The online racing simulator
2012 Kyoto 500: Practice Session 12
The 12th Session for the 2012 Kyoto 500 will be a race session.

Qualifying will start at 17:30 UTC. 40 minutes will be allotted for qualifying. If you are in the server by 18:10 UTC, you will be afforded an opportunity to qualify.

The race will start no earlier than 18:20 UTC.

The race will be 98+2 laps.

One compulsory pitstop must be made; under either green or yellow; NO SERVICE REQUIRED.

Weather will be cloudy morning (weather=3), wind will be low.
glad I decided to park it. this session is LOOOOOOOOL
I owe an apology to mikko. It just really frustrating in this race and easy to get mad at people especially when you are one of the fastest cars in draft and you get crashed uninentionally when someone mis judges you.