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The Great Global Warning
(143 posts, started )
The Great Global Warning
An Inconvenient Truth? No way, look at this.

How did the ice ages end? Prehistoric men making huge fires? Hahaha.
Attached images
Yeah, the hockey stick figure. You can prove anything with statistics if you edit them right. Checking the video.
Just spent the past hour and a bit watching that, was informative.
#4 - Vain
They are putting up facts against facts.
If you read up on global warming you find evidence quoted and explained, and this video presents evidence that points right in the other direction. So one shows me temperature graphs that indicate A, and he other shows me temperature graphs that indicate the inverse of A. Both can not possible be true at the same time.
In that case I have to decide which author I trust more.

Yeah watched this last week on channel 4. It has thrown up a few good questions and explained few things but I still believe that our everyday actions and lifestyle is effecting the planet and its ecosystem and maybe even its climate.

In the end i thinks is better to be safe then sorry.

One thing that was interesting was how govenrments give more funding to projects and scientists doing research on global warming then if you were researching something else.

Ive always thought this about global warming, never truely beliving that its all totally man made. Fact is its happened plenty of times in the past (from what they can tell through ice cores and the like). I still believe we're doing alot of damage to the planet, just not fully causing it to heat up. And I hate how the govement is using it to justify charging us more money (in the uk at least) and how companies are doing pr stunts to say they're green when in reality they aren't.

I approve of 99% of the things we are doing (or should be) to remedy the global warming "problem". Whether the problem is as serious or real as some might claim (I've never been convinced either way) has no effect on that, for me.
#8 - J.B.
I've pretty much given up trying to find out how much or how little the human race is responsible for the earth's climate. As Vain said there's just too much conflicting data and claims being thrown around. To really be able to have an own oppinion I don't think you can get around studying the matter in depth as a professional at this stage.

But this doesn't change the fact that digging and drilling out old fossil mass from the earth's crust and releasing it into the atmosphere by burning it doesen't sound like a clever idea by any measure. If you know anything about heat transfer systems you will be aware that the atmosphere is the only reason the temperatures on earth are suited to support current life forms and that any change to the chemical mixture of the air around this planet will influence this system. The thing we can't seem to work out is what and how significant the effect of man-made changes are. So basically it's a case of "let's try to keep our influence as low as possible and hope for the best".

What sickens me most about the whole subject is that the only reason the main culprits (coal burning power plants NOT cars) even still exist today is because of the so called "green" members of our society.

Ultimately I'm rather pessimistic about the whole issue though. IMO there's just no way that anything meaningful can be done about atmospheric pollution as long as the world is split up into independant states. What's the point of doing anything about emmisions in Europe or North America if China, India and South America are on the same planet? When I read about enviromental politics I often get the feeling some people are not entirely aware of the fact that the atmosphere and the laws of thermodynamics don't know anything about the country boarders we have drawn onto maps.
My god! It's like a wonderfully written Agatha Christie novel! :detective
#10 - JTbo
Whatever if global warming is just natural and normal thing or not, I think that if all this fuzz makes people care this planet more and stop raping it, that will be just good thing and I really don't care if it is based to even Santa Claus.

Consume less and find harmony with nature, that is what should be global goal, imo.
Yeah. But. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth when it's all done through coercion. Whether it's George Bush scaring you to death with Terrorist boogy-man stories, or Al Gore with with his global warming theories (or your own or my own government's handling of these kinds of issues) , politicians know they will get elected by homing in on and inflaming the next big fear of the people.
I hate this talk about global warming because it's just a smoke screen for big dollars to keep on consuming. Global warming this, global warming that, and therefore we must build more nuclear plants. Puck that.

The real problem is pollution which actuall isn't included in global warming talk. The reason to build more nuclear power is that we wouldn't be dependent on fossile fuels. So that we could maintain our energy usage level even when oil is gone. Wtf? Best way to fight environmental disasters is to consume less. Use less energy. Nuclear waste is still waste and pollution even if it's buried out of sight.

Global warming is currently just a political punch-line which allows politicians to look and sound important without requiring them to actually think about anything. And people buy it. Of course. People don`t understand what`s going on so they trust politicians. Politicians dont know jack either, so they trust lobbyist/corporates.

As a solution to global warming and energy crisis (which seems to have been consistent situation from the beginning of industrial ages) the building of nuclear power plant farms is always offered. Why couldn`t we just save energy? Is it necessary to keep the lights on when nobody is in room? Is it necessary to run factories 24/7 even when there`s no actual need? Is it really necessary to drive two kilometers to work when walking would be cheaper, faster and good for health?

