The online racing simulator
LFS vehicle mods app with search, filter and sort.
(coming to both app stores soon)

long desc:
When buying cars on cruise servers, I was spending too much time figuring out what I was buying since there is no images in the insim. So I made something I could use on the phone while driving with wheel and pedals. It has basic functions like search to find images with corresponding mod name. You can click the name and you will be directed to the mod page on LFS. The cool features is the ability to see exactly how many electric vehicles there are, sorted by mass or power. Or if you are looking for the lightest AWD with H-pattern gearbox, boom there it is. Kinda neat imo. Check it out and tell me if you like it. Have a great one =)

short desc:
optimized for phones, tablets, and pc
find mod cars with images
search by name
filter by drive, class, shift type
sort by weight, power, name, class
see numbers and results
easy access
more coming in future updates

-now there is a scroll to top button
-also a menu for choosing to open in new tab, also saves to a cookie
-hover color on car name, also removed background of same text
-added lbs to the mass info
-added lazyload to list of mods

Best regards neonanotux
Attached images
I like the idea, but there are some issues in implementation. The main one is that loading of results blocks UI thread and makes the page unresponsive. You should move it to separate thread. Also, it seems like it tries to load all mods at once, but there is no need to do it. You can either show N results per page or load N results and populate the list with more items as the user scrolls the page. The buttons at the top are somewhat misleading. Button edges are not visible in fact, because the button label is not part of button and is not clickable. The mod link button is not transparent and covers part of bike image (cuts the front wheel) on phone screen. This is not visible for cars, because the relative height of car is smaller. You should also provide CSS styles for buttons on hover action, because some people may want to use your site on PC/tablet with mouse. The other good cosmetic change would be adding a small left margin to image. And the last issue is that the page tries to open popup window to show this thread on message button click while it should just open it in new tab.
Thanks for the feedback! Il keep this in mind for future updates =) I am thinking about having a simple settings panel with cookies save for a couple of things like f.ex choosing if you want to open in new tab or same. Also I will improve on the styling right away, as well as adding lazy load. I know a couple of tricks to speed up the loading by sorting when and what is pulled out from the DB, but adding lazy load should be a quick fix for now yes Smile
This morning I did some improvements:
-now there is a scroll to top button
-also a menu for choosing to open in new tab, also saves to a cookie
-hover color on car name, also removed background of same text
-added lbs to the mass info
-added lazyload to list of mods

next I will do a makeover to filter buttons and add WIP and TweakMod as a filter option. I will also add a visual on mod card about WIP and TweakMod =)