The online racing simulator
6800 gs not performing?
(25 posts, started )
6800 gs not performing?
Alright, I own the XpertVision 6800gs (512) meg and im having some lower then expected framerates.

Im averaging 45 fps with 1024x768 32 with everything else on. Other people, I know, who have cards with LOWER clock speeds (9800, 6600, 6800gt) are all getting massive amounts of fps higher then mine (90, 120).

I recently had a low frame rate problem with Farcry, but fixed it with the patch. Any patches/things i can do to fix my problem?

Amd Athlon 3000+, 1 gig ram, 500watt psu. New drivers/old drivers tried.

Thanks for the help.
#2 - Jakg
is AA and AF on? a 3000+ may be your problem!
Quote from Jakg :is AA and AF on? a 3000+ may be your problem!

I doubt it that much!!, Im only running a 64, 3200+ skt 939 which is not that much of an improvement (2.2GHz) along side a 6600GT and a gig of ram and im getting 90+ FPS with everything on high along side AA and AF turned on

When i used to play CS, i updated my graphics driver to the latest version which sent my fps from a average of 116 down to 40 illepall

Have you updated your drivers recently?

Just a thought as ive had the same problems in the past
Quote from Jakg :is AA and AF on? a 3000+ may be your problem!

Are you joking? Whats up with people that they everytimes see problem in CPU if it is not Athlon 4800+. Wake up, Ath 3000+ is perfect for LFS as so for Far Cry.

@Sneedz, I used to have the same problem with FarCry and LFS. BTW, LFS is not dependant on GFX power so dont expect much better framerates than guys with GF6600 or R9800. In LFS has the main role CPU power. And your Athlon 3000+ is enough.

When I had problem similar to you, it was related to sound card. Crappy sound driver slowed down system A LOT! What sound card do you have? If it is integrated, uninstall drivers and disable it in BIOS. Then check what FPS do you have(dot forget to run FarCry auto-configuration before testing FC).
#5 - Jakg
Quote from MadCatX :Are you joking? Whats up with people that they everytimes see problem in CPU if it is not Athlon 4800+. Wake up, Ath 3000+ is perfect for LFS as so for Far Cry.

yes, but these other people he is talking about might have different CPU's, the 6800 is AGP remember, when i had an OC'ed 9600XT the CPU was at 90%, and that was a 2800! so im thinking that if i went for a 9800 the CPU would become a problem, and if its only a 3000 then i think its the problem

I never said it wasnt any good, i just said that it might be the limiting factor!
Just check FPS that he memtioned for comparsion - the are about 100 and that according to some 3200 PR rating equivalent CPU. AGP card is not a limit until you have to process a lot of textures - no problem here.
And about that 90% CPU loadement, I assume you measuber it by taskmanager, which is the worst way how to do it. For ex, when Im LFSing, it shows about 45% CPU load.
CPU cannot "brake" graphic card performance nowadays because of VertexShading. It can slowdowd OVERALL performance, and that is a difference.
TBH I dont understand what did you want to say in your last post.....
I previously Owned a x1600pro, it gave me 119 fps, now i get this "better" card and it cant keep up for crap. Honestly, its ****, I can see textures load in frount of me.

Even if I Disable the sound card, will Fps change the amount of graphics rendered at one time?

I cant find ANY in depth reviews of this card, so i dont know its bandwhith and stuff.

My friends all have 3000+, 3200+, even an 2500+ eats mine.

I have ran driver cleaner pro, and reinstalled drivers.

Older drivers give me less performance (aquamark im sitting on 54k).

I have NO idea what to do...i am monitoring temps, it stays around 42 which is normal.

No instructions came with the stupid thing, the power connecter has 2 male molex connectors, so im not sure if they are both ment to be plugged in or not..if someone can help me that would be great.

Thanks guys.
The card Crashed, yes..thats right, crashed when running EVERYTHING off, im talking 640xwhatever 16bit bs. I didnt even break 100fps. (78 max)

that is NO gpu load..seriously, my mx4000 got better then that.

