The online racing simulator
SWIFT RCON (A Swift Implementation of the InSim Protocol)
So, I've decided to learn how to program in SWIFT, Apple's new programming language. I think that the best way to learn about this new language and all of it's features is to program an InSim Application that will allow me to remotely administer LFS servers with a Remote Console. Effectively, it would give you the same view of the server that LFS' Dedicated Server window would give you. It would parse color codes, and correctly display them to the terminal and everything else that you would expect. I think that it should support connections through the LFS relay as well. Just wondering if anyone would want to learn SWIFT along with me. I'm going to setup a GitHub repo soon and start hacking away.

  • Must have an Mac OSX Developer Account
    • Must have access to Yosemite on your Mac.
    • Must Install XCode6
  • Must have a GitHub Account
No one is interested in this, huh? Oh well.
The new range feature concerning switch is rather neat:

switch i
case 0, 1, 2:
case 3...7:
case 8..10:
case _ where i % 2 == 0:
case _ where i % 2 == 1:

I don't have a Mac though...and I don't really want one. I tried out an iMac a few times and I didn't like it to be honest. Yet Swift seems to be a definite improvement over Objective-C.