Situation is same in everything. Coding for example. Always new code is added on top of older and very rarely the whole code is redesigned with much more optimal methods.

If our factories use too much energy, then optimize them instead of providing more and more energy to them, but noooo. Shareholders have to have maximum profits all the time, so no chance of upgrading the energy effectiveness.

Global warming is serious issue, but it is mainly used as a smoke screen. If you really want to know, if you really care, then dig deep into it and figure things out. You don`t like what you find out. No one important knows anything and no one is admitting it.
Yep, there's too much politics involved to sort things out with only second hand accounts on the matter.
#14 - JTbo
Also they seem to think that it is CO2 that is solely causing global warming, when there is quite many other boosters more powerful than that. Imo, only thing humans have done is that they have accelerated change.

Pollution, land waste etc. is bigger problem, but hopefully will taken care with green boom also

Here is funny test that has come from global fuzz, it shows how much you waste
I'm sure it is impossible to find person that gets good result from this, it is bad or even more bad

Answering honestly to all questions I got 3.2 when average is 8.4 from people around here.
Global warming is bollocks
The sun is one big bollock
Food 5.4, Mobility 0.7, Shelter 1, Goods/Serv. 1.2
Total 8

I guess it doesn't pay to be a glutton..
#18 - joen
I'm no scientist so I don't have the ability to check either side's "facts". What I do know is that both sides present figures and facts that sound logical to me. However this would indicate that both sides are right. And that's impossible.

I do think that human actions have an impact on the world's climate. But I don't think it's the sole reason for global warming. That doesn't mean mankind shouldn't change their way of life, because I do feel a lot of damage has been and still is done.

This film claims that Gore's is pure propaganda. The same applies to this one too though.

They say that the amount of CO2 produced by mankind is less that volcanic activity in the world. Well, I can believe that's true. But that doesn't mean mankind's "contribution" isn't a bad thing just because it's less than the volcanoes produce. The latter may just be what nature can process within it's normal boundaries. Man's part may just be what causes the cup to run over.

I don't know, I try to evaluate both side's arguments the best I can. I'm not with the doom thinkers, but I'm not with the other side either. What I do now, is that there are a lot of environmental problems that are surely mankind's doing. I think a mentality change is needed for mankind, regardless of the question if global warming is their doing.
I however don't have much faith in this.
I answered honestly on that footprint thing...

Food 1
Mobility 0.4
Shelter 0.6
Goods/services 0.8
Total 2.8
#20 - joen
Food 1.4
Mobility 0.3
Shelter 0.6
Goods/Services 1
Total footprint 3.3
One thing I picked up on in this film which I hadn't known before. Water vapour is a greenhouse gas. O.K. I've been into hydrogen cars for years - the only emission from hydrogen cars is water vapour. How will pumping more water vapour into the atmosphere help stabalize greenhouse gas emissions?
I don't know but when you see a tv report on smog in Mexico or LA or some other big city.. It might not do much to heat up the globe, the stuff IS @#$#ed up and evil imo..

This sounds a little like: "Yay its not changing the climate, who cares that its unhealthy for humans! we won!"
I guessed the flat to be 90-130 square meters although i think its smaller.

still not bad considering there is an average for UK 5.8
My score is lowish too.. 2.8.. But if I had a big house and big garage with some fine noisy rear wheel drive cars? Would I care that my rating was higher? Nope!
Well I think the documentary was good. I've had my doubts about global warming ever since I heard it had been warmer before the temperatures had been started to measure, so it all could be normal. But still even that was informative, it's hard to trust either of the sides. The anti CO2 movement is getting ridiculous though, politicians use it here to run for the parliament in the ongoing elections, I for sure won't vote anyone too keen on that issue...bloody idiots. I'm all for reducing pollution and making the world a cleaner and better place to live, but it should be that for everyone not just for us here in the rich western world. As said in the film, it wouldn't be about us reducing our emissions of CO2 but if we allow the third world countries to get on our level, and it does seem like they won't let it happen as there would be the risk of of economical boom like happening in China and Asia right now which will make the economical growth in the west drop once again. I can see the motives, if they are true, can't tell. It's sure that something should be done to Africa though, giving some electricity could do wonders!

But basically, I think we are screwed anyway. The climate can get warmer, doesn't matter if it's because of the man or it could cool down, you never know. I think running out of oil is more serious issue, it won't only have a dramatic effects on the economy but on the way of life, and what worries me most are the wars we are going to see before that.

The Great Global Warning
(143 posts, started )