The online racing simulator
I was wrecked...
(5 posts, closed, started )
I was wrecked...
This guy (weegie) rammed into me full speed. And then he starts calling me a wrecker. He said that it was "safer without me on track". Then he said that I wrecked his friend (fireball), so thats why. But, I did not wreck his friend. I went on the grass at the chicane and slid into him because he was so close and I lagged a little (playing from school).
Attached files
wrecker.mpr - 578.5 KB - 87 views
Wreckers are attention whores. Creating a thread in the forums about it makes them very happy. If he is reading this he is probably laughing at you.

And I think we have some sort of rule of no "name and shame". So, no posting replays and accusing. Could be a real wrecker, could be misunderstanding, could be just a bad day for him,...

If you really do have a replay of a wrecker report him to the wrecker barricade. edit Becky gave you the link.
After 1429 posts, you know better than to name and shame here.
#5 - Gunn
Closing this. You should know better. Contact the wrecker barricade.
This thread is closed

I was wrecked...
(5 posts, closed, started )