The online racing simulator
Ways the AI could be improved
1 They go into pits without you forcing them to
2 You can manually customise their setups and paintjobs
3 They don't ram into you as if you don't exsist

That's all I can think of really...
#2 - herki
1 & 3 have been suggested before

About 2: I don't really get what you want? They already can have custom paint jobs and setups.
I think them not needing guide dogs when they get out of the cars would help. To reflect this, two of my AI's are called Stevie Wonder and David Blunkett.
for 2, I mean edit their setups without changing yours, put AI use player setup on and addding them afterwards and edit their painjobs without naming them after the skin name then adding them
Quote from duke_toaster :I think them not needing guide dogs when they get out of the cars would help. To reflect this, two of my AI's are called Stevie Wonder and David Blunkett.