The online racing simulator
Voice Navitator Insim.
Hello friends. I'm sorry if I break the rules with this post. I have a brief question. Is it possible to make an insim aps that automatically navigates the race with voice comands... Many of racing game do this, why not try to make it for LFS. I study C++ naw, but i'm do my first steps whit progaming naw and dont have skils to do do, But I belive this is posible.

Sorry if I brake the rules with this link:
Its possible to do it using x/y or path(not sure if that was the name) coordinates to make the first part of it. The second is to use your windows narrator to say the message you want, like the discord's tts! Just need some practices and you can do it! Good luck! Smile
I have little knowledge when it comes to insim programming in C# using InsimDotNet library. I mainly program with LFSLapper and VS Basic.

But I can imagine how the source can be created to implement such feature, and It's honestly quite simple I assume.

I'm going to try and implement simple steps first such as: Being in the top 5 or 10 in the position, final lap, race starting and race ending.

However I can't promise that I will finish the insim, as I am still learning C#.