The online racing simulator
(13 posts, started )
Vehicle mod: BD9115
Details page:

Quote :mid 70's german sports car rear engine

Quote :2.7L flat 6
Rear Engine
5 speed

Made to match with tbo class.

I made rims myself using top down picture of rsr rims.

Sound - Martin, did the sound for the bd6 vert, but I feel it also works well for the bd9115.

So happy, but where is the skin?
Quote from NENE87 :So happy, but where is the skin?

odd, i'll fix it once i get home
Great mod! It just need a more detailed LOD2.
Also as I already said I only wish the gauge cluster "circles" were a bit higher poly. Or maybe just try to make them darker using a matte material.
LOD2 fixed and improved physics ✅
The right side mapping is mirrored, you need to flip it so it appears correct on the skin.
Attached images
Quote :Made to match with tbo class.

But it does not match with the TBO class - I'm checking all approved cars to be added in RandomCar lineup which is based on LFS TBO class performance (slightly lowered performance due balancing as FXO and XRT needs slowing down) and despite all my tries,this car was still 0.4 seconds off target pace in Blackwood GP track. I asked for testing in our discord server and few guys who tested could not overturn my decision of car being uncompetitive. And if it's "just" 0.4 seconds off hotlap pace,the real problems start with racing more than couple laps as the relativelly narrow tyres overheat more than those of other cars in the class.

Well,tyre width is one of the problems holding this car up,probably suspension type might be other one - probably trailing arm rear can be an obstacle of being competitive (must be confirmed by better setup creators) as all other cars with rear wheel drive have more advanced type.
Quote from Eclipsed :But it does not match with the TBO class -relativelly narrow tyres overheat more than those of other cars in the class.

Well,tyre width is one of the problems holding this car up,probably suspension type might be other one - probably trailing arm rear can be an obstacle of being competitive (must be confirmed by better setup creators) as all other cars with rear wheel drive have more advanced type.

Would you rather the car be less realistic than it already is and put better tires, its kinda like a hotrod 911 as of right now. Or "slow it down" and make it exactly 1974 911 Carrera Spec
Well,all the decisions are up to you - you have to decide for what purposes the car is and if you want to be it more like real counterpart or more own imagined version of model to fit the class. I just was pointing out the lack of competitivity regarding TBO class performance.
Quote from Eclipsed :Well,all the decisions are up to you - you have to decide for what purposes the...

Thank you Eclipsed, in my own testing my skillset set the idea of matching tbo class. I never reached out to people whom are more skilled to test the idea that the 9115 matches tbo class. I haven't been to keen on getting on lfs lately but maybe I will take a second look at it. I appreciate the feedback and will look into it.
My lfs version cant load this mod, I have 0.7D. Whats wrong?
Update to 0.7E

(13 posts, started )