Lapping backmarkers
(90 posts, started )
When I got a blue flag, I move out of racing line and brake, this sounds to me "common sense". I just can't understand backmarkers that don't move out of racing line or even better : fight with you illepall

So I mainly wreck backmarkers that fight with me..."You wanna fight ? I wreck you ! End of story ". If they just stay on racing line , sometimes I wreck, sometimes not... depends who is the backmarker, if it is a corner or a straight and if I am in a good moon or not

If you are a backmarker, you are probably slower than most people, so please be "invisible" for leaders, it will be great for everyone
Quote from thisnameistaken :Learn to lap cars safely and you'll enjoy the sim a lot more. illepall

The whole USP behind LFS is realism. Apart from Schumi, Massa, and maybe Monty, who else do you see flying up and smashing into people?

Be realistic. You wouldn't put your race at risk in real life, for the sake of a second or two.
Problem is, the further down the ranks you go, the more people you find. So what if there's someone right behind me who is also getting lapped? If I hit the brakes and/or leave the racing line, they risk taking my place (or running us both off the road!).

Seems to me that it makes much more sense to have a bit of patience and realise that you will pass them eventually, and there's no need to screw them over in the process
Quote from Dajmin :
I hope that's not bad etiquette, but seems like common sense to me

I'd say you got it in one!
Wrecking someone is not ok, unless its to save yourself from a spin that they initiated by contacting you first.

That situation where you lose the leader while lapping a slower car is frustrating, but it happens in real racing too. Traffic is part of the race. Sure a smart considerate person will let cars pass at the ideal time keeping the race leaders close together, but sometimes they choose poorly. They're human and they can panic to get out of one cars way but mess up another. So don't be too harsh to judge.

There are plenty of jerks out there though! So they're not all innocent
Quote from Phlos :When I got a blue flag, I move out of racing line and brake, this sounds to me "common sense". I just can't understand backmarkers that don't move out of racing line or even better : fight with you illepall

That can cause accidents. Its much better to remain smooth, make gentle turns to get off the line and gentle changes in speed.
we have all been lapped at some stage, so when i am lapping i would not expect the lappee to worry about me til i am 0.50-1.0 seconds behind him. but as i am the lapper i would know how fast i am catching the lappee (not always the case cuz a BF can sometimes kick them in the ass and they find a faster pace) and i would have a better idea of when and where it is best to pass. when i am being lapped i stay on the outside of the corners (when lapper is 0.5-1.0 behind me) and give him as many "safe" chances to pass me. if the lappee wants to race me, then fine, if i am faster then this will only be afor a few corners and it will only brighten up the race.

but like most things it takes time to learn, but once you have a good personal "safe" BF proceedure then ............i had something to add to that but i lost it lol
Phlos you seem to have your own rule book, I remember you explaining before in one FOX server how weaving is a legitimate tactic.
i hardly ever get 'stuck' behind backmarkers because i make a lunge at them as soon as i reach them.

if a backmarker was blocking, weaving etc then yea fire em.
Can we have a private server for Dendy and Phlos to just ram into the back of each other please?
I Agree with most of you guys said. except for Plhos and the other guys. What i do when i see a blue flag is check the mirrors constantly to see how fast they are catching up, and when they have enough distance to pass me i´ll give him a safe pass, been it on the strait or in a wide turn. If its in a middle of a chicane, them as soon as i can i move out of the racing line, because i dont want to be responsible for running someone´s elso race.
If im the one lapping a backmarker, i dont honk, i dont spam blue flag, neither crash them for not letting me pass. Now if he tries to fight me, i usually push them off the racing line, such as brake a tad bit latter just to push them off the line, and make them run wide.
I think that a real gentle little tap in the bum is ok. I think that for those who don't take notice of the flags.

Just to let them know you are around and wanting to get passed. It doesn't cause damage, doesn't ruin their race and saves you losing time.

The pro's do it all the time.
Quote from jtr99 :Can we have a private server for Dendy and Phlos to just ram into the back of each other please?

Quote from ajp71 :Phlos you seem to have your own rule book, I remember you explaining before in one FOX server how weaving is a legitimate tactic.

Sometimes I do weaving but IMO it is totally unfair for other, I know it and I don't like when someone does that
So I can't believe I said it is legitimate... ?

