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A Riddle
(18 posts, started )
A Riddle
I've got a riddle to solve for a friend's quiz, could any of you help me out? (Not necessarily give me the answer, just a clue will do)

There is a picture of the Twin Towers collapsing in the background and there is some text:

"They searched for him in the midst of despair.

When the world fell into disrepair.

Yet.. this has nothing to do with prayer"

Has anyone got any ideas?
Bin Laden?
Sounds to me like Bin Laden.
AFAIK,wasn't the purpose of that US army operation in Afghanistan couple years back to find that terrorist?
I'm probably wrong......seems too obvious for an answer....
That's a pretty messed up riddle...
Bin Laden seemed to be the most obvious answer to me but I've been told it's wrong. I'm thinking the picture might have nothing to do with it.
Yes, but Laden wasn't actually behind the hits...some say...
A competent leader(a.k.a NOT mr. Bush)?
*trundles down to the bunker to hide from Dubya when he comes after me with teh flame-thrower yelling: Come out you trrrist*
That's a good idea, I'll try that
"They searched for him in the midst of despair.

When the world fell into disrepair.

Yet.. this has nothing to do with prayer"

I am drunk and i can tell its Bush. When Bush was elected both times the Americans claimed to have no choice...they searced for a good leader in despair but found only him.

The world fell into disrepair when he declared war on terror, not when the terrorists attacked the twin towers.

Prayer, he is said to be a preacher not a leader. Educated people know that it has nothing to do with religion, its all about money.

Bin Laden is the obvious answer, but its a riddle so it must be George W Bush
yeh but whats the got to do with despair, disrepair and Prayer?

EDIT: the way i see it is...

Why would anyone search for Bin Laden in the midst of despair...surely you would search for someone to fix things in those times. Or this could be seen as the american government searching for bin laden, in which case 'they' would be the government, which points the finger at bush.

They thought they found the person to fix everything in bush, but the world fell into disrepair.

It has nothing to do with prayer, that rules out god. In times of despair people might turn to their god, but prayer is ruled out so it cant be that.

We know its a male person 'they searched for him'....they, its a larger number of people...other wise it would of said 'one searched for him' or 'few searched for him' so again thats either a country or government imo.

I rekon give George W Bush a punt, if thats not right then let us know
It's not George Bush
They gave me a clue: Latin. I'm just more confused now
A fireman lol
An inocent (?) person who they hunt down and blame everything for what's going wrong. Julius Caesar did it with the Gauls and Germans, they we're the barbarians in the dark woods (mist?) and the Romans never found them in open fields or barely did. Mostly the barbarians ambushed the Romans with quick attacks and then they dissapeared.

Something as this happend to with the WTC: not be seen, hit & strike, disapear and not be found, while the world collapses.

Dno.. that's what I think of when I read the ridle and "latin"
The clue was 'latin name', not just 'latin'. Hmm, this is a tough one.
That's pretty easy then.


Still a messed up riddle.
edited cos i hijacked thread

highlight below

what travels across the world yet stays in the same corner? (a very easy one)
Don't try and hijack my thread, this is mine, get your own!

EDIT: Thanks Forbin, I now love you! (Not literally)

A Riddle
(18 posts, started )