to the guy that cut initially". This is maybe the only thing I hate more than hard barriers.


der usuallynotthatstrictbutz
Quote from Dru :Oh BTW the same will be occuring for Aston Cadet next week, namely a barrier across the sand trap etc etc. Again these should be uploaded by this weekend so you have plenty of time to moan/complain/practice/moa/complain etc etc



Dru, this autox config hasnt been uploaded and i've yet to see it in the server either, is there any chance of someone uploading it and also putting it onto the server because 48hrs before the event and its still not available... doesnt seem quite right.
#18 - mr_x
Does AS1 really need a layout on it?

There's no place to cut where you can gain an advantage, surely?
#19 - Dru
Quote from PaulC2K :Dru, this autox config hasnt been uploaded and i've yet to see it in the server either, is there any chance of someone uploading it and also putting it onto the server because 48hrs before the event and its still not available... doesnt seem quite right.

in an effort to cut/reduce critism/discussion/time organising things we are not altering any of the layouts for the rest of the event

Put simply if anyone is found to be cutting during or post event and a complaint ids made we'll investigate it that route mate

Oh Paul, off topic, has Pecker got anyone lined up to replace Franke or is he driving for second in the constructors on his own for the last 3 events?


Quote from der butz :
I just want to thank ukct.Dan and the whole ukct team once more for sponsoring the servers and helping us out with everything!

no worries mate, both me and the UKCT team are proud to play host to the UF1000 Mayhem Cup.

And after all, i was in ZWR, so its a way of showing my gratitude for all the good times we had
Quote from Dru :in an effort to cut/reduce critism/discussion/time organising things we are not altering any of the layouts for the rest of the event

Put simply if anyone is found to be cutting during or post event and a complaint ids made we'll investigate it that route mate

Oh Paul, off topic, has Pecker got anyone lined up to replace Franke or is he driving for second in the constructors on his own for the last 3 events?



okay cool, figured there wasnt really any need for it but with the comments last week suggesting one was already done i wasnt sure if some possible routes were just being blocked anyway.

Rooble replacement... possibly, Domin8r is going to be trying the UF1 for a bit, although Viper is saying he might not be able to make the race and he probably wont know till Thursday anyway so Dom will probably be a replacement for one of them. btw, Pecker claims he's gonna win the constructors series all by himself! we'll see about that!