The online racing simulator
Problems with connection to website
I'm encountering in past few weeks problems with lfs websites (also both and - the websites load very slowly,sometimes not at all,same with attachments - pictures need minutes to load,sometimes not loading at all. Sporadically the website runs ok,but that usually is a shortlived effect - few minutes,not more. That happens however only from my home network - been using phone's hotspot for internet access when posting stuff here as with that connection website loads flawlessly. Same other way round - using phone's browser over home network,website loads very slowly,however no problems over 4G connection.

Was wondering if something wrong with my router settings or provider,now tested with some random free proxy IP in Firefox settings and guess what - works as fast as it should (using home network),so that should be proof there is nothing wrong with router or provider.

I attached simple ping results when using home network.

Other facts - I have absolutelly no connection issues with LFS ingame servers,as connection is fast,stable and mods list loads as fast as it always had.
However in last few weeks I've been encountering also problems with Discord (which as we know is also hosted by same provider) - text is loaded ok,but any directly attached pictures/gifs/videos load slowly or not at all,then suddenly by next opening of specific channel they're loaded fine.

Could wonder long what has gone wrong there,but before complaining to anyone,I need info how to find what causes the problems - what tests I can perform to find that?
Attached images