The online racing simulator
(93 posts, closed, started )
#26 - Jakg
Dammit you beat me to it!

Im a member of LOTS of forums (i mean a lot - a small list...)
LFS Forum
Diy-Street (DFi-street)
eBuyer forums
First Loox
Axim Site
STCC Forum
Isohunt Forums
Driver Heaven
Mess forums
Portable apps

(I ALWAYS spell my name "Jakg" not "JAKG", so its NOT me thats on the christian forum!)
Dang! All those, plus 6000+ posts here. You ever get any driving done?
Quote from Jakg :Im a member of LOTS of forums (i mean a lot - a small list...)
LFS Forum
Diy-Street (DFi-street)
eBuyer forums
First Loox
Axim Site
STCC Forum
Isohunt Forums
Driver Heaven
Mess forums
Portable apps

I couldn't do that. Forums are the procrastinator's paradise. If I check more than two forums a day I just don't get any work done. As such, I only really read this one.
Quote from Jakg :Dammit you beat me to it!

Im a member of LOTS of forums (i mean a lot - a small list...)
LFS Forum
Diy-Street (DFi-street)
eBuyer forums
First Loox
Axim Site
STCC Forum
Isohunt Forums
Driver Heaven
Mess forums
Portable apps

(I ALWAYS spell my name "Jakg" not "JAKG", so its NOT me thats on the christian forum!)

and in a few years from now youll wish youd spent your youth entertaining uhm cats
Whoops for mixing Sam and Bob. I saw a moderator had replied (Bold Blue name), and somehow imagined it was Bob - it sounded like Bob. But with the 'Avatar Month' it means I can never tell who is who just be looking at the avatar like I used to.
I think that most of the suggestions about Jakg being a spammer are just good-natured digs at his post count, tbh. Don't worry about the idiots who say you spam and just tell them to type a constructive comment instead of 'Jakg's a SpAmmZ0RzzzS innIT?!?!?!'
A few months? You mean a year! In 9 days I'll exactly have my S2 license for one year. I learned a lot by posting here, and I stopped visiting RSC now. I sometimes go and take a look at racer, but I don't use it anymore. I'm just interested in the modeling and how it evolving (or not).

And thanks for saying there are no spammers on the first page of the sadness rating

I don't think post count should be hidden, I mean, there are no real problems with it, people that say you spam a lot because of the post count, are mostly just kidding or messing around. And I don't really care about it either. I just post when I feel like I have something to say, meaningful or not.
Quote from Rtsbasic :Whats spam to you is the section I click on the most, yes its a forum dedicated to LFS & related topics, but its also a community as Sam explained so nicely. And with relatively little LFS-related activity at the min, there's not much to waffle on about.

One thing I've seen other forums do, is not have posts made in Off-Topic sections count towards your post count. Just a thought.

I meant it as, this is a forum for lfs, so the threads made in off topic are useless in the sense to LFS. I know thats why it's called off topic lol but i still think its spam. The off topic section of forums though does provide the forums with a sense of community and 99% of the time the community with some good laughs.
I love the off topic section, still spam imo though.
Well, actually I can't just fly over the text and know what's going on. It takes some time to read and understand in english for me.

So just to save my time I looked at some posts of Jack and decided to add him to ignore list
Besides, I won't do it with Tristan, in case of quality, shortness & informative nature.
we should just disable the bloody post count from the forum... it means shag-all anyway. it doesn't make a persons point more or less valid.
Quote from nikimere :we should just disable the bloody post count from the forum... it means shag-all anyway. it doesn't make a persons point more or less valid.

Yeah, I agree with this 100%!! Post count should be scrapped because it is quite useless/pointless and it often results in spamming by some people who just want to get their postcount up because they think it gives them some sort of status on the forum.

