The online racing simulator
(15 posts, started )
Socialism doesn't work because it gives more power to governments.

Governments are a human operation and when humans get absolute power it always ends up bad, history has proven this over and over again.
Quote from Mustafur :Socialism doesn't work because it gives more power to governments.

Authoritarianism gives more power to governments. It's not much to do with left/right. Fascists have gone too far too.
When Chavez was in power, he made a deal with Russia to start manufacturing AK-47s and some other small arms. Anyone with half a brain knows who the target demographic for those guns are. Oh well, at least now those guns are going to be limited in where they're headed and limited in how many - if any get produced.
The next questions that should be asked is when and where is this is going to spread?
Bolivians ain't too happy... Ecuador?
Socialism..... Every country is socialist to a degree. From psycho North Korea, the Nanny state UK and even the wide open, wheelin and dealin US of A.
All are varying degrees of socialism.
But over time I've come to realize that the vast majority of political movements with "Social" in their title are anything but that.
Like here in this country we have a right wing conservative faction that calls itself "Social" conservatives. I think they use that "social" word because if they said what they really are, Homophobic, racist, hate mongering, religious fundamentalcases, it would scare people away.
Then we also have a faction on the left that calls itself "Social" progressives.
These are the over educated morons that have decided that other people shouldn't be allowed to think for themselves - unless of course they went to the same colleges and had the same goofy professor that couldn't make it in the real world as they did. But they can't be honest about that so they slap on the "SOCIAL" moniker instead.
So, it's great to see how many of you feel that not going, "Please, let us be a USA ( Yay, USA,USA !) puppet actually is a good thing.

If the only thing you watch is US ( or their puppets ) media, then I fully understand why you disagree. If you actually know about reality, then you will know about Hugo. Yes, he disagree with America, BUT, what he actually said ?, did ?...... Was that incorrect ?

But, as most of you only believe your propoganda, HE IS EVIL, SINFULL !!!!!!


The above was a post by the Drug cartels that the USA, USA, USA, is currently 'dealing' with.

Oh, have I been offensive again ?, Sorry, I keep forgetting that no one wants to know about reality.

Why am I so cynical ?, well, here, we've been part of this 'USA' stuff for years, it's a small country and it's really easy getting up to speed about the games that are being played.
5 Eye's ?, FYI, it's 6 and the one that isn't mentioned actually run's it.............
Quote from Racer X NZ :So, it's great to see how many of you feel that not going, "Please, let us be a USA ( Yay, USA,USA !) puppet actually is a good thing.

If the only thing you watch is US ( or their puppets ) media, then I fully understand why you disagree. If you actually know about reality, then you will know about Hugo. Yes, he disagree with America, BUT, what he actually said ?, did ?...... Was that incorrect ?

But, as most of you only believe your propoganda, HE IS EVIL, SINFULL !!!!!!


The above was a post by the Drug cartels that the USA, USA, USA, is currently 'dealing' with.

Oh, have I been offensive again ?, Sorry, I keep forgetting that no one wants to know about reality.

Why am I so cynical ?, well, here, we've been part of this 'USA' stuff for years, it's a small country and it's really easy getting up to speed about the games that are being played.
5 Eye's ?, FYI, it's 6 and the one that isn't mentioned actually run's it.............

por que no te callas?
So says Spanish Royalty to someone who 'dares' to question the status quo.

And your point is ????

And, who's family is currently charged for fraud, finally, seriously, given their history.... , 7 years after your quote ? .? .?...........
Perhaps you should actually be informed about the situation in the Americas before you make silly comments, just trying to save you from appearing an idiot without being informed about the local situation.

It really is a good idea to actually be aware of reality, before you quote propaganda ........ And, which country suppressed the natives before the USA chose to ??????
Quote from Racer X NZ :Perhaps you should actually be informed about the situation in the Americas

PERHAPS YOU SHOULD BE INFORMED.... Reading your comments makes me think you know nothing... I have friends from Venezuela that won't agree with you, and I believe them more than an english speaking citizen of the world like you.
Chavez was wrong, Maduro is wrong. End of story.
First of all: no I'm not lying about where I am from, just look at that little flag next to my username

Now: Theoretically, were Chavez's Ideas right? well from, again, a Theoretical point of view, yes, but from a practical point is 100% the opposite, just by a single reason, wich is the same being applied by everyone in the side of the "revolutionary" movement: Propaganda, as simple as that, throwing that stinking pile of lies to the media around the world while everyone suffers a Very different reality on here, and I mean Everyone, no single one goes out of question.

