The online racing simulator
Stupid is as stupid does
(15 posts, started )
#1 - Smax
Stupid is as stupid does
"A woman who drove on to a railway line after following directions from her satellite navigation system will not face prosecution, British Transport police said yesterday. The unnamed 52-year-old, from Dorking, Surrey, was waiting at a level crossing at Norman's Bay, near Eastbourne, East Sussex, on January 16 when the device told her to turn left.

She drove her Ford Fiesta on to the track, blocking train services between Brighton and Hastings. The BTP said a prosecution would not be in the public interest as the woman had made an honest mistake".

Source- Press association.

Somebody clearly needs to re-program this woman's sat nav to tell her to drive off the nice big white cliff and then set up a camera to see what happens - I mean FFS can you get a driving licence with 10 tokens from the back of a Cornflakes packet these days or something?
GPS - "Please hit the next Truck"
well u dont know if shes "normal" in every way
lucky that she go out of it without anything.
#3 - JTbo
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :GPS - "Please hit the next Truck"
well u dont know if shes "normal" in every way
lucky that she go out of it without anything.

If she is not "normal" and incapable to use brains she should not have license. Too bad she did not need to go to court, that would at least have a chance to get her license cancelled. Or in case of UK or Finland GPS devices banned

That kind of drivers need to be removed from roads.
#4 - Smax
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :
well u dont know if shes "normal" in every way

True enough - the number of stupidly coloured Corsas on our roads with dustbins pretending to be exhausts is proof positive that being mentally deficient is not necessarily a barrier to being given a driving licence but the thought that the day has come when we need questions like

"Railway lines are designed as transport routes for -


in the driving test examination is truly frightening.
#5 - JJ72
Quote from JTbo :That kind of drivers need to be removed from roads.

Which she duly did.
Quote from Smax :"Railway lines are designed as transport routes for -


I think I saw it on Laurel & Hardy. And a piano is a type of weapon.
#7 - JTbo
Quote from Smax :
"Railway lines are designed as transport routes for -


I'm pretty sure majority will fall into that one, they do answer d) People as that is how hyper social city generation thinks about things, why else we would have soap opera called Lost so popular etc.

Unsocial tech heads like my self are crying or laughing most of time
TomTom (which is what I use) has funny enunciation at times.

"Perform a legal u-turn" ALWAYS sounds like "perform illegal u-turn", and brings a smile to my face every time I miss a turning
Quote from tristancliffe :"Perform a legal u-turn" ALWAYS sounds like "perform illegal u-turn", and brings a smile to my face every time I miss a turning

Brilliant. Given this precedent you'll have to try the same excuse; "My sat-nav made me do it, ocifer!".
Quote from LFSn00b :lol what a jerk...

lol i was waiting for a comment like that off you
you make me laugh

she must have a death wish**
These kind of people make me boggle. How is it possible to get to the age of 52 without knowing that stopping on a railway line is not a smart thing to do?

People like her are the reason we have "Warning: Contents Hot" labels on coffee cups, and the reason we need "You are a f*cking moron" labels on everything else.

BTW, any chance of a link to the story for my blog?
Might have to try that myself, don't have sat nav but someone may as well use the railway lines while the workers are on strike Whats the speed limit on the railways?
I live near to that crossing, and i cant see why ot would tell her to turn left as there is no left turn either side....CrAzY WoMaN
#15 - Smax

Stupid is as stupid does
(15 posts, started )