The online racing simulator
Regenerative brake & Power Booste
Max Mosley was said he was desided to injection Regenerative brake in F1, and it will power the Power Booste System.

I agree!
Wow, can someone explain to me..... everything?
I understand what regenerative braking is, normally use on trains not F1 though, not sure what a "power boost" would be. It's not like F1s use electric motors.
lol, power brakes only suck the pedal down...
#7 - JCTK
and~? what's your point~?

are you trying to say LFS should have such system too or what are you trying to say~?
#8 - Woz
Quote from Bob Smith :I understand what regenerative braking is, normally use on trains not F1 though, not sure what a "power boost" would be. It's not like F1s use electric motors.

Funny enough, just read about this. F1 are looking at adding a crappy push to pass system some time before 2011 that will boost the engine power by 60bhp for a limited time.

Guess they have started to realise its just one big hotlap session. I would prefer they remove the electronics and make the race about skill instead of computer control.
And again, just more electronics. Instead of adding stuff, what about removing stuff

Max Mosley... :nol2:
Quote from Woz :I would prefer they remove the electronics and make the race about skill instead of computer control.

The reason electronic aids were allowed is because they are nearly impossible to police. IIRC, A few years back (when TC, LC etc were all illegal in F1) McLaren was using a Traction Control system. This was almost impossible to detect, and because of that it was made legal. That is the problem. At least, that's how I understand it anyways.

I remember watching some show about NASCAR a couple years ago. A caller asked why NASCAR Doesn't move up to fuel injected engines; to which the answer was 'electronic aids.' From what I understand from that show, you can't add electronic aids to a car with a carbuerated engine, and therefore no aids will make their way in to NASCAR. I'm no mechanic so I don't know how valid that statement is, though.
How did they make an illegal TC system, and keep it 'secret', when all the legal ones sound so awful and obvious. If they can make a nice sounding one why don't they still? Surely it would be less intrusive and less damaging to an engine/transmission, and would be better for part-TC requirements (i.e. just stopping a bit of slip, rather than OMFGwheelspinz TC would might remain horrid sounding).
#12 - Davo
I quite like the sound of TC cutting in and out.
If you were an engineer you wouldn't
why is this in the Improvements Suggestions section?
looks to me he's just stating something not suggesting something...
#15 - CSU1
Quote from nikimere :why is this in the Improvements Suggestions section?
looks to me he's just stating something not suggesting something...

LOL, Looks to me your stating something about a statement stated in the suggestions thread not suggesting anything tho'
Quote from Woz :Funny enough, just read about this. F1 are looking at adding a crappy push to pass system some time before 2011 that will boost the engine power by 60bhp for a limited time.

It maybe 70bhp & 9second
Quote from Woz :I would prefer they remove the electronics and make the race about skill instead of computer control.

LFS without computer Oo illepall
#18 - Vain
Grab your sliderule and calculate the physics yourself.
LFS - the table top game!

Quote from Vain :@GeForz:
Grab your sliderule and calculate the physics yourself.
LFS - the table top game!

Quote from tristancliffe :How did they make an illegal TC system, and keep it 'secret', when all the legal ones sound so awful and obvious. If they can make a nice sounding one why don't they still? Surely it would be less intrusive and less damaging to an engine/transmission, and would be better for part-TC requirements (i.e. just stopping a bit of slip, rather than OMFGwheelspinz TC would might remain horrid sounding).

Hmm, good point. Maybe it was launch control. I forget. :P Some kind of electronic aid. Stupid memory...
Quote from wheel4hummer :lol, power brakes only suck the pedal down...

servo assisted brakes help you push the pedal, thats a vacuum taken from the inlet manifold on the engine. but it dont suck the pedal it just helps you push it, most cars are fitted with it these days.
The A1GP car IRL (like the FO8) has a power boost system. Perhaps it would be good on the FO8.

Possibly a server side option could be how many uses are possible. So if you don't like it it could be set to /FO8boost 0.
what is a power boost system? what does it actually do to the engine. does it re-store a compressed gas in a canistor and shoot it through nozzles on the intake manifold?
Quote from daveb948576 :what is a power boost system? what does it actually do to the engine. does it re-store a compressed gas in a canistor and shoot it through nozzles on the intake manifold?

Right. I am not an engineer, and Tristan will say so if I am talking out of my arse.

In A1 Grand Prix, it meddles with the ECU.
In Formula Palmer Audi, it increases the turbo pressure.
In Formula Renault (Not sure if it is WS or some national championships) it increases the rev limit by about 500 or so.
#25 - DeKo
Quote from Woz :Funny enough, just read about this. F1 are looking at adding a crappy push to pass system some time before 2011 that will boost the engine power by 60bhp for a limited time.

Guess they have started to realise its just one big hotlap session. I would prefer they remove the electronics and make the race about skill instead of computer control.

they basically have a push to pass system, as they can turn the revs up when they need a pass anyway.