As long as I have actively played LFS (now about two years) I see now and then comments that multiplayer mode is dead.
Since I have recently played also Assetto Corsa and Raceroom Experience (both modern sims with, I can't say that their multiplayer mode is full of exciting combos. Opposite, I have been surprised how small amount of populated servers there are. Of course more than LFS, but cmon, those are quite new sims...would expect tens of full servers with several categories and combos.
So is the fact that nowadays there are so many simulators and communities (and mods and tracks...hundreds..) that sim-gamers are simply spread on very large virtual area?
What I have read discussion forums outside LFS forum, I have understood iRacing being only sim that have a lot of life in multiplayer mode. Is that true? I havent tried it... Or maybe I have missed something.
What I would like to hear, is there any as user friendly multiplayer sim that LFS is? I think the strenght of LFS is, that the multiplayer mode is really social, you really feel you share the room with other players and the most important - you can so easily share the fun with others. Im really new in any other sims, so please tell me your experiences of other social simulators.
Since I have recently played also Assetto Corsa and Raceroom Experience (both modern sims with, I can't say that their multiplayer mode is full of exciting combos. Opposite, I have been surprised how small amount of populated servers there are. Of course more than LFS, but cmon, those are quite new sims...would expect tens of full servers with several categories and combos.
So is the fact that nowadays there are so many simulators and communities (and mods and tracks...hundreds..) that sim-gamers are simply spread on very large virtual area?
What I have read discussion forums outside LFS forum, I have understood iRacing being only sim that have a lot of life in multiplayer mode. Is that true? I havent tried it... Or maybe I have missed something.
What I would like to hear, is there any as user friendly multiplayer sim that LFS is? I think the strenght of LFS is, that the multiplayer mode is really social, you really feel you share the room with other players and the most important - you can so easily share the fun with others. Im really new in any other sims, so please tell me your experiences of other social simulators.