#1 - FL!P
Managing buddies on LFS World
It would be very cool to have more ways to manage buddies on LFS World, particularly the way they appear in the menus, etc. I'd like to be able to "rename" them (for my eyes only), so I could prefix their name with their team name to get them ordered, or make more readable those with a odd username.

Sorry if this has been already discussed I couldn't find it.
#2 - ORION
I dont like that idea tbh -> confusion

imo the lfsw username should always be the "id" to indentify someone, otherwise it'll get messy
I agree with Orion, but some form of foldering or "tagging" (urgh, ill defined categories. Lovely) system could be handy for those who use LFSWorld.
#4 - FL!P
Hey, I said "for my eyes only". You wouldn't have to change yours!