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Software battles between Logitech and Windows on my computer?
I recently reinstalled windows and I'm trying to set the mouse wheel 'click' to perform a 'double click' like I have had it for years. I installed microsoft intellipoint like I used before and set the mouse wheel click to be a double click but it doesn't. I'm clicking apply and ok so that's not the problem.

Also, my Logitech cordless keyboard (they came as the Cordless MX Duo package) used to control video players with the built in play/pause and stop buttons. Now they control volume of all things!

Any ideas?


When I try to change the mouse button settings i get this window (picture included)
It it basically telling me "you can only have options if you buy microsoft hardware"?
Attached images
die bill gates.JPG
i dont know how to fix your problem, but your first mistake was reinstalling windows (unless you deleted your entire harddrive) but from what you've said i dont htink you did, and if you didn't, that will cause even more problems, its never good to write over newer registry with older registry
ok, what led up to my reinstalation was a dying hard drive. i bought a new one, copied the files i wanted (movies, music, pictures, etc.... no programs) then threw out the old hard drive. it was a completely fresh instalation on a freshly formatted hard drive.

does that help? or at least make it less bad?


p.s. did Massa show us why he's NOT the next schumacher or what in Malaysia? SLOPPY!
Maybe there is a corrupt .db file there causing a crash?, try doing a search of all the .db files and deleting them (they are hidden).

Just an idea, it might be a corrupt file in general, most probably an image,
I've heard stories of new hard drives not being properly formatted from the factory... or something.