The online racing simulator
Truck Racing @ Brands (PICS 56k unfriendly)
Excellent day and MUCH better weather than last year! Woohoo!

Some pics...

Slight mistake in the Pickup race going into backwards!

Sideways Capri!

Legend in action

Sideways 7.7 Tonne truck!

This TT clearly doesn't like Escorts

Random effort haha

More to come soon, as they upload

They show up fine for me
#3 - mr_x
I love the last one... and some very nice pics there too!
#4 - Jakg
nice pics!
looks like the last guy dies and is on his way to heaven
Attached images
Quote from nikimere :looks like the last guy dies and is on his way to heavan

Hahha it was a very gentle roll... probably more gentle than his landing from that jump!!
Very nice pics! Specially the first and the last one...You have to be quite lucky to get these shots...
OK here's some more of the trucks since they were the Main Event as it were

here you can see the water cooled front brakes in action!

Here you can get an idea of the entry into Clearways

This guy did really well to catch the slide after being nudged!

Anyway loads more here:
#9 - JJ72
man I miss brands hatch :/
Brands is by far my favourite UK track. Especially the GP track.

I can't believe I missed the trucks. I went last time they were on ('95 or '96?) and it was fantastic! I'd been planning to go all year, and forgot at the last minute.
nice pics. what camera you got?? lens etc??
Canon EOS350D, with a Sigma 50-500mm, and also a Canon 55-200mm USM for the closer ones that don't need so much zoom
#14 - Jakg
Ah... watercooled... wondered what that was (assumed it was tyre smoke, but it made no sense!)
#15 - JJ72
Quote from Robster230 :It's a fantastic track!

I went to brands whenever there're races last year, historic GP, bikes, WTCC whatever that goes!

Should be quite a while before I have a chance to get back though.
nice, im saving for a 400d at the mo, 35mm is getting expensive.
Quote from JJ72 :I went to brands whenever there're races last year, historic GP, bikes, WTCC whatever that goes!

Should be quite a while before I have a chance to get back though.

Cool, I've been there loads this year and quite a few times last year too! the WTCC was really good! Historic stuff is excellent too.

Quote :v4forlife: nice, im saving for a 400d at the mo, 35mm is getting expensive.

Nice bit of kit the 400d!
Quote from v4forlife :nice, im saving for a 400d at the mo, 35mm is getting expensive.

The missus bought me a 400d, 50mm lens, 500mm lens, flash grip, tripod, card....

And I told her to take it back!

Bah women eh!
Those legend cars are sweet, we have them up at the 3/8ths Oval here 1 hour away
#22 - cdub
Those are some spectacular shots! So nice and sharp, too. Well done!

Brings back fond memories of watching truck racing at Sydney's Oran Park when I was young.
These Legend class cars are missing one thing... a gangster suit passenger with a Tommy Gun.