LLS 2021: Round 2 - Protests and Penalties
Please provide the following in your protest:

Session AND SERVER of Incident (Official Sessions for Round 2: Pre-Qualifying, Free Practice, Qualifying, Race 1, Race 2; Servers: Main
Lap AND MPR timecode of incident (or session time or UTC Time of Day)
Car(s) involved
Location of Incident
Brief Description of Incident

Protests are due by 17:30 UTC on Monday, 30th August, 2021

Penalty Log

Free Practice:


Race 1:
Car 17 - Drive Through Penalty - Out of position start
Car 08 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing an avoidable collision L4 T3-4
Car 17 - Drive Through Penalty - Crossing pit exit blend line
Car 12 - Drive Through Penalty - Un-Safe rejoin

Race 2:
Car 7 - Drive Through Penalty - Overtaking before S/F line on SC restart
Car 25 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing an avoidable incident L34 T5
Race 1:
Car 5 - 5-point penalty - Spectating from outside the pitlane without race control permission (first offence)

Race 2:
Car 7 - 5-point penalty - Spectating from outside the pitlane without race control permission (first offence)
This thread is closed