I dont know..i really dont.
#9 - Jakg
Quote from MadCatX :Just check FPS that he memtioned for comparsion - the are about 100 and that according to some 3200 PR rating equivalent CPU. AGP card is not a limit until you have to process a lot of textures - no problem here.
And about that 90% CPU loadement, I assume you measuber it by taskmanager, which is the worst way how to do it. For ex, when Im LFSing, it shows about 45% CPU load.
CPU cannot "brake" graphic card performance nowadays because of VertexShading. It can slowdowd OVERALL performance, and that is a difference.
TBH I dont understand what did you want to say in your last post.....

i said AGP because afaik the lowest quality cards become GS's, and i didnt mean that the AGP interface was slwoing it down! I just thought from my experience with my previous pc that it could be a problem!
@Jakg ... ok,ok. dont kill me for everything I say. But GS card arent crap, AFAIK 6800GS uses the same GPU as 6800GT but it has AGP interface.

@Sneddz - BOTH molex connectors MUST be connected otherwise the card is not powered enough. It is also recommended to plug the first molex on 12V1 power distribution and second on 12V2.
(your PSU should have 2 12V PD, if it is ATX12V 2.0 compatible)

Disabling sound card cannot speedup rednering(it can, but very, very slightly), but if there is some driver problem, it can cut it out.

EDIT - If you had MX4000 before, make sure that you have HVS Support enabled in LFS
#11 - p1u
I have something like 20-50 fps when there is 20++ cars starting the race.

Around 50-90 fps in mid race :P (that means only 5-10 cars near me)
thanks for the replies guys,

I think I have found the problem. The Graphics card's additional power has got 2 males on it, one of them is plugged in, the other feeding fans and hard drives. So, it seems, it might not be getting enough power.

However, i think ill tell you what my psu has to run, so you can get a good idea if its enough power or not.

Motherboard, Cpu.

1 dvd drive
1 cd drive
1 sata 80gig (sata power connector)
2 ide (20gig and 12gig (boot))
2 80mm Led fans
1 Pci slot blower (exaust fan)
1 smaller fan for exaust.

I have more fans, but they are connected to the motherboard power.

Is 500 watt too small for this application?

thanks for your replies.
500W PSU power is above the requirements of your PC. So feel free and plug both molexes as I said in my post above and I am sure that you GPU power requiremets would be satisfied and as so as you
#14 - Jakg
Quote from Sneddz :thanks for the replies guys,

I think I have found the problem. The Graphics card's additional power has got 2 males on it, one of them is plugged in, the other feeding fans and hard drives. So, it seems, it might not be getting enough power.

However, i think ill tell you what my psu has to run, so you can get a good idea if its enough power or not.

Motherboard, Cpu.

1 dvd drive
1 cd drive
1 sata 80gig (sata power connector)
2 ide (20gig and 12gig (boot))
2 80mm Led fans
1 Pci slot blower (exaust fan)
1 smaller fan for exaust.

I have more fans, but they are connected to the motherboard power.

Is 500 watt too small for this application?

thanks for your replies.

should be enough, but the voltage is more important
Quote from Jakg :should be enough, but the voltage is more important

Uhm.. voltage? PSU power has nothing to do with voltage. Voltages are constant. +3.3V for CPU powering(reduced by MoBo on more common approx. 1.5V)and MoBo, +5V for MoBo, add-on card(as his GFX)low-noise fans, +12V for HD, CD-ROM, high-diameter fans. There used to be some more as -5V, but they arent that important

PSU wattage says how much energy can PSUs internal transformator convert from 220(110)V to voltages used in PC. Higher values means higher limit of power supply.

(Im sorry that Im still attacking you, but this is definitely wrong :schwitz
Sorry to get on my high horse about this but it is NOT the amount of watts that is important when looking at power supplies although it plays a part). Whats important is the amount of amps it can provide. Anybody who has been troubleshooting AMD's will know this.
Well, OK, but isnt number of amps related to PSU wattage? AFAIK there was some revision of how much amps can PSU provide in ATX12V 2.0 specification..... but not sure about that.
#18 - Jakg
I don't mind you attacking me, I don't know too much! what I meant was is the 5v rail making 5v? or is it 4 or 4.5? or 10 as I have seen in one pc (well was 10 till it blew up!)
#19 - SamH
Well, I asked around my PC-knowledgeable friends, and the response was basically that the XpertVision is a budget card with a not-hot reputation. I don't know if it's the case in this instance, but it does seem to fit with the experiences of my friends, one of which is trying to offload his XpertVision card at the moment.

Not all graphics cards are equal, we've always known that, but apparently in the XpertVision range, they're all equally crap. Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings, but it sounds like there's a shortfall in the card. I don't know if the problem is that it's not cooled/heatsinked adequately, or if it's some other aspect of the card that's not been effectively optimized for performance.