So, Is Maduro Wrong: Absolutely, WHY? by doing exactly what Chavez used to do, worsened by the fact that 1) all "his" orders are actually coming from the Castro Brothers from Cuba, special relationships between our actual government and Cuba's hasn't been any secret since ever; and 2) by the mentality set in everyone who's part from the "revolution" (government, supporting people, etc): Me, then Me and after that Me, and the people? F. them, simple as that, If you ever come down here you'll see this is true and what the government says out to all the world, therefore, is completely false, in every aspect, again, that's a FACT.

And adding a 3rd point: tell me, is a Good government, supposedly peacefull and commited to the people, as they want you to think, going to start Riots all around the country and use all the Army and special paid groups, armed by the army aswell, to kill people (there's now 11 people dead Thanks to their attacks to protestants, not counting the 100s that die weekly due to the insecurity) just because they (the protestants) think differently to the government? What about We being tired of seeing all the countries around the world getting more and more developed, safer (reasonably) and plain Better places to be, while we're sinking down more and more, and all the government does is pushing all that situation to the limit, making it all even Worse all around? instead of going aganist it, and help the people make a better country out if this, they only care about getting luxuries for them and forgetting about the people, that's not a Government, that's a group of robbers on the power, Or at least Thats what Me and pretty much All of the people in this country sees from them and what they do.

Can't put it simpler to understand.

And yes, I personally prefer to be USA's back yard than CUBA's back yard, as the governemt wants us to be, or is Cuba the next coming of, as an example, Dubai? I don't believe that, do you?
Quote from Becky Rose :Authoritarianism gives more power to governments. It's not much to do with left/right. Fascists have gone too far too.

Authoritarianism = Social Control

Socialism = Economic Control

If there was a system where socialism could be established without a separate entity of a countries people controlling it then it may be called something other then economic authoritarianism(this would equal the pure form of Communism Marx had in mind).
Quote from Racer X NZ :Perhaps you should actually be informed about the situation in the Americas before you make silly comments, just trying to save you from appearing an idiot without being informed about the local situation.

It really is a good idea to actually be aware of reality, before you quote propaganda ........ And, which country suppressed the natives before the USA chose to ??????

...."It really is a good idea to actually be aware of reality, before you quote propaganda ".....


Yeah. you may want to not get involved with Latin America. You don't know the reality of it. What you read about on websites is a lot different from what I hear in Taquerias and cantinas and obviously not what Chanoman knows either.

The "bolivarian revolution" is a sick joke. And it appears one that is about to end badly.

You know that rule of law in Venezuela is done by decree? How egalitarian is that?
How does that help the people? Oh wait... it don't.

What really ought to be of concern as far as Venezuela goes, is who's paying attention and who is going to go in to get their little piece of the pie? You got the big three, China, Russia and the United States that are very much interested in the oil.
You got the cartels moving in to get better defined routes and possibly more soldiers for their armies. Then there's the inevitable exodus. We know where they're going, just not what they'll be doing along the way. How is that going to affect things?
And lately the trend in overthrows and revolutions is to have loose organized coalitions working together. As soon as the the bad government is deposed, they turn on each other. How's that going to affect things?
I think these are the things we should be concerned about.
Quote from Racer Y :
You know that rule of law in Venezuela is done by decree? How egalitarian is that?
How does that help the people? Oh wait... it don't.

Much has rightly been made of President Obama’s promise to bypass Congress and act unilaterally to get things done. “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone,” he said, threatening to sign more executive orders and blast more messages from his bully pulpit. ... -pen-is-already-worn-out/

That's from Forbes by the way, not exactly a left wing conspiracy theory source............

If the US could take a break from trying to overthrow all of the America's, plus, plus, plus,....... then we may get a break from the constant propoganda.

Business week is the next source, I've tried to choose good right wing sources here......

