The online racing simulator
Brake after finished PIT STOP
(4 posts, started )
Brake after finished PIT STOP
Brake pedal incorrectly shown after finished pit stop on replays and all connections except local one.

pit bug (brake)-1.jpg - while doing pit stop brake is same on both LFS instances

pit bug (brake)-2.jpg - after pit stop brake is not applied in replays and other connections (which can cause problems on some pits)
Attached images
pit bug (brake)-1.jpg
pit bug (brake)-2.jpg
Hm, also I noticed one more bug. Example :

1. Choose FBM ( or other car of your choice )
2. Set pressure in all the tyres to max ( 180-165 )
3. Press F12 and choice request to change pressure in rear tires to 180.
4. Go to pit-stop. Enjoy cheating setup =)
Don't feel like opening new thread, and this issue somehow relate to previous ...

Simply, make an easy start without fully releasing axis clutch. It is only reproducible on axis clutch.
Result is that remotely handbrake stays applied making car behave very weird.

LEFT - remote; RIGHT - local
After a bit more testing I found out that clutch is sent to remote computers in a very low resolution. Only 4 states : 0%, 33%, 66% and 100%. As long as you don't release clutch pedal below certain value, it will remain at 100% on remote computers and that handbrake bug will happen.

Brake after finished PIT STOP
(4 posts, started )