As a general rule of thumb, manufacturers such as the XFX, Gainward, Leadtek and so on, tend to put much more effort into getting high performance out of the cards they put out for consumers, where other manufacturers (PNY etc) sadly often just put out cards with chipsets on them, with little or no effort or emphasis placed on making it a GOOD card.
Quote from Jakg :I don't mind you attacking me, I don't know too much! what I meant was is the 5v rail making 5v? or is it 4 or 4.5? or 10 as I have seen in one pc (well was 10 till it blew up!)

You are right that undervolt on some rail is not good, but this is most likely issue of old and "tired" PSUs and his 500W looks like a brand new.
Just BTW, some MoBos are measuring volatges with VERY BIG tolerance and you cant rely on it.
Sneddz , u should download Speedfan and monitor your 12V line..12 or higher is healthy, ~11.70 is risky and anything lower could well cause serious problems ala slow performance,write failures,bluescreens,random reboots,etc
If u see your voltlines drop under load (like playing LFS) try and unplug anything non-critical ; so any backupharddrives, all your CD-rom drives and all extra fans; Then feed your GPU with 2 clean unused molexes and see if that solves it. (if u are really desperate go down to 1RAM dimm since they use power too)
It could well be that your 6800 isnt getting the ampèrage it needs and thus is crapping out on u.

[rant]I am sorry MadCat but u are seriously wrong there.
If theres 2things that are really important, it are stable Volt-lines(mainly 12v these days as the GPU's all use them for extra juice) and sufficient Ampèrage

Wattage is 90% MARKETING, as there are quality 350watt PSU's that can run more powerfull systems then some 500watt PSU's. This is all down to stable volt-lines and the ampères they can deliver.

If u have a 500Watt PSU that can only deliver 20A on its 12v line, guess what happens when your GPU draws 25 or 30ampères (especially with AGP since it delivers less current through the mainboard compared to PCI-E).
Your voltlines drop and u get slow performance, crashes and general instability
While the 350Watt PSU might be able to sustain 25A and u wouldnt have any problems whatsoever.
U will even see Modern quality PSU's come with up to 4 seperate 12V-lines to cater for the people who run 2x7900GTX and whatnot, all because a single 12V cant possibly supply that many Ampères

edit: i think u are talking about the 20pin-connectors which they changed into 24pins with ATX2.0 ,but this extra power is mainly meant for the extra power the motherboard itself needs these days (for feeding the RAM,chipset,ubs-busses,fans, pci-slots,NIC,...)
Again with a good 350Watt 20pin PSU u could run most if not all ATX2 boards, by simply leaving the 4extra pins free on the side
I agree with SamH about XpertVision reputation. Seddz, If you arent able to get the card working properly, just return it to your vendor and get some Asus, MSI, Leadtek or Inno3D instead of it. These manufacturers have generally good reputation and you shouldnt get a crap from them

@Noccy: Thanx for updating my knowledge. Im about to get a new PSU, so now I know what mistake I mustnt make....
Quote from SamH :snip

I don't find my PNY (Geforce 6600GT) card to be slow at all, I have a Weak PC (Sempron 2600+) and seeing that LFS is so high on CPU usage, my FPS is more related to that. I get solid 75 FPS, the odd dip in the back of a 20 car server, or with BF1's (FPS killers they are). I do also run with full AA and AF too.
Hey guys!

To fix the low fps, I installed the game again. This fixed the problem. Im also using older drivers. Im also using no additional fans...

I had never tried all at once.

Unfortunatly, the aquamark score wasnt any higher...but im thinking thats because the driver setting was set to quality, not higher perfoamance.

All the best guys.


*edit* I should also note I picked up 4 K (in aqua mark not 3dmark LOL) under a freash install of 84.1 drivers IN a new format of win xp. do you think it is worth it if i go use the other install of xp, keeping in mind i have a bit to do (its sp1).

Thanks again, you guys have been more responsive then the Nvidia forums..which is a ****n laugh eh?
#25 - SamH
Quote from dawesdust_12 :I don't find my PNY (Geforce 6600GT) card to be slow at all, I have a Weak PC (Sempron 2600+) and seeing that LFS is so high on CPU usage, my FPS is more related to that. I get solid 75 FPS, the odd dip in the back of a 20 car server, or with BF1's (FPS killers they are). I do also run with full AA and AF too.

Just out of curiosity, what do you get in wheel view with a clear track ahead?

6800 gs not performing?
(25 posts, started )