Chávez’s most enduring and positive legacy is his shattering of Venezuela’s peaceful coexistence with poverty, inequality, and social exclusion. He was not the first political leader who placed the poor at the center of the national conversation. Nor was he the first to use a spike in oil revenue to help the poor. But none of his predecessors did it so aggressively and with such a passionate sense of urgency as Chávez did. And no one was more successful in planting this priority into the nation’s psyche and even exporting it to neighboring countries and beyond. Moreover, his ability to make the poor feel that one of them was in charge has no precedent. ... poor-and-gutted-venezuela

Sure, not everyone liked him, the Upper class, the US, the list goes on. It is worth looking however, from a socialist point of view at the positives and what he achieved, especially given the history of the America's.

And, it's worth noting the current situation in the Ukraine if you want an example of US led 'democracy', This info is not on CNN or FOX....

In western Ukraine the only organized and armed force is the ultra-nationalist Right Sector. From the way this group’s leaders speak, they assume that they are in charge. One of the group’s leaders, Aleksandr Muzychko, has pledged to fight against “Jews and Russians until I die.” Asserting the Right Sector’s authority over the situation, Muzychko declared that now that the democratically elected government has been overthrown, “there will be order and discipline” or “Right Sector squads will shoot the bastards on the spot.”

The bastards are any protesters who dare to protest the Right Sector’s control.

Muzychko declared, “The next president of Ukraine will be from Right Sector.”

Another Right Sector leader, Dmitry Yarosh, declared: “the Right Sector will not lay down its arms.” He declared the deal made between the opposition and the President to be “unacceptable” and demanded the liquidation of President Yanukovich’s political party.

The Right Sector’s roots go back to the Ukrainians who fought for Adolf Hitler against the Soviet Union during World War 2. It was the Right Sector that introduced armed fighters and turned the tide of the protests in Kiev from peaceful protests in favor of joining the EU to violent attacks on police with the view of overthrowing the democratically elected government, which the Right Sector succeeded in doing.
http://www.paulcraigroberts.or ... -falls-intrigue-violence/
Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments.

i.e. Yet another right wing source................

And, for anyone who know's about the US/Bush family ties to the Nazi party in Germany in the 1930's, isn't it interesting how history repeats.......
Quote from Racer X NZ :Much has rightly been made of President Obama’s promise to bypass Congress and act unilaterally to get things done. “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone,” he said, threatening to sign more executive orders and blast more messages from his bully pulpit. ... -pen-is-already-worn-out/

That's from Forbes by the way, not exactly a left wing conspiracy theory source............

If the US could take a break from trying to overthrow all of the America's, plus, plus, plus,....... then we may get a break from the constant propoganda.

Business week is the next source, I've tried to choose good right wing sources here......

Chávez’s most enduring and positive legacy is his shattering of Venezuela’s peaceful coexistence with poverty, inequality, and social exclusion. He was not the first political leader who placed the poor at the center of the national conversation. Nor was he the first to use a spike in oil revenue to help the poor. But none of his predecessors did it so aggressively and with such a passionate sense of urgency as Chávez did. And no one was more successful in planting this priority into the nation’s psyche and even exporting it to neighboring countries and beyond. Moreover, his ability to make the poor feel that one of them was in charge has no precedent. ... poor-and-gutted-venezuela

Sure, not everyone liked him, the Upper class, the US, the list goes on. It is worth looking however, from a socialist point of view at the positives and what he achieved, especially given the history of the America's.

And, it's worth noting the current situation in the Ukraine if you want an example of US led 'democracy', This info is not on CNN or FOX....

In western Ukraine the only organized and armed force is the ultra-nationalist Right Sector. From the way this group’s leaders speak, they assume that they are in charge. One of the group’s leaders, Aleksandr Muzychko, has pledged to fight against “Jews and Russians until I die.” Asserting the Right Sector’s authority over the situation, Muzychko declared that now that the democratically elected government has been overthrown, “there will be order and discipline” or “Right Sector squads will shoot the bastards on the spot.”

The bastards are any protesters who dare to protest the Right Sector’s control.

Muzychko declared, “The next president of Ukraine will be from Right Sector.”