But wrecking backmarkers that think they are alone on track is legitimate
#40 - Jakg
iirc wrecking is not allowed in ANY racing situation, so if i remove the situation...
Quote from Phlos :But wrecking backmarkers ... is legitimate

So tell me what to do ?
Wrecking is never legitimate. When someone crashes me, or I crash somebody else, then I actually feel immersed even more, don't know why, but it has to happen per accident.

About being lapped, I get lapped, what do I do? Nothing, I race without HUD, so I don't see the blue flag, if I see someone is catching up with me, and I know it's not the guy behind me, I'll check my HUD, and if there is a blue flag... I just keep racing, the leader has to pass me like he would pass anyone else. I might give him some extra room, but I'm not really going to leave my racing line. Why would I let him pass anyways, I want to drive a full race too, and if he came that far, it'll probably won't be a problem to pass me like he should, without hitting me.
Wrecking is not legitimate on the banger server either!
The worst thing is when the backmarkers try to "race" with you. Happened once (though months ago) to me at as nat/gtr server. I was leading the race (some poor souls there at the time ) and I see this car in front of me laps down. It's obvious that he is not letting me pass easily, so I chase him to see if he makes error, so I could pass safely. Well, he does a lot of errors, but in dangerous places, so I'm still behind him.

After a lap I press the F6 (blue flag) once... no effect.

Finally I get a good exit at that last chicane and get on side with him. He falls on the back, so I see him on the rearview mirror. But when I start braking I see him coming closer - He is trying to ram me! I step off the brakes and turn into the corner slightly and hit hard on the brakes. He misses me, but stays on track. I got pass, but after the race he started to blame me for "trying to make him to drive into me". I asked about blue flags - he saw none

Btw., he was running 1:44s and I ws doing 1:43s at the time. So he thought that he would be fast enough to hold me back. Which he wasn't...

So the point is that the player who has got the blue flag may think that he is fast enough to hold you back. 99% this is not the case though.

But, anyway, sad and happy memories

(I'll look for the replay, just to see how much I lied above )
Quote from Phlos :So tell me what to do ?

Be patient! If you're quick enough to be lapping someone, surely you should be a good enough driver to get past safely (unless you're just a hotlapper who isn't used to racing with other cars on the track). If someone's blocking you or racing you or otherwise being a prat, PWNz them with skill and don't lower yourself to some idiot level by taking them out. If you can't get past them straight away just wait a few corners, concentrate on exit speed and blitz them down the next straight. Or dive right up their insides every opportunity you get - as long as you keep it clean they have noone to blame but themselves if there's contact. There's nothing more satisfying than streaking off into the distance with a quick tap on the "SMELL THE GLOVE" chatbind, leaving some idiot as a speck in your mirror You can then taunt him afterwards to your heart's content: "hey nice work Super Aguri", "go join iDi foo" etc Sometimes after I've passed a blocker (not a legit backmarker) I let them catch up again, give them a sniff and then sod off into the sunset again

I've accidentally hit blockers/idiots before and ended their races. I won't lie and say I didn't enjoy seeing them removed from the race, but ramming people on purpose is just lame (although a wee tap on a safe part of a track isn't out of the question). Don't try and justify intentional wrecking though, you won't get much sympathy on this forum
Quote from Phlos :But wrecking backmarkers that think they are alone on track is legitimate

I just love wrecking "FOX kings" who think they own the whole f***in track geeez..

edit: eh read what Hankstar said ^^
Quote :I think that a real gentle little tap in the bum is ok. I think that for those who don't take notice of the flags.

Depends entirely on the formula you are racing in. Tap me in a Fox and i'll be so angry with you that i'll pit for 15 seconds to fix the damage!
there is no damage from a tap in the FOX

and im sorry but most of you are total idiots, why dont u read whats being said? My statement was, if a backmarker is blocking and weaving ill push them wide (fire) not i fire every backmarker i come up to.
Yeah same as ayrton senna 87
Obviously we don't wreck all backmarkers, only few, mostly (for me) noobs that block road/weave/fight or noobs that think they are alone on track (so they wonder why I wrecked them...then I explain, so they learn ...well only when they ask because most of them don't even know the key to chat )
Phlos, you should try to take a more frendier attitude out there!

Tell me what do you think, what does a newcomer, who plays his/her first races, thinks when he is panicing under blue flags, hears a furious horn tooting, and is been purposely wrecked by the fastest driver of the race?

I bet they won't get good first impressions of the game.

Lapping backmarkers
(90 posts, started )