I would rather instead of the post count have a progression bar that would simply say how frequent of a forum user you are.


or something along those lines, kinda like the STCC licensing system. So the message above the progression bar would change according to how many post you have made since joining but it would actually show the number of posts made...


btw can some one tell me why the online status light disappeared from below the avatar? I was wondering about this, I use to use it to see who is online. The light disappeared when Victor disabled the avatars in the pre patch period last year... now you only see it when you view members profile
It does give you a status on the forum. That's why we refer to it as the Sadness Rating
Quote from Madman_CZ :
I would rather instead of the post count have a progression bar that would simply say how frequent of a forum user you are.

I can't understand how you can diss the post count yet support another method of showing exactly the same thing? Frequency of forum use is also no measure of quality. Why bother at all with either option? I couold not care less how many posts someone has made, it only seems important to people who are hung up on status, and if they are so hung up on status they will find some way of making it relevant to them.
(pasibrzuch) DELETED by pasibrzuch
Well, I am in favour of scrapping the post count all together, the bar that would show how much of a frequent poster you are was an alternative to the prestent post count. I understand that it is just another method of showing ones frequency and forum activity but its one that wouldn't precisely show you how many posts you have made therefore people wouldn't necesarily post like crazy to get those 10 extra posts to reach the 100 mark, 2000 mark and so on.

So if you take my example, in my case I have 1308 posts so instead of showing the number it would say "moderate" (the moderate range being between 1000 posts to 3000 posts) somewhere under my name. It still wouldnt really mean anything to me but would just be there as extra info.

Now I couldn't care less what status I have on this forum as it means peanuts to me and i am sure to others too.

But I am all for scrapping it just like RSC has done.

Quote from shaGuar :

Quote from Madman_CZ :Now I couldn't care less what status I have on this forum as it means peanuts to me and i am sure to others too.

No, there will be even more spamers. Now they have only numbers.
If they could achevie 'master racer' 'smart guy' or smth status they will spam like hell!
#42 - JTbo
Quote from pasibrzuch :No, there will be even more spamers. Now they have only numbers.
If they could achevie 'master racer' 'smart guy' or smth status they will spam like hell!

So you believe that there really is so miserable form of life that posts to get some different text next to his posts on some Internet forum? I guess that could be possible, there is all kind of life on this planet, but at least for me post counts does not mean anything, however on those boards that do show post count I find there being quite frequent discussion about post counts, now is these discussion to add post count again

Why not put up vote, should post counts be scrapped or not?
Yes I'm sure for that. Didn't you see 'iam first!' comments everywhere?
You may don't care about status or number of posts. But I think we all will care about flood of stupid spam.

So I'm for poll to disable postcounter too.
We don't have a big problem with spam here, it's really a very small minority of users. I really don't think disabling post counts would deter them either. Look at the reason Allison problem, that was spam that certainly wasn't going anywhere fast.

Everyone's definition of spam is different, off-topic conversation is natural and can be very interesting. It's stuff like "what are you listening to now" and "rate that avatar" that push the limits, since it means people post but there isn't discussion because of it. That's key to me. So long as it's something to talk about, it's fine. Stuff like "I've stubbed my toe", "what's your favourite aquatic animal" and "the never ending story" are the kind of threads that are going to get closed pretty sharpish (although the last one can sometimes be of amusement).
I dont see Jakg as a spammer. see him as a English dude with WAAAAY to much sparetime :P
Check your own post rate I don't mind though, maybe others do.
#47 - JTbo
Quote from LFSn00b :8.78. So what? Jakg has 12.

Is that good or bad? I seem to have 0.86 or something like that, I think it is more normal?

No, it really does not matter but I find it rather unproductive to have discussion about meaningless numbers and I see them cause more trouble than benefit.
I think that this thread was made so that all the people with high count figures could post here to get the figure higher! (look at all the posts from people with 1000+ that posted here :razz
Just what I said! Uhm uhm... *runs*
jamesrowe - surely be definition, most of the high posters are going to have posted in all the major threads? How else did we get so many in the first place.
This thread is closed

(93 posts, closed, started )