Another Right Sector leader, Dmitry Yarosh, declared: “the Right Sector will not lay down its arms.” He declared the deal made between the opposition and the President to be “unacceptable” and demanded the liquidation of President Yanukovich’s political party.

The Right Sector’s roots go back to the Ukrainians who fought for Adolf Hitler against the Soviet Union during World War 2. It was the Right Sector that introduced armed fighters and turned the tide of the protests in Kiev from peaceful protests in favor of joining the EU to violent attacks on police with the view of overthrowing the democratically elected government, which the Right Sector succeeded in doing.
http://www.paulcraigroberts.or ... -falls-intrigue-violence/
Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments.

i.e. Yet another right wing source................

And, for anyone who know's about the US/Bush family ties to the Nazi party in Germany in the 1930's, isn't it interesting how history repeats.......

There you go again...
It's like this. If these people were really all that powerful are set up to take over the planet, then why haven't they already done so?
Also, people like that didn't get where they are by playing nice. And I doubt their underlings would be the all upstanding loyal henchmen either. Think about what kind of infighting would be happening as everyone constantly jockeys for position.
Now for the clincher. Every time you or some other conspiracy buff goes on about this, it only strengthens the very people they rally against. See most of all that power is fluff. You're just adding to the razzle dazzle. Quite honestly, there are way too many people out there wanting a piece of the pie for themselves. There isn't honor amongst thieves. There's no way a shadow empire could exist - at least not for very long. Besides, the Big Bad U S of A is a hollywood concept. Sure it's corrupt. Yeah, it likes to meddle in other countries' business. LOL I find it amusing that other countries want us to stay out of their affairs, and rightly so, yet are they constantly constantly trying to tell us how we need to do things. But we're also going broke. Domestically, any laws cracking down on freedoms from this point on is pretty much a paper tiger. There's no money left to enforce things as it is. Aside from being felt up by a two digit IQ type at the airport, or go after some moron posting a youtube video of themselves doing something illegal, they really can't do much. All that all knowing big brother stuff...Hell, they don't even know what to do with or even knew they had half the information that Snowden exposed. And none of that really matters seeing that the credit cards is just about maxxed out. So once the proverbial shit hits the fan around here, what good are all those corporate power types when everything falls apart and all their power was just ink on pieces of paper? And it won't take much for this to happen. Three major hurricanes in one season would do the trick. Uhhh... about 25% of healthcare insurance companies declaring bankruptcy would do it too. If we have drought again for a few more seasons. It's not going to be much.
Anyways, Venezuela.... Chavez EXPLOITED the poor. He did what all populist style politicians did. He promised them rainbows. Made them think that all their problems were some one else's fault. And that he was going to fix it. Then he threw up price controls and put in a quota based system on all sorts of goods that defied logic.
And forget about him squishing the opposition. That was the least of things that dude did to that country. He put up these economic zones that were so messed up. There were gas stations that were across the street from each other where one station had to 4 times the price of the station across the street. But that was OK due to quotas the cheaper place never had any gas.
I don't know the exact extent of what he did, but it really screwed over the people.
Plus, you don't help the poor by punishing the rich. All that does is make the rich leave.
Then there's the time Chavez was going to difersify the classes. He took some fancy exclusive country club and claimed he was going to convert it into free public housing. He took it over and tore the place up and that was it. Yeah poor people live there now, Only they're more like homeless junkees.
And this new guy? He's totally lost the plot. All his response to what's going on is to hassle anyone that complains about it.

... the Ukraine. I feel sorry for those people. They pretty much get screwed either way. They made the mistake of being right between two big kids that wants her candy cause they ate all theirs.

Bush and the Nazis... Is that why the Japanese shot him down in WWII? Cause he was a Nazi spy that knew too much?
You do realize there's a story connecting everyone from Cab Callaway to Anne Frank to working with the Nazis don't you?
You know the short guy on Top Gear? Yep. Him too. He's a Nazi Collaborator. he's actually 105 years old.
Yeah, he was a test subject in secret experiments during the war. The nazis wanted to know how Jews like Moses and Abraham could live so long. He was the result of the experiments. I always thought Moses and Abraham would've been a lot taller though.

(15 posts, started )