The online racing simulator
#1 - Yanny
Buying S3 with paysafecard
Im tired of playing LFS on demo since im always driving the same cars on the same map. I thought about playing the game on S3 licenced but i want to know how to buy the S3 with paysafecard without an account (just with typing in the 16-digit code i have on the receipt). Can someone reply with a step by step of how i can get the S3 licence with the paysafecard please? Thank you
From what I can see it is pretty simple.

You select paysafecard method. -> Click next -> click the paysafe logo -> it will lead to the page and you will need to enter a 16 digit code.
I couldn't see your online stats. Are you sure you played the demo?
#4 - Yanny
Quote from RealistAdam :I couldn't see your online stats. Are you sure you played the demo?

im on demo right now what do you mean?
#6 - Yanny
Quote from RealistAdam :...

thats weird. but maybe its because ive been editing my account yesterday. i think thats why but im not sure
Quote from Yanny :thats weird. but maybe its because ive been editing my account yesterday. i...

What do you mean by that? If you used the 'Yanny' account to 'drive' online, it would always keep track of your mileage (and other stats).
#8 - Yanny
Quote from Silverracer :What do you mean by that? If you used the 'Yanny' account to 'drive' online, it...

yeah i dont know. as i said its weird

Buying S3 with paysafecard
(8